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Home City Woodhearth
Location Thalmor Headquarters
Seaside Sanctuary
Race High Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Thalmor

Oromin is a High Elf member of the Thalmor found in their headquarters in the city of Woodhearth. He is in charge of their operations in the city.

During the quest Striking at the Heart, he can also be found outside Hectahame.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Veil of Illusion[edit]

Before you start the quest, he will say:

"I am Oromin, head of Thalmor affairs here in the fair city of Woodhearth.
You may speak if you have business with me, otherwise I would ask that you leave me to my work. Fariel may be more suited to help you."

Before the investigation, he says:

"The treethane may be correct in her suspicion that there is a spy in our midst, but I can assure you with all that he or she is not from within the ranks of the Thalmor."

After you discover that Asteril is in league with the Veiled Heritance and tried to kill the Queen, he'll be in denial:

"This is preposterous! Asteril has risked her life for the Dominion more times than I can count. She is one of my best officers.
I refuse to believe this irresponsible slander until I have spoken with her myself."

Double Jeopardy[edit]

You will ask him to join you and Razum-dar to confront Asteril:

Razum-dar and I both saw her in the Imperial tunnels.
"You must understand—one doesn't become a Thalmor agent until their loyalty is proven beyond question.
If Asteril confesses or if we find substantial proof, I will admit I was wrong. Until then, I remain extremely skeptical."
Will you join us in confronting her?
"This is Thalmor business, and I am going to the Thalmor residence to confront Asteril myself.
You are welcome to accompany me, if you choose."

Enter the Thalmor Residence and you'll see Oromin over the lifeless body of Asteril:

"I knew it! There's no way she could have been the assassin. See for yourself!"

Examine the body then he'll add:

"You see? It's clear that Asteril has been dead for some time, so she cannot have been the one you saw in the Imperial tunnels!
I told you—say what you will about the Thalmor—but we do not have traitors in our midst."
You don't seem too bothered by her death.
"Her death troubles me greatly, but the integrity of the Thalmor is of greater concern, and I am pleased to be proven right in that respect.
With that concern behind us, we can finally start searching for the true source of this treachery."
Who do you think killed her?
"Undoubtedly it was the same person that assumed her likeness and attempted to assassinate the queen … er, Razum-dar.
Speaking of the cat, it seems he may have found something."

Speaking to him again:

"Go. Go and find whoever did this to her. They must pay."

A Storm Upon the Shore[edit]

He will be outside Serpent's Grotto, on the cliffs overlooking Seaside Sanctuary. He will vow vengeance on Pelidil:

"Pelidil will play for what they did to Asteril. They will all pay."

Pelidil's End[edit]

He can later be found outside the Abandoned Temple at Seaside Sanctuary after the Sea Vipers are driven off.

"Truly it is a beautiful place now that the stains are washing away and the rightful owners have reclaimed this place. Oh, I wish Asteril could see it. Perhaps she is looking down on me now."

Striking at the Heart[edit]

Oromin will be among the gathered party outside Hectahame.

"There's no end to the depravity of the Veiled Heritance."

Later after you defeated Naemon, he'll be at the bridge of Hectahame and remark:

"To be trapped outside these walls while the Veiled Heritance destroys more lives."

Once Queen Ayrenn announces Indaenir as the new Silvenar, he will bow to Indaenir and he will add:

"I feel for Queen Ayrenn's loss. She won't show it, but to lose a family member … twice. I can't imagine if I had to lose my beloved a second time."

After completing the quest, he'll say:

"Sounds like the Dominion leaders will be moving to Malabal Tor. I'll remain to ensure the Heritance regrets setting foot on Greenshade."