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This character only appears during the Fallen Leaves of West Weald event.
Location Outside of Skingrad
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Gandrinar is a Wood Elf scholar of Ayleid history. He can be found outside of Skingrad, beside the Impersario's tent.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

As you approach him, you may hear him comment:

First time doing Quest:
Subsequent times doing Quest:
"Maybe I could write as I walk and search for the remnants? Oh, with my luck, I'd end up searching for my book too."
"Quickly, friend! I'm confident there's more Ayleid remnants to find!"

You can the speak with him to learn more information:

Started the first quest from Research Assistant Required!:
Subsequent times doing Quest:
"Oh, hello! Are you here about the flier? Allow me to—bah, I'm sorry. I'm getting ahead of myself without even giving you a chance to speak. It's a stressful period.
May I help you?"
I read your flier asking for a research assistant.
"Thank the Green. I might be able to show my face to my peers, after all.
The Dawnway's history stretches back to the Ayleids. I want to learn more about them. But to do that, we need Ayleid remnants to study."
What kind of remnants?
"Idols, inscriptions, whatever looks Ayleid. The cruel joke is that they're all over West Weald. That's where you come in. Find, bundle, and return five remnants to me. We'll finish this book, and you'll be paid. Handsomely!"
All right, I can help you.
"The rotmeth's on me once we're published.
Those remnants might have ended up in forgotten chests or monster remains. I wouldn't even be surprised if you had to resort to thievery. But imprisonment might only tighten our schedule, so be careful."
"I'm much too busy to talk right now—oh, bah. Forget it. It would write faster by itself at this point.
Apologies. Too much depends on this book's completion. My relationship with my publisher, my peers. Even the Dawnway."
What's the book about?
"The Ayleids and their connection to the Daedra. I believe there's more to it than the Dawnway teaches us. Part of my research involves studying Ayleid remnants, but they're scattered across West Weald and I'm scraping for time. Can you help?"
What kind of remnants?
"Idols, curios, whatever looks Ayleid. I'm not the most nimble of Wood Elves, but you could be fast enough to find and bundle the remnants for me to finish my book. Five are all I ask to start with. And I have a lot of gold to spare."
All right. I'll help you find the Ayleid remnants. Where do I start?
"The rotmeth's on me once we're published.
Those remnants might have ended up in forgotten chests or monster remains. I wouldn't even be surprised if you had to resort to thievery. But imprisonment might only tighten our schedule, so be careful."
"Oh, good to see you, friend! I mean it when I say I haven't put my quill down ever since you brought me that bundle of remnants! Speaking of, I think I might be ready for another one."
And you want them the same as last time?
"Sure as acorns fall. You bundle Ayleid remnants found across West Weald, and I write about them as fast as my hand allows it. At the pace we're going, I'm certain I'll be able to finish my book about the Ayleids and the Daedra in no time."
All right. I'll search for more Ayleid remnants for you to study.
"Rest assured you'll find yourself in my book's acknowledgments. Which reminds me, I need to get to writing! But do return tomorrow. I believe we've only just unearthed one of many secrets behind the Ayleids and the Daedra."

After you agree to help, you can ask Gandrinar about himself, his work and the Dawnway Movement:

Tell me about yourself.
"Me? Oh, I'm only a Wood Elf who preferred a quill to an arrow. I was never as nimble as most of the others. Certainly could never be a jaqspur. I think I nearly took out someone's eye once."
So you spent most of your time writing?
"Mostly strolling while others leapt branch to branch. But I believe that's where the seed was planted. I spent a lot of time observing the Green, pondering about it and the world outside. I wanted to know more."
So you did some traveling?
"I did. But something always felt missing. I had written untold stories about other cultures, and yet knew little about my own roots. I thought the Dawnway would give me answers. But I was only left with more questions."
I'd like to know a little more about your book.
"Of course. Some are aware of the loose connection between the Ayleids and the Daedra. But books like Daedra Worship never seem to cite any physical evidence. We'll go to the source of it."
And that's why you want the Ayleid remnants?
"Exactly. For now, most of what I've written is about Ayleid history and references to their worship of the Daedra. All I have left are the remnant chapters. We'll study each remnant like reading tea leaves, except it's about the past."
What do you hope to find?
"Inscriptions, toils lost to time. Even a crack in a remnant can tell us so much about the Ayleid hands that crafted it. If they were devoted to the Daedra, we'll find something."
Tell me more about the Dawnway.
"The principles of what the Ayleids founded are what led me to the Dawnway. Planting a tree, reaping what the Green gave us. This is what it means to be a Dawnway follower.
But I believe we've been misled."
Misled how?
"Many in the Dawnway tend to praise the Ayleids. But the loose ties they had with the Daedra were kept hidden from us. I only found out after pursuing my book. Stung me like a prickly vine when I did, too."
Is that why you're researching the Ayleids?
"Partly that, and for genuine curiosity about our ancestors. I once revered the Ayleids. Now it almost feels like I knew nothing about them. I want answers. And I know others will, too."

You can then explore around West Weald, collecting five Ayleid Remnants that you can turn into a bundle. With the bundle in hand, you can return to Gandrinar:

"I'm thankful your timing is more punctual than mine. But I've nearly finished a chapter that covers the Ayleid Diaspora, which is probably how the remnants became so scattered. Tell me, have you found any yet?"
Yes. I've bundled them for you.
"The sight of them alone lifts my spirits. Oh, the stories they must have to tell.
You did well, friend. I'm willing to bet my lucky leaf that there are more remnants where those came from. But for now, leave me to my writing."

After the quest, you can ask him more about the remnants you have collected. More options will unlock as you provide him more bundles [verification needed — see talk page]:

"Rest assured you'll find yourself in my book's acknowledgments. Which reminds me, I need to get to writing! But do return tomorrow. I believe we've only just unearthed one of many secrets behind the Ayleids and the Daedra."
Have you noticed anything in the remnants?
"I haven't been able to give them the proper time yet. But thanks to you, I think we can afford to reap our fruits a little early and glance at them. Tell me, what's caught your eye?"
Is there anything you've found in the first bundle? (if you finished the quest before at least once)
"Hmm. This only confirms my suspicions. They're Daedric. Handcrafted by Ayleids, most likely. The make reminds me of the lost Ayleid worship idols the Dawnway keep in Vashabar."
Do you think the Ayleids made these?
"From my research, many Ayleids migrated from the Summerset Isles. These idols might have been made by them, and were either lost or tossed away on their travels to avoid suspicion from strangers.
I hope no one in the Dawnway secretly has these."
Do you suspect people in the Dawnway worship Daedra?
"No, never. To follow the Dawnway is to see the forest for the trees. Plucking a berry, harvesting fallen wood. Not worshiping Daedra.
At least from what I know."
What do Dawnway Elves think of Daedra?
"Some are aware of the ties our ancestors have to the Daedra, but ignore them. I used to believe they were lies. But we must accept it, and only follow the good practices the Ayleids showed to the Green. It's all we can do."
What about the third bundle? (When you complete the quest a third time)
"These markings. Oh, this is Ayleidoon! Let's see if my reading classes at Gwylim taught me well.
The Nedes have broken free. The tower has fallen. The Daedraphiles are expunged. I am the last."
What do you think this means?
"Hmm, this refers to the Ayleid Diaspora. But King Nantharion never spoke about Ayleid Daedric Kingdoms in our culture.
It says they tortured slaves to summon armies of Daedra. How cruel."
What was the Ayleid Diaspora?
"A dark event in Ayleid history, but one that led them to Valenwood. The Ayleids once enslaved the Nedes. Eventually, they targeted the Ayleids and fought back.
But this confirms there were Ayleid Daedric kingdoms, hmm."
How do you feel about this?
"Oh, I'm still strong as a stump. I knew our ancestors had a complicated past. But so much has been hidden from us.
We need to keep searching."
Can you tell me what you think of the fifth bundle? (When you completed the quest a fifth time)
"Strange. Inscriptions here speak of the Ayleids worshiping a deity, but it's messy. It's almost like they tried to recall something forgotten. Hmm. There's drawings too. It's all so frantic."
Why do you think so?
"The jagged handwriting and carvings. The last inscription talks about setting someone free. A slave? The deity they worshiped? It's too vague for an objective theory. This can't go in the book, not until I'm sure what it means."
You must have some idea.
"You mean strictly my opinion? Let's say some Ayleids worshiped a secret deity. Or a person. Someone who was eventually taken away from them and the world, forever.
That's what I'd like to say. But we're here to dig for facts, not fiction."
I want to know what you think of everything we've discovered together.[verification needed — see talk page]
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