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Location Belarata
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Weaponsmith

Jurak-dar is a Khajiit weaponsmith who can be found outside Belarata surrounded by unhappy customers. He reveals to you that there are Ayleid treasures sealed away in the ruin, and in exchange for you convincing his customers to leave, he will show you the way in. There's one problem, though: an Ayleid ghost is still inside, and believes that Jurak-dar is her long-lost love, so he wants her spirit put to rest.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Buyer Beware[edit]

If you haven't started the quest, he will give directions to Tsamabi when you approach him:

"Yes! Yes! In a moment… No, put it back."

Speaking to him if you start the quest from him, he will say either the following:

"No, no refunds. Jurak-dar makes that quite clear before taking payment."
"Yes? How can this one help you?"
"Jurak-dar does not know why he bothers sometimes. Relics are old! I do not guarantee their potency!"
What's going on here?
"Headaches! Enough for three!
These people, they think everything is magic. They say to me, "Jurak-dar, this ancient spoon is just a spoon." Of course it is a spoon! Ayleids ate too, yes?"
Do you need some help?
"Tell these people I made no false promises! What I sold came from Belarata, yes, but not everything brims with magicka.
Tell them, and I will share the way—the secret way—into Belarata! You will tell them, yes?"
Let me see what I can do.

In the background, an angry mob threatening Jurak-dar. Several will be shouting threats. While you're trying to get the crowd to leave, Jurak-dar himself will respond with:

Jurak-dar: "Yes yes, we are all offended!"
Jurak-dar: "Jurak-dar has dealt with you fairly! Now go, please!"
Jurak-dar: "I will not repurchase the relics! I told each of you before the sale!"
Jurak-dar: "Please, please! Leave me. Come back later, yes? Later! Not now!"
Jurak-dar: "A hundred mewling kittens make less noise than you!"

If you started the quest from Bataba or Raelys, speak to him:

What's your secret?
"Secret? Jurak-dar is a trader, nothing more. I sell things, you buy them! This is the way of things.
At least it should be. Some people think differently."
Where do your goods come from?
"They say no one gets into Belarata, but Jurak-dar is better than anyone!
Why have a door that leads nowhere, yes? Want to keep someone out? Build a wall, not a door!"
Can you show me the door?
"Ha! Even if I wanted to show you, I could not. These people, they harass me day and night! There is no end to their whining.
Get them to leave me alone! Then, maybe, I might show you."
We have a deal.

Asking him a couple of questions:

"Good luck. You will need it! The Mane himself could not get them to leave.
Not the Mane. Not his armies. These ones do not understand or live the Riddle'Thar."
Who is the Mane?
"The Mane is, and has always been, our spiritual leader.
Khajiit may travel far and live in distant places, but deep within, we are guided by the Mane, and Riddle'Thar."
"Riddle'Thar sets us on our path, long before we know our milk-name, or take our first breath. The First Mane revealed the existence of Riddle'Thar to us, and we hold its revelations close to our hearts."

Speaking to him while you're getting his customers to leave:

"See how hopeless it is?"
"You see they are insufferable, yes?"
"Why won't they just go away?"

Resolve everyone's grievances (one way or another) and return to Jurak-dar:

"They're gone! What powers you must wield!"
Now you can show me the entrance.
"Good, good! Time to pack! On my way, yes?
What? You expect me to show you now?"
We made a deal.
"Not exactly. Jurak-dar did say 'maybe,' yes? No?
Such misunderstanding over a little knick-knack. Just a rock! How could I know what it did? Most of what she gave me was harmless!"
[Persuade] I can't help you if you don't tell me everything.
"In the ruins. Belarata. There is a ghost, yes? She thinks … aheh. She thinks I am her lover! So she gives me things. Clothing, trinkets, things that belonged to him.
Most are harmless! Old, but dangerous? Never! Well, mostly."
Show me the way in.
"Fine, fine. Jurak-dar will show you. Come, follow me."
Mostly? What do you mean?
"Never drink from an unmarked bottle that's been locked away since the First Era with a Daedric guardian stewing in the contents.
'But I'm Rigurt the Brash,' he said, 'and all my drinkings are mighty!' I tried to warn the man. I do hope his beard grew back."
Who gave you the rock?
"Would you believe … nobody?
No one with a body, anyway. And really, if you don't have a body, well, who is to say, yes?"
Tell me who.
"In the ruins. Belarata.…"<Continued from above>

Follow Jurak-dar to the brazier outside the entrance to the ruins. He produces a sword and kneels in front of the brazier.

