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Location Sailenmora Baandari Camp
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 15000
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Baandari

Eilirsu-dro is a Khajiit elder of the Baandari clan who can be found at their camp near Sailenmora. Urishabi is his daughter. He does not appear until the related quest has begun.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

A Thief to Catch a Thief[edit]

When you approach the camp during your investigation, you'll find Shadeya complaining to Eilirsu-dro about the Temple.

Shadeya: "Why are we stopping here when these Dark Elves lurk about the edges of our camp?"
Eilirsu-dro: "Oh, Shadeya, you worry too much! Surely they mean us no harm."
Shadeya: "Feh! Old fool."

You must speak with him during your investigation of the Baandari camp.

"Luck be with you, walker. This one is Eilirsu-dro, caravan elder. Our wares and coin are in short supply, but our camp is open to all who may seek to rest and be at ease.
What does your heart seek that we may provide?"
Has anyone else come through your camp recently?
"Ah … no. We Baandari are used to scrutiny, but rarely from such a distance. The Dark Elves in these lands seem colder than most.
This is no matter. This one extends his warmest welcomes to you, instead."
Did you visit the Shrine of Saint Vorys nearby?
"The shrine … Oh! That shrine. It is a place holy to Dark Elves, yes? Of little interest to us Khajiit.
This one is late in his years, and does not remember, but he may have accidentally wandered through. Yes! That was probably so."
Have you seen any strange activity around your camp?
"Ask Shadeya. This one thought it sensible to hire protection while crossing a land rife with slavers, and her sharp eyes miss nothing!
And you are welcome to ask around our camp, walker. Make yourself at home among the Baandari."
What brought you to the Telvanni Peninsula?
"As Baandari, our travels take us wherever the roads may lead us.
The roads happened to lead us here, to this Sailenmora. We sought to stay at the grand outpost east of here, but it seems to be in ruins."
Can you tell me more about the Baandari?
"Perhaps you have come across our kind in your travels before?
No matter. We are traveling merchants, seeking to sell our wares in all corners of the land. This one was born on the road, and has traveled with this caravan all of his days."
So everyone in this caravan is your family?
"Shadeya and her mercenaries are not, though they would be welcome among us if they desired to be.
Our clan opens its arms to those who wish to follow the way of the Baandari. Very different from what this one has seen of these Telvanni, yes?"
How long do you think you'll stay here?
"This one has seen many years pass, and wearies more easily of travel. He thinks just this one more night will do well for his aching bones.
You are welcome to join us, walker. We have food and tents to spare for those who share our company."

If you exit the conversation and speak with him again, his greeting will be different.

"Rest and be welcome, walker."

After examining the Bandari Camp:

"Perhaps with some strong tea and many sweetrolls, this one will find the strength to talk more. For now, walker, this one is very weary."

He is not present in the camp after Armiger Rilasi tells you to follow the Lark of Rosgard into the crypts, and thus cannot be spoken to at that time.

While you're chasing the Lark in the crypts, Shadeya takes Eilirsu-dro and the remaining Baandari hostage, hoping to coerce the Lark into relinquishing the talisman to her so she can sell it for more gold than the Baandari are paying her to protect them. You'll find Shadeya holding the elder at blade-point on a bridge suspended over a river of magma in the Old Sailenmora Outpost: she threatens to kill him if you step any closer.

Shadeya: "Walker? Come no closer, or this one will bleed out the elder. Where is the thief?"
Eilirsu-dro: "Shadey, please—this one is sure the walker means no harm. We can talk through this, yes?"

While you bargain with Shadeya, the Lark will be untying Eilirsu-dro. He teleports the elder across the magma to safety during Shadeya's final line of dialogue. Furious, Shadeya draws her blade and begins to walk towards the back door.

Shadeya: "No! You will pay for this, walker! Surrender the talisman, or the others die!"
Eilirsu-dro: "Please walker, save this one's family! Give her the talisman if you must!"

Armiger Rilasi runs up from the cave's entrance, and the Lark speaks.

Lark of Rosgard: "That's Rilasi. Follow my lead and play along."
Armiger Rilasi: "Stop right there!"
Lark of Rosgard: "You've tricked me out of the talisman, but you'll never catch me alive!"

<The Lark disappears with the help of a smoke bomb.>

Eilirsu-dro: "Scoundrel! Thief! Pariah curse you and hound your steps for all your days!"
Armiger Rilasi: "Well, that was convincing. Where are the others?"

You have the option of speaking to Rilasi and Eilirsu-dro before you rescue the hostages.

"This one is not injured, walker. Perhaps it is a better fate than he deserves."
What happened back at camp?
"This one … misplaced his trust, and now pays dearly for it. Those who tried to fight back were killed.
Please, walker. None of this was worth the lives of my family. Save who you can!"
I'll follow Shadeya and see what I can do.

The Lark delivers the fake talisman to you once you've rescued the hostages. At this point, you can choose to give the real talisman back to the Baandari elder, or deliver both the real and fake talismans to Armiger Rilasi back in Sailenmora.

When you enter the Baandari camp with the talismans in hand, Eilirsu-dro welcomes you:

Eilirsu-dro: "The walker has returned! A thousand blessings to you, savior of the Baandari."

Giving the Talisman to the Baandari[edit]

You may speak with him to give him the real talisman. Once you tell him the Lark is gone, you have the option of giving him the talisman right off the bat or asking him a few questions: choices indicated in red change the course of the questline.

"This one mourns those lost when Shadeya's greed overtook her. But we would have lost so much more if it were not for you, walker. This one knows not how to express his thanks.
The Buoyant Armiger … she failed to catch our tricky friend, yes?"
The Lark of Rosgard is gone. I have the Talisman of Saint Vorys.
"Ah. So the fate of the Eye of Baan Dar falls to you!
Whichever way you choose, walker, this one asks only that you do not use what you learned today about the Eye to challenge the faith of those who serve at the shrine."
I'm giving you the real talisman to restore the Eye of Baan Dar.
(See below)
I have some questions about the Eye of Baan Dar.
"This one grew up hearing the story of his Little Ancestor sparing the life of her caravan by tricking the Fiery One into his obsession with the Eye. Now, this one followed his own obsession—and lost many.
Ask what you will. This one will answer."
What is the real significance of the Eye to the Baandari?
"Ah. By all appearances, it is a simple gem trapped within a gilded talisman, yes?
The Eye of Baan Dar is a relic traded between clans of Baandari. The holder may ask for any