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(lore page)
Location Teeth of Sithis
Moongrave FaneScalebreaker
Species Ghost
Health 31,364
(?) (Moongrave Fane)Scalebreaker
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Shadow
A Hemonculous

Hemonculi are shadowy ghosts found within the Teeth of Sithis and appear to be either created or summoned by the strange rituals of the vampiric Sun-Eaters.

They also appear in Moongrave Fane, associated with the Sangiin cult of Khajiit vampires. Here, they are immune to damage until a Hemo Helot is blown up near them, which strips their damage immunity shield.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Double Strike
A basic physical attack, the Hemonculous strikes at the target with its claws, dealing low physical damage.
Formless Horror
The hemonculous sends out a cloud of vile magic, indicated by a traveling circular AoE, dealing moderate magical damage and fearing you. This ability can be interrupted to set the enemy off-balance.


  • Their name is a combination of the prefix hemo- (blood) and Homunculus.