Jurak-dar: "I found this in Skyrim, at the bottom of a lake."
Jurak-dar: "A sword with a poem etched into it. Also, the name "Belarata.""
Jurak-dar: "It took so long before I found Belarata. Well! Let's begin."

Jurak-dar begins to recite the poem as a ray of golden light emanates from the brazier:

"Our fates through the years are tied. A lover's kiss? Not one denied.
Our hearts awoke from blissful sleep, where battles break and maidens weep.
Away to war, not long to part, with sword enchanted by his sweet heart.
A lover's bond forever more, to keep each lover's heart in store."
Jurak-dar: "Too sweet, even for me, but what can you do, yes?"
Jurak-dar: "Come, she waits."<Jurak-dar enters the ruin>

Once inside, he'll stop you:

Jurak-dar: "Hold a moment. We should speak."

Hearing him out:

"Before we go, there is something you should know."
Go on.
"Last time, Jurak-dar got out by the fur on his tail. The ghost wants her lover to stay forever.
But there is a barrier within. Beyond are the treasures of the Ayleids, locked up for centuries! Nothing like the trinkets I sold."
How would we get through this barrier?
"The poem on the sword opens the ruin, yes?
More scribbles are all around the ruins. Poetry! Spoken randomly they do nothing, but if we knew how they fit together …."
Why would that matter?
"We could open the ruin and share in the plunder! We'll enter separately as paupers, but leave together, rich as kings!
So, you will help me?"
Why should we enter separately?
"She may not let you in, and there is still the barrier!
No. We do not hide our sugar in one boot. We go in separately."
What about the Mages Guild? They want to examine the ruin.
"Once we remove the barrier, the researchers can examine the relics before I sell them. Jurak-dar promises, no tricks."
Explain why it's worth the risk.
"Aheh. I admit, I do not do this only for you!
Until now, I have only been able to, shall we say, receive gifts from her. If even a handful are like the lightning stone, well! It could be fairly lucrative, yes?"
All right, I'll do it.
"Good. Take the sword as a symbol of our pact. I, er, want it back later.
I will keep her busy. You figure out the poems. And when we get out, we will both be very rich, yes?"

Jurak-dar will then approach the spirit and start talking to her:

Jurak-dar: "I have returned, my love!"
Elanwe: "My love? I cannot … your sword! Where is …."
Jurak-dar: "You are tired! Let me come closer!"
Elanwe: "You are not Varondil! Get back!"
<Elanwe cripples the Khajiit with a spell.>
Jurak-dar: "Augh!"

If you pass the barrier without disabling it:

Jurak-dar: "My friend, no! What are you doing?"

If you give Elanwe's love, Varondil, his sword, the barrier will fall and you'll witness the two lovers depart. Jurak-dar will only groan:

Jurak-dar: "My head! I need a moment."

Speak to him and he'll say:

"Ugh. My head thanks you for your haste. Once the barrier fell, whatever she was doing stopped as well!"
I put the spirits to rest.
"Truly, I am glad. She was very lonely, and for so long.
But enough melancholy, yes? To our spoils!"

After the quest, he will run out of the ruins:

Jurak-dar: "Where's my catalog? I must document my finds!"
Jurak-dar runs to the entrance and back to his tent.

If you choose to dispatch Elanwe in combat, the barrier will fall and he will say:

"Ugh. Whatever she was doing felt like a giant hand crushing my skull! I could not have lasted much longer."
I put the spirit to rest.
"That was risky, yes? Let us hope nothing was broken.
Our rewards await!"

After completing the quest, he'll say:

"Ah, my friend! What can Jurak-dar do for you?"
"From the frozen wastes to the waist of the world, Jurak-dar has what you want!"
"What are you up to now? Trouble, yes?"

