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Online:Executioner (skill)

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ON-icon-skill-Assassination-Executioner.png Executioner
Line Assassination
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I 1 14
Rank II 2 27
Executioner I: When an enemy dies within 2 seconds of being damaged by you, you restore 500 Magicka and Stamina.
Executioner II: When an enemy dies within 2 seconds of being damaged by you, you restore 1000 Magicka and Stamina.

Executioner restores some of your Magicka and Stamina any time an enemy dies that you have recently damaged.

Patch Notes[edit]

  • This passive ability no longer requires you to get the killing blow with an Assassination ability to trigger its resource return; it now has a 2-second grace period after damaging the enemy with an Assassination ability where it can still trigger the proc. It also now restores either Magicka or Stamina, whichever you have a higher maximum of, and restores that resource instantly instead of over 6 seconds.
    • Developer Comments:This passive ability will be more useful for tanks who weren't able to get killing blows, and stamina Nightblades who can now get stamina. It also makes the proc more reliable in multiplayer situation where multiple players attacking the enemy.
  • This passive now triggers whenever an enemies dies within 2 seconds of being damage by you, rather than requiring the damage to be an Assassination ability.
  • Removed the hidden 1ms cooldown.
  • Fixed an issue where this passive could fail to work with multiple Nightblades.
  • Fixed an issue where this passive was causing unnecessary message spam and ability applications to enemies.
  • This passive now restores 500/1000 Magicka and Stamina when it procs, rather than 938/1876 Magicka or Stamina depending on your highest maximum.