Online:Ogmann Soft-Loam

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Ogmann Soft-Loam
Home Settlement Lost Knife Cave
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Ogmann Soft-Loam

Ogmann Soft-Loam is a Nord miner working at the Lost Knife Mine.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Labor Dispute[edit]

Before completing Labor Dispute, he will mention having to distract himself from the Stormfists:

"I need to keep busy or I'll worry so. I don't like these Stormfist thugs. Don't like them a bit."

During the quest, he will reveal his wife is taken hostage:

"My wife Asgi is in the mine. I wish I could go help her."

Mystery Metal[edit]

After you recover the ore sample and the research notes, he will be inside the mine working:

"I'm so happy Asgi made it through this ordeal safely."