You can then ask him:

What will you do now?
"I have much to do here! Finding buyers, collecting gold! Aheh. This will be quite profitable, no small thanks to you!
Feel free to visit from time to time! Now that those noisy rats have left, we may conduct business, yes?"

Desecrated Ground[edit]

Jurak-dar in his priestly vestments

In southern Reaper's March behind the Moonmont temple, you'll find a familiar Khajiit Merchant:

"A moment of your time, kind walker."

Speaking to him:

"Hey, hello there friend! Can I beg your assistance today?"
What's wrong?
"As you can see, Jurak is a member of the Lunar clergy. Many of my friends, my brothers, died when these beasts appeared. I would have fled myself, but for the Ring of Rid-Thar-ri'Datta."
A ring is worth your life?
"To the brotherhood, the ring is valuable for spiritual reasons. But I fear some may see other kinds of value in our sacred relic. Please. Jurak is no warrior. Will you retrieve the ring from the Moonmont vault?"
All right, I'll get it for you.
"You are very brave. May the Moons brightly shine down on your soul, as your soul shines out … in the night."

If you helped him at Belarata:

Don't I know you from somewhere?
"No, no! Jurak just has one of those faces, you know? The Brights Moons orbit in mysterious ways."

Return with the ring and you'll interrupt an interesting discussion:

Jurak-dar: "Shove off, this is my spot!"
Fihada: "Who are you? Why are you dressed as a brother?"
Jurak-dar: "I'm running a game here, lady. Get gone before my partner comes back with my ring."
Fihada: "Your ring? Are you stealing Rid-Thar's ring? Thief! Thief!"
Jurak-dar: "Oh hush. And look, my partner's come back! Let's talk, partner! There's a lot of coin in it for you."

Speaking to him and deciding whether to give him the ring:

"Hello again, partner! Don't worry about what this little priest said. Hand over the goods."
Why should I? You're not a priest at all, are you?

If you already helped him in Belarata:

"You've found me out, my friend. Jurak is no priest. He was your guide and companion in the ruins of Belarata. But, truly, he had a very good reason for everything he did."

Otherwise, if you haven't met him before:

"You've found me out. Jurak is no priest. He stole this robe and wanted your help to steal the ring. But he had a very good reason for everything he did."
What's your reason?
"Because the ring is very valuable, of course. Jurak-dar has a very lucrative buyer lined up in the town of Pa'alat. Very respectable, and willing to pay top coin. You have retrieved the ring, so Jurak will cut you in!"
You make a compelling argument. Here's the ring.
Let me think about this.
<Ends the conversation>

If you decided to give him the ring:

"Ha! A partner after my own heart. Here's your cut. My client will be purring in delight!"

If you exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest to him, he will alternatively say:

"Ahh, good choice, partner. Your cunning has made us a lot of coin."
Sounds good. Now where's my coin? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

If you decided to give Fihada the ring but haven't turned in the quest, he will say:

"Bah, the dull claws on you. Do you have any idea how many coins you're leaving on the table?"

After the quest, if you gave him the ring:

Jurak-dar: "Hah, see that priestess? My partner is wise. Very wise!"
Fihada: "Both of you make the Moons weep. Dark Moon stalk your steps!"

If you gave Fihada the ring, she turns to Jurak:

Fihada: "You see, thief? There are still good and true people in this world."
Jurak-dar: "You're both idiots. At least I can sell this robe for a coin or two. Drinks for Jurak tonight!"

Either way, Jurak will turn and disappear in a puff of smoke.


  • During A Novel Idea, Farandor will mention that he's having trouble getting promised results from a parchment he's purchased. He said he "bought this parchment from a trader in Belarata."
  • One dialogue option with Jurak-dar mentions the Mages Guild wanting to excavate the ruins. However, the only involvement the Mages Guild has is with one of the possible quest givers, which you might not meet if you obtain the quest via someone else, making the dialogue option feel out of place in this context.


  • Jurak-dar has a different character model, with a different fur pattern as well, when met at Moonmont. ?