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Online:Pledge: Direfrost Keep

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Oath2order, not checked

Walkthrough: written by Oath2order, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, checked by Oath2order
ON-qico-Group Dungeon.png Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Direfrost Keep.
Zone: Eastmarch
Faction: Undaunted
Quest Giver: Glirion the Redbeard at the Undaunted Enclave Elden RootWayrestMournhold
Location(s): Direfrost Keep
Prerequisite Quest: Taking the Undaunted Pledge
Reward: Undaunted Key (2 if Veteran Hard Mode is completed)
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience XP
ID: 5291
Required Level: 45
RepeatableRepeatable: Daily
Dungeon Group Size: 4 (Recommended)
Direfrost Keep
Glirion the Redbeard of the Undaunted has challenged me to explore the frosty ruin of Direfrost Keep, which lies flush against the mountains of Eastmarch.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Enter Direfrost Keep.
    • Optional: Enter Dungeon in Veteran Mode.
  2. Kill the Guardian of the Flame.
  3. Kill Iceheart, the Empowered Frost Atronach.
  4. Kill Drodda of Icereach.
    VeteranYou can only complete the Death Challenge in Veteran Mode.
    • Defeat Drodda of Icereach after invoking the Scroll of Glorious Battle
  5. Return to Glirion the Redbeard at any Undaunted Enclave.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Speak to Glirion the Redbeard to get the details of this quest.

What's the pledge today?
"Direfrost Keep. The cycle of vengeance between witch and witch hunter plays out once again. This time on a stage of ice. Will you stand frozen as the scene plays out, or seek center stage for yourself?"
And if I want all the fame?
"Then invoke the Scroll of Glorious Battle and challenge the witch Drodda in the seat of her power. Remain Undaunted or know the shame of having your folly preserved in ice."
I pledge to explore Direfrost Keep and return Undaunted.

Once you have accepted the quest, you can enter the Direfrost Keep dungeon either by accessing the dungeon through the Dungeon Finder, or heading to Eastmarch and entering the dungeon there with a group. You have the choice of entering the normal dungeon or the veteran version, this choice will affect if you can achieve the optional step and your rewards.

When inside the dungeon, you will need to progress through the dungeon, slaying the following bosses, the Guardian of the Flame, Iceheart and Drodda of Icereach. With the last boss, if you are in the veteran dungeon, you have the option of using the Scroll of Glorious Battle to put the boss in hard mode.

Once you have completed the task, you can return to Glirion the Redbeard at any of the Undaunted Enclaves, and speak with him to complete the quest:

"I expected your frozen corpse would decorate Direfrost's halls. It is good to be wrong now and again."
I have freed Direfrost Keep from the ice witch.
"Instead of singing a dirge about your death, I will direct our bards to sing of your victory. The new epic will move you to tears."
Right. May I have my reward? / What have I earned for slaying the ice witch?
Condition Dialogue
Normal mode completed "Your wit and wisdom deserve nothing less. Take your key, and your cut. Rest well this evening. And return tomorrow. Pit your wits against death once again."
Veteran mode completed "There is no more unrelenting foe than your environment. It cannot be bested, only withstood. Today you made an enemy of the elements and return Undaunted.
Take your reward. Let the warmth return to your body before another day cools it forever more."
Veteran Hard Mode completed "You are not one to let adversity chill the passion in your blood. The ice witch was no match.
Take your key and your cut. Tomorrow I will stoke the fire in your veins once again."

Quest Stages[edit]

Pledge: Direfrost Keep
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
To be truly Undaunted, I must enter the Keep and destroy Iceheart, the Guardian of the Flame, and Drodda of Icereach.
Objective: Kill the Guardian
Objective: Kill Iceheart
Objective: Kill Drodda
Hidden Objective: Enter Direfrost Keep in Veteran Mode
Glirion presented me with another challenge: invoke the Scroll of Glorious Battle and slay Drodda of Icereach in her empowered state.(Appears if the Veteran dungeon is entered.)
Objective : Read the Scroll of Glorious Battle Then Kill Drodda of Icereach
I've cleared Direfrost Keep. I should find Glirion the Redbeard in my alliance's capital city.
Objective: Return to Glirion the Redbeard
Finishes quest☑ Glirion the Redbeard is waiting to speak to me once again in my alliance capital.
Objective: Talk to Glirion the Redbeard
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.