Online:Forever Hold Your Peace
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Speak to Zeira in Thieves Den.
- Acquire a wedding invitation and let Silver-Claw forge a copy.
- Choose your date for the wedding.
- Choose a suitable outfit for the wedding from a mannequin.
- Present your invitation and enter the wedding.
- Distract the surroundings to help disguised Zeira enter the palace.
- Listen to the Chief Inspector Rhanbiq present Cosh.
- Find a way inside the palace and gain information about Magnifica Falorah's whereabouts.
- Speak to Magnifica Falorah.
- Find a hidden exit out of Falorah's room.
- Attend the wedding ceremony.
- Escape the wedding with your date.
- Return to Thieves Den.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Acquiring a Wedding Invite[edit]
Talk to Zeira. She will tell you Cosh, who Nicolas' is using as a puppet, is about to wed Magnifica Falorah who is unaware of his ties to Nicolas. She plans to infiltrate the wedding and tell Falorah about Nicolas as to insure the wedding will not continue. She tells you you need an invite, and sends you to Silver Claw. Go to Silver-Claw, who will be acting rather upset. He tells you he did not receive a wedding invitation, and you need to steal one in order for him to be able to forge yours. She gives you two options. Either pickpocket Lord Wallavir's invitation or steal Lady Balina's invitation from her Mansion. Neither option should be too difficult, so go with whatever option you prefer. After you obtained one of the two, return to the Thieves Den after and speak with Silver-Claw. He will be delighted you can bring a companion, and tells you that after you choose and your companion need to get an outfit from Percius Loche to avoid standing out too much.
Choosing your Date and Outfit[edit]
Choose someone to bring to the wedding, you have the choice of asking Quen, Walks-Softly, Silver-Claw, Velsa. When you ask them, you can give a logical reason why you want them by your side or you can confess your feelings. They will more easily accept the former reasoning. You can also ask Zeira, but she will decline no matter what, due to her own part of the plan.
After securing a date for the wedding party, go to The Diamond Thimble and speak with Percius. He will tell you all his outfits are suitable, so you can choose any you'd like. After you choose an outfit, Zeira will come in praising your outfit. She'll explain that she will go to the wedding as well, but the guards are likely watching out for her. Because of this, she tells you she needs you to distract the guards after you entered. Then, she'll give you your invitation. After this, go to the gate where you will meet your chosen date, now also dressed up. Talk to your date, then go to Muazel, who will be standing in front of the gate, to present him your invitation, after which you can enter the door behind him.
Wedding Crashers[edit]
Once inside, talk to your date once more. You can talk to Zafrik, the gate guard. There is a persuade & lie option where you can tell him you're waiting for Falorah herself disguised as servant to join you, followed by another lie option telling him her cousins plans to usurp her, and they you plan to have him out himself by getting him drunk. Zafrik will fall for this lie, and goes to "check on a guest" to excuse his absence at the gate. The other option is to cause a distraction, which can be done either by luring a dog to the food table or by pickpocketing Sajhadi's locket.
After you distracted the guards, Zeira will enter. Talk to her. She'll tell you that the groom will be presented to his guests, and an eye needs to be kept on Cosh because Nicolas is likely close by. At this, Chief Inspector Rhanbiq will have an annoucement.
- Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "Everyone, I require your attention!"
- Zeira: "This is it.—Stay close—let's see if Nicolas makes an appearance."
- Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "It's an honor and a privilege to introduce our host for the evening. May I present the impending husband of Magnifica Falorah … Lord Cosh!"
- Cosh: "Welcome to my home! I must thank all of you for joining me on this momentous occasion."
- Zeira: "That's Nicolas!"
- Cosh: "Please, eat and drink your fill! Soon, I shall speak to you not as a humble merchant, but as a noble of Taneth!"
- Zeira: "Nicolas is Cosh?"
At this revelation, Zeira will walk off in a daze. Speak with her to see what she wants to do. Zeira will tell you to split up and find where Falorah is to continue the plan. You will need to mingle with the guests and find where she is. Her cousin, Nebuin has some idea but you will need to prove yourself to have refined palette first before he tells you. You can then obtain a key to the Palace by pickpocketing one of the Wedding Servers. With both objectives completed, return to Zeira. Enter the Hubalajad Palace's kitchen and sneak to Cosh's bedchamber.
Meeting Magnifica Falorah[edit]
Once inside, talk to Falorah and tell her who Cosh really is. She won't believe you however, so Zeira locks her with you and your date inside the bedroom. Your date might mention Nicolas might have a hidden passage in his bedroom. The clue to the order of the candles is provided by the nearby book. The solution is to use the candles next to paintings depicting each season mentioned in the book. Thus, you have to use the candles in the following order:
- Craglorn (Spring)
- Reaper's March (Summer)
- The Rift (Fall)
- Wrothgar (Winter)
A Fake Revealed and an Escape[edit]
Solving the puzzle will cause a cabin to reveal itself as a hidden door. Inside the hidden room, part of the dowry as well as Danobia's crown still attached to the skull can be found. Talk to Zeira. She'll tell you she will use this to convince Falorah, and tells you to return to the wedding crowd. She puts you in charge while she's talking to Falorah. Go downstairs taking the hidden door to the storage and sneak into the wedding ceremony.
- Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "Today, Lord Cosh of Abah's Landing joins with Magnifica Falorah, the Jewel of Taneth."
- Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "It is my honor, as a duly appointed officer of the Iron Wheel, to officiate their union."
Zeira will then rush in to stop the ceremony, followed closely by Falorah.
- Zeira: "Stop! There is no honor in this union!"
- Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "What is this? Guards!"
- Cosh: "Zeira? You're alive? I … that is … what is the meaning of this?"
- Magnifica Falorah: "More importantly, why do you have the desecrated remains of my ancestor?"
- Cosh: "There must be some mistake!"
- Magnifica Falorah: "Chief Inspector Rhanbiq, take everyone into custody. I want this mess sorted."
- Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "Iron Wheel, secure all exits! None shall leave the palace grounds. Question everyone here. Be thorough!"
- Cosh: "Falorah, my darling—I've been framed! I implore you to reconsider."
- Zeira: "Give it a rest, Nicolas. Whining doesn't suit you."
- Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "Quiet, thief! You'll have enough time to bicker from inside your cell. Take them away!"
With this, you and your date will need to escape the palace. Kill the two Iron Wheel soldiers and sneak out of the Palace. Note that the palace has extra guards now that the Iron Wheel is on alert. Once you're out, return to the Thieves Den and talk to Walks-Softly. He tells you your date already told them what happened, and that the Iron Wheel will be leaving soon.
- Does everyone know what happened at the wedding?
- "Yes, Zeira's capture was an unfortunate turn of events.
But Nicolas is the Iron Wheel's prisoner as well. A small reason to celebrate." - What about Zeira?
- "Magnifica Falorah has her dowry and Nicolas is behind bars. The Iron Wheel won't be here for much longer. We'll have a chance at freeing Zeira in the chaos of their departure—whenever that is.
But that's more your call, isn't it?" - What do you mean?
- "Zeira said you were in charge until she returned to the Den. That makes you the acting guildmaster.
With your abrupt promotion the quest is completed.
- Prior to Update 39, this quest required you to have reached Thieves Guild Rank 7.
- Lady Balina and Lord Wallavir won't exist in the city before starting this quest or reaching the related objectives.
- While picking an outfit at the Diamond Thimble for the wedding, you can select any of the outfits regardless of your player character's gender, and they will appear on them exactly as displayed on the mannequins.
- While the objective is set to complete after picking the first outfit, you can change to any of the others if you wish afterward before exiting the shop.
- You can even select the outfit you are currently wearing, though this doesn't have any effect.
- While the objective is set to complete after picking the first outfit, you can change to any of the others if you wish afterward before exiting the shop.
- The dialogue options that appear when commenting on your wedding date's outfit are red-coded, but none of them cause any significant changes when used down the line.
- Hubalajad Palace is an instanced location.
- It always becomes night time while in the palace, even if it was day time before entering.
- Despite Muazel stating that the gates to the palace grounds will be locked once you are admitted into the wedding, you are free to use the gates to exit once inside.
- The chest containing the Summerset Hills 572 wine won't exist on the palace grounds before reaching the related objective.
- Once you enter the palace, the door behind you becomes unusable.
- After finding Nicolas' secret room, it's possible to leave via the shortcut downstairs before completing the objective inside. However, it is a one-way exit only so it's not advised to do so.
- After exiting Nicolas' secret room back to the wedding ceremony, despite the trespass icon still appearing in the bottom left, NPCs won't take notice of you and add to your bounty when seen by them.
- This extends even to when the Iron Wheel forces occupy the palace. Civilians that see you won't add to your bounty or notify nearby guards.
- The disguise from the Diamond Thimble is immediately removed upon reaching the Thieves Den, as such, it's not required to physically go back to the tailor shop to return the outfit, like Percius Loche asked before attending the wedding.
- Percius Loche will remember you if you saved him from the Iron Wheel gang.
- Despite you saying that the outfit is for your date, the outfit you choose will be for you.
- Upon arriving at the palace's gates, an objective marker appears over your wedding date. However there is no objective related to them in the HUD at that time to match it. ?
- Talking to them removes the quest marker.
- The objective markers for the steps relating to causing a distraction for Zeira aren't shown on the local map, while they are on the HUD Compass. ?
- The same occurs soon after for the objectives to find Magnifica Falorah and access to the palace. ?
- The Platter of Assorted Meats looted from the kitchen isn't physically removed from the counter. ?
- While the objective and objective description state that you need to escort Zeira to the palace, she will not become a follower during the objective and remain at the palace gates instead. After a couple seconds, the objective updates to speak with her again, still at the entrance. ?
- This causes the whole Cosh/Nicolas reveal scene to trigger with a significant delay, once you yourself go to area where it occurs. Once the scene concludes, even after having spoken with Zeira earlier, the objective reverts back to speaking with her again once she finally makes her way to the same area. ?
- The skeleton head and crown aren't physically removed from the table in Nicolas' secret room after Zeira takes them to show to Magnifica Falorah. ?
- It's possible to re-enter Cosh's Bedchamber after returning to the wedding ceremony. The door will become unusable behind you and Magnifica Falorah's talk prompt becomes broken and unresponsive. ?
- The same applies once the Iron Wheel occupy the palace. Magnifica Falorah will still be inside even when she is still in the main chamber with the others. ?
- The dialogue from your wedding date as they flee the palace upon reaching the gates lacks audio to match the subtitles. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
Forever Hold Your Peace | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should talk to Zeira in the Thieves Den.
Objective: Talk to Zeira
Silver-Claw has details on acquiring a wedding invitation. I should meet him at his shop in Abah's Landing.
Objective: Meet Silver-Claw at Spotless Goods
Silver-Claw can forge a wedding invitation if I can steal an original. I should pickpocket Lord Wallavir in the Abah's Landing markets or steal Lady Balina's invitation from her nearby mansion.
Objective: Steal a Wedding Invitation
I stole an invite to the wedding. I should return to the Thieves Den.
Objective: Return to the Thieves Den
I should talk to Silver-Claw in the Thieves Den.
Objective: Talk to Silver-Claw
The wedding invitation allows one guest. I should choose a date to support me inside Hubalajad Palace. Any of my compatriots in the Thieves Guild should do.
Objective: Choose Your Date for the Wedding
I should head to the Diamond Thimble in Abah's Landing to find an appropriate outfit for the wedding.
Objective: Go to the Diamond Thimble
I went to the Diamond Thimble in Abah's Landing. I should speak with the tailor about finding an appropriate outfit for the wedding.
Objective: Talk to the Tailor
I went to the Diamond Thimble in Abah's Landing. I should choose an outfit to wear the wedding.
Objective: Choose Your Outfit
I went to the Diamond Thimble in Abah's Landing. I should speak with Zeira.
Objective: Talk to Zeira
I should present my forged wedding invitation to the gatekeeper at Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing.
Objective: Give Forged Invitation to the Gatekeeper
I should enter Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing to attend the wedding.
Objective: Enter the Wedding
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. I should speak with my date about getting Zeira inside the palace.
Objective: Talk to Your Date
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. If we can cause trouble in a discreet way, the doorman may leave his post. At that point we could get Zeira inside.
Objective: Help Zeira Gain Entry
Objective Hint: Steal Jewelry to Cause a Scene
Objective Hint: Encourage Dashka to Behave Poorly
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. I should speak with Zeira about the plan.
Objective: Talk to Zeira
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. I should escort Zeira to the palace, where people seem to be gathering.
Objective: Escort Zeira to the Palace
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. I should speak with Zeira about our next step.
Objective: Talk to Zeira
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. I should mingle with the guests to determine Magnifica Falorah's whereabouts and find a way inside the palace.
Objective: Determine Magnifica Falorah's Whereabouts
Objective Hint: Steal Summerset Hills 572
Objective: Find a Way Inside the Palace
Objective Hint: Steal a Kitchen Key From the Servers
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. I should enter the palace kitchens before the wedding starts.
Objective: Enter the Palace
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. I should sneak to Magnifica Falorah's room.
Objective: Sneak Into Magnifica Falorah's Room
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. I should speak with Magnifica Falorah and inform her of Cosh's treacherous nature.
Objective: Talk to Magnifica Falorah
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. I should search for a hidden way out of Magnifica Falorah's room.
Objective: Search Cosh's Room
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. We found irrefutable proof that Nicolas stole Magnifica Falorah's dowry. I should speak with Zeira about our next steps.
Objective: Talk to Zeira
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. We found irrefutable proof that Nicolas stole Magnifica Falorah's dowry. Zeira wants my date and I to attend the wedding while she presents Danobia's crown to Magnifica Falorah.
Objective: Attend the Wedding Ceremony
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. Chief Inspector Rhanbiq ordered the Iron Wheel to arrest everyone at the wedding. I should escape to the palace courtyard with my date.
Objective: Escape to the Courtyard
I'm in Hubalajad Palace in Abah's Landing. Chief Inspector Rhanbiq ordered the Iron Wheel to arrest everyone at the wedding. I should escape the palace with my date.
Objective: Escort Your Date Out Of Hubalajad Palace
Zeira's plan worked, but she was captured by the Iron Wheel. I should return to the Thieves Den as soon as I can.
Objective: Return to the Thieves Den
Zeira's plan worked, but she was captured by the Iron Wheel. I should speak with Walks-Softly in the Thieves Den as soon as possible.
Objective: Talk to Walks-Softly
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.