Online:Eye of the Ancients

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Quill-Tail, checked by MolagBallet

Walkthrough: written by MolagBallet, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Tib, checked by MolagBallet
Reactivate an old Aldmeri harbor defense system.
Zone: Auridon
Objective: Greenwater Cove — Help activate a defensive device to protect Greenwater Cove.
Quest Giver: Scout Aldanya in western Greenwater Cove
Captain Cirenwe in eastern Greenwater Cove
Location(s): Greenwater Cove
Reward: Serpent-Rider Spaulders of the Twin Sisters
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
The Eye of the Ancients
The Maormer struck Greenwater Cove, and now lay waste to the town. Auridon troops tried and failed to retake the area, and now await reinforcements before trying again. I've been tasked with reactivating an ancient Aldmeri device on the nearby cliffs.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Scout Lorumel.
  2. Retrieve a Welkynd Stone by killing Captain Parondo.
  3. Collect two more Welkynd Stones.
  4. Place the Welkynd Stones in sconces.
  5. Use the Eye of the Ancients.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

An incorrectly placed welkynd stone (left, not glowing) and a correctly placed stone (tight, glowing)

You'll receive the quest from either Scout Aldanya on the western road or Captain Cirenwe on the eastern road. They tell you that the town was attacked by Maormeri raiders, and one of their scouts was trying to find a way to activate the harbor defense system left by the ancient Aldmer. The scout's name is Lorumel, and she hasn't returned. You'll be asked to find Lorumel, and to see if you can find a way to activate the weapon.

Your first objective will be geographically closer to you if you accept the quest from the captain on the east side of town. Head south from the captain's location, and you'll find Scout Lorumel in a stable filled with the corpses of countless Dominion Soldiers. A note titled Weapon Activation is on the floor beside her. Speak with Lorumel, who was injured during her mission. She tells you that you need three power stones to activate the weapon: one can be found in Marrayna's Tap Room (the local tavern), another can be found in Mage Fiirenir's House (an old mage's home), and the third is being held by the Maormer captain in the canonreeve's mansion.

Your job now is to find the three welkynd stones and power the Aldmer device. The Canonreeve's manse is closest to Lorumel's location. Head west, descend the staircase and enter the large Altmer-style building on the north side of the district. You don't need to kill the captain, but the welkynd stone he's guarding is in a chest (which looks like an Ayleid-style urn) behind him.

The correct sconce order (viewed from the open end of the semicircle)

Once you have the first welkynd stone, head west across the bridge and enter Mage Fiirenir's House. The welkynd stone is in a chest upstairs, beside the mage's bed and corpse. Head up the stairs west of the mage's home and make for the tavern for the last welkynd stone. The stone is in a chest on the corner of the bar.

Now that you've collected all three welkynd stones, you need to place them in the device, which is located up the path directly south of the tavern. The ancient weapon sits atop the highest cliff in Greenwater Cove, overlooking the city. There are five sconces arranged in a semicircle around the device for you to set the stones in. However, there's a catch: you need to place the stones in the correct sconces. The stones will glow when you place them in the correct order. You can activate a sconce to place a stone, and remove the stone by activating the sconce while a welkynd stone is in it.

The correct sconces are the two on the western side, and the sconce on the southeastern corner of the semicircle arrangement.

Once you've placed the stones in the correct sconces, a beam will be fired from the golden crystal in the device down to the weapon: the Eye of the Ancients. You can either jump down the southern end of the cliff (there's a platform for you to land on safely without taking damage a short ways down) or head down the path and descend the hill to reach the sconce which the eye is nestled in. You'll notice two Maormeri ships to the left and right of the eye. Activate the weapon, and it will fire a laser at each of the ships.

Head up the northern path and speak with Captain Cirenwe, who has gathered with her soldiers in front of the tavern. Speak with her to end the quest.


  • Lorumel won't exist in the town before starting the quest.
  • Despite Cirenwe saying they had First Auridon Marines to support them to drive out the Sea Vipers during the ending dialogue of the quest, none can be found in the town after it is retaken.
  • Despite Sea Vipers being all around the place, no disguise drops to help blend in.


  • After taking the Welkynd Stone from the manse, subtitles from a First Auridon Marine are displayed but no audio is heard to match. Even more odd is the fact that there is no First Auridon Marines in the cove regardless. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

Eye of the Ancients
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Scout Lorumel may be the only person alive that knows how to activate the device. I need to find her.
Objective: Find Scout Lorumel
I've found Scout Lorumel. I should speak with her.
Objective: Talk to Scout Lorumel
Lorumel told me where I can find the Welkynd stones I need to activate the Aldmeri device. I will need to find the Maormer captain in the Greenwater manse, as well as collect the stones from an old mage's house, and the local tavern.
Objective: Get a Welkynd Stone from the Maormer Captain
Objective: Collect Welkynd Stone
Objective: Collect Welkynd Stone
I need to place the Welkynd Stones in their proper sconces to activate the Aldmeri device.
Objective: Place Welkynd Stones in Sconces
Objective Hint: Welkynd Stones Glow When Placed Correctly
The device has been activated. Time to turn it loose on the Maormer.
Objective: Use the Eye of the Ancients
Hidden Objective: West Ship Fires Tracker
Hidden Objective: Fire Tracker
Hidden Objective: East Ship Fires Tracker
Finishes quest☑ I need to talk to Captain Cirenwe.
Objective: Talk to Captain Cirenwe
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.