Firwin | |||
Location | West of Tanglehaven | ||
Race | Wood Elf | Gender | Female |
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly |
Firwin is a Wood Elf member of the Tanglehaven militia. She is found near the Drublog Clan camp on the road west of the town. She is the daughter of Treethane Dailithil and Thulendor.
Related Quests[edit]
- A Father's Promise: Help a mother find her missing daughter.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
West of Tanglehaven along the road to the Tomb of the Apostates you'll find a group of charred corpses. Pick up the Charred Amulet from the pile, and you'll hear a voice:
- Firwin: "Is anyone still alive out there?"
Follow the voice to it's location and you'll find a young bosmer woman:
- "Stay back … I've been bitten. I won't have another fall for my mistakes."
- Bitten by what?
- "I … can't say. I won't!
Everything's gone wrong, but we did it to save Tanglehaven. That's all that mattered." - Treethane Dailithil was very worried about you.
- "If she knew what happened, she wouldn't call me her daughter anymore. We've … I've made a terrible mistake.
The spring. It's all from there. I must get to it, but I'm afraid of what might happen if I get scared again …." - If you're injured, I can come with you.
- "Injured? I should be so lucky.
I don't know if I can face the consequences on my own. The village. My mother! If you would come with me, I'd be grateful."
Speaking to her again:
- "I should have trusted my mother, not my father. Look where our great plans led us!"
After speaking to the Aspect of Hircine at the spring, she'll say:
- "So … it is the end. There's no saving myself after all.
My mother will never forgive me, but I don't regret saving our village. Perhaps I can save her as well." - What did the voice mean by "heartblood?"
- "Blood from a heart. His heart. My sire. My father, the one who gave me this … gift. It's his heartblood I need.
But my mother's in the village, safe. How could she be in danger?" - We should go find her.
- "No! Please tell my mother I died. I don't want her to see the monster I've become.
Maybe I can stop my father. Maybe … no, not again!"
Firwin will then transform into a werewolf.
Firwin | |||
Location | West of Tanglehaven | ||
Species | Werewolf | ||
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly |
Find Dailithil near the river's edge and she'll tell you how Firwin's father attacked her. Just then, Firwin comes running to her mother's side:
- Firwin: "What's he done to you, mother?"
Speak to her and she'll say:
- "It's all gone so horribly wrong. I only wanted to protect the village! But now ….
Mother, I can help you. Please, hold on!" - Your father caused this?
- "Yes. As the Drublog gathered their forces, he promised me a way to defend the village.
When the fighting started outside Tanglehaven, I couldn't control myself. Hot blood covered everything. I tore into friend and foe alike. I couldn't stop!" - But the village itself was saved.
- "It's why I couldn't go back. What if I'd lost control inside the village? All of this would mean nothing if I killed everyone.
But I won't let my mother pay for my weakness. The heartblood must come from my father. Please, help me stop this." - What do you need to do?
- "I know where to find my father. He'll be waiting near the village. But if I fight him, I may well lose control again.
I can't do this without help, and my mother's in no shape to face him. You're the only one I can trust right now. Will you help?" - Lead the way.
Firwin will take off running to the ritual site across the river. Her mother will try to follow:
- Treethane Dailithil: "No, Firwin!"
Once at the ritual site, Thulendor will be waiting:
- Thulendor: "Come, my daughter. We'll hunt together!"
If you speak to her before she transforms:
- "Please hurry. If my mother falls to this cure as I did…I can't bear to think of it."
Firwin will start to transform but will resist:
- Firwin: "No! You've hurt mother for the last time!"
- Thulendor: "I gave her this gift. We'll be a family once more!"
Once he has been defeated, she'll simply say:
- Firwin: "I'm sorry, father. It had to be done."
She'll then rise and go over to the altar and address the green glow there (assumed to be the Aspect of Hircine again):
- Firwin: "We've paid back your blood gift. Now, leave us!"
The glow will fade and the young bosmer will run towards the village where her mother is leaning against a monolith, "Mother? Mother!"
- "Thank the moons, we're not too late. I hope she still has enough strength to drink."
- Are you sure this will work?
- "No. The voice, it could have lied about everything. But if I don't try, we'll both be cursed.
I guess it's a blessing my mother's in such a daze. I'd hate for her to know what was really happening right now." - What will you do now?
- "I … don't know for sure. I'm not sure which would cause my mother less pain.
I'll stay until she gets better. And … the others deserve to know what I've done. I won't run like a coward. I won't be like my father."
If you exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:
- "The voice could've lied about everything. But if I don't try, we'll both be cursed.
She's in such a daze. I'd hate for her to know what's happening right now." - What will you do now? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)
After the quest, she'll say:
- "I never properly thanked you for coming in when you did. I might still be hiding out there, in the woods.
And my mother … well, it's no use thinking thoughts like that."
From here the two, mother and daughter, are frozen in a strange tableau. We never see Dailithil drink the heartblood and become cured, so the tale is left open ended as to how the story really ends.
If the player is a Werewolf themselves however, one additional piece of dialogue opens up.
- I learned to master Hircine's gift. So can you.
- It's no use. When father called for my aid, I could feel the rage goiling inside me. It took all my strength to control it.
But that's what you're saying, isn't it? It's part of me now. It's something I can control."
Her fate beyond this remains unknown, however it leaves a note of hope that - even if her lycanthropy can't be cured, that she can gain control of it.