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Online:Llaro's Headache

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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: written by Talyyn, Majestriks, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Majestriks, not checked

Help Retainer Balver brew a tincture for his superior Llaro Ralas.
Zone: Telvanni Peninsula
Quest Giver: Retainer Balver
Location(s): Telvanni Peninsula
Reward: Seeker's Almalexia Deck Fragment
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
Help Retainer Balver brew a tincture for Llaro Ralas.
Balver Bemis, a retainer of House Telvanni, asked me to collect some gristly ingredients from across the Telvanni Peninsula to help him brew a tincture for his superior, Llaro Ralas.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Retainer Balver.
  2. Collect ingredients.
  3. Meet with Balver.
  4. Deliver Tincture to Llaro Ralas.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Retainer Balver can first be encountered along the roads of the peninsula, where he will call out to you:

Retainer Balver: "You there! You look like a capable forager! I need some help. Can we talk?"

Speak with him to see what he wants:

"Thank the ancestors you stopped!
Right. Well. I'm in a bit of a predicament here. I need to collect ingredients for a medicinal tincture, and I simply don't have time. I need someone to help."
A medicinal tincture?
"Ah yes! I am Balver Bemis, retainer to Oathman Llaro Ralas of House Telvanni.
Llaro suffers from beastly headaches, and I'm making a tincture to address his malady. I need some hard-to-attain ingredients. If you aid me, I'll pay you well."
What are these ingredients?
"I need the musk gland of a bull netch—I spotted some netch remains around Kemel-Ze. Also, a plant called the volcanic stinkhorn, from near Sailenmora. And lastly, fungal blooms from a dead shroom beetle. The best ones skitter around Tel Dreloth."
All right I'll get those ingredients.
Location of Musk Gland

After you agree to collect the reagents, you can ask Balver some more questions about the ingredients you need to gather and his superior Oathman Llaro.

include details about locations of the ingredients

Once you have collected the three ingredients, you can head to Ald Isra where Balver will be waiting for you at the outdoor alchemical lab.

Retainer Balver: "Ah, welcome! You returned at just the right moment. I assume you brought the ingredients?"

Speak with Retainer Balver to hand over the ingredients and he will then brew the tincture. He then insists you to bring it directly to Llaro, citing sinus issues. At this point, if you are skilled at Alchemy you have option of pointing out toxicity of the ingredients you acquired. If you do this, you press Balver until he confesses his plan to poison Oathman Llaro.

If you don't have sufficient alchemical skill or just did not press the issue, you will have option of speaking with Edril Athren, who hints she has information about Balver. You can either pay or intimidate her, and she will tell you about Balver's Journal which can be found in the basement of the Retainer's Billet. After reading the journal you can then confront him. With both routes, he will plead that you don't warn Oathman Llaro about the tincture.

With Balver's Tincture in hand, you can then head across Ald Isra where you will find Oathman Llaro with Spellwright Varsva. Speaking with him, you will have the option of warning him it is poison or leaving it be.

Warning Oathman Llaro:
Staying Quiet:

In the case that you warn Oathman Llaro beforehand, he will have Spellwright Varsva summon Retainer Balver before them:

Oathman Llaro: "Hah! Well, Spellwright. If you will, do the honors and bring the accused poisoner to us!"
Spellwright Varsva: "I take no orders from you, Oathman. But my duty to House Telvanni demands I summon the offender to us."
<Spellwright Varsva casts a spell and in a flash of red light, Retainer Balver is suspended in the air with chains.>
Retainer Balver: "What? How? No. This is some sort of mistake!"
Oathman Llaro: "Not even the courage to deliver the poison yourself! Balver Bemis, you are a cretin to the last breath!"

You can then talk with Oathman Llaro to complete the quest:

Oathman Llaro: "I suppose some gesture of appreciation is in order. Here, have some coin. I hope that will cover the costs of dealing with this fool, even if you did help him in his scheme."
Glad I could help
Oathman Llaro: "Right. Just another day of service to House Telvanni. These attempts aren't uncommon, so I must always be on my guard. I just need to make an example of those who try to kill me. And fail."

After speaking to Llaro, Varsva tells the oathman to not waste any time punishing Balver:

Spellwright Varsva: "Cease this needless posturing, Llaro. Deal with this and be done with it."
Oathman Llaro: "Right, right, I'll deal with it Spellwright. But allow me some time to savor the moment."

If you don't say anything about the tincture and hand it over, the following happens:

<Oathman Llaro snatches the tincture from you and guzzles it down, immediately after he falls down dead. Spellwright Varsva kneels beside the body.>
Spellwright Varsva: "Careless fool. Didn't even take a whiff before guzzling down a vial from a stranger. Well, I suppose his seat is empty now. I wonder who will claim it?"
<Retainer Balver approaches quickly.>
Retainer Balver: "It worked? It worked! Is he …? Oh, he is quite dead. Good! Ah ha! I did it! Ahem. I mean we did it! Thank you so much!"

Talk to Balver to complete the quest:

"It feels as though a great weight has been lifted from my chest."
Looks like your poison worked.
"I can't thank you enough for playing your part. You did wonderfully and I am freed from my terrible predicament now!
I don't know how to repay you. Or wait, I do. Here's the coin I promised."

With the quest completed, Spellwright Varsva will speak to Balver:

Spellwright Varsva: "Well, we need a replacement. By the power granted me by House Telvanni, I bestow upon you, Balver Bemis, the rank of Oathman. Now begone, before someone poisons you."
Retainer Balver: "Oathman! Well, if you say so, Spellwright! I promise to bring pride and glory to House Telvanni!"

Quest Stages[edit]

Llaro's Headache
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Balver says that I will find the bull netch musk gland near Kemel-Ze, fungal blooms from a shroom beetle around Tel Dreloth, and a plant called the volcanic stinkhorn east of Sailenmora.
Objective: Gather Musk Gland
Objective: Gather Fungal Blooms
Objective: Gather Volcanic Stinkhorn
I gathered the ingredients. I should deliver them to Retainer Balver in Ald Isra.
Objective: Talk to Balver
Balver asked me to deliver the tincture personally to Oathman Llaro.
Objective: Give Llaro the Tincture
Optional Step: Talk to Edril Athren
Optional Step: Read Retainer Balver's Journal
Optional Step: Confront Retainer Balver
Optional Step: Warn Oathman Llaro of the Poison
Finishes quest☑ (If you choose to warn Llaro) The tincture was poison, of course. I warned Oathman Llaro not to drink it. He said he would deal with Retainer Balver appropriately.
Objective: Talk to Oathman Llaro
Finishes quest☑ (If you choose to give Llaro the poison) Even though I knew the tincture was in fact a poison, I gave it to Oathman Llaro, killing him the moment he drank it.
Objective: Talk to Retainer Balver
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.