Online:Elemental Force

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ON-icon-skill-Destruction Staff-Elemental Force.png Elemental Force
Line Destruction Staff
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I 1 25
Rank II 2 30
Elemental Force I(With Destruction Staff Equipped) Increases your chance to apply status effects by 50%.
Elemental Force II(With Destruction Staff Equipped) Increases your chance to apply status effects by 100%.

Elemental Force gives you a greater chance of causing status effects to your targets with all your attacks when you have a Destruction Staff equipped.


  • This passive adds multiplicatively with other status effect chance bonuses.

Patch Notes[edit]

  • Changed this ability's bonus to be multiplicative instead of additive.
  • Increased the bonuses received from this passive to 50% and 100%.
  • Updated the tooltip wording so it no longer mentions "spells"; this passive has always increased the chance for all attacks (including weapon enchants).
  • This passive now properly states it affects all Status Effect chances, rather than only Elemental Status Effects.