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Location North of South Guard Ruins Wayshrine
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner

Endiruin is a Redguard commoner who can be found at a camp north of the South Guard Ruins Wayshrine. She is accompanied by Azrid.


She talks about various subjects, including South Guard.

"You're off to South Guard? Don't expect a warm welcome. The Black Gulls dug into that place like hoarvors—sucking the blood out of anyone who strays too close.
Shame. I hear it used to be beautiful."
"Have you heard about this New Moon cult? As if we don't have it bad enough …. Now we have to worry about skooma-addled vagrants screaming about the apocalypse the whole night through.
Only place to find any peace and quiet is out here on the road."
"I wish the Dragons would burn those bandits out of the South Guard ruins. Of course, there's not much left to burn up there. Just old stone and ashes."