
Online:Nighthollow Shade

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Nighthollow Shade
Location Nighthollow Keep
Race (?) Gender Varies
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Nighthollow Clan
Condition Shadow
Nighthollow Shade

Nighthollow Shades are the projections of long-gone members of the Nighthollow Clan. They are haunting Nighthollow Keep, and appear as you traverse the halls.


As you progress through the keep, Nighthollow Shades will appear, seemingly reliving a moment from the past.

Nighthollow Shade: "No … Dark Heart, please! I … thirst …!"
Nighthollow Shade: "We're dying? How is that possible? We're the Nighthollow!"
Nighthollow Shade: "The hunger drives me mad! I need the Dark Heart. Please!"
Nighthollow Shade: "Belain and her nobles, they keep the Dark Heart all for themselves."
Nighthollow Shade: "Lady Belain refuses to let us drink. Can't she see we're dying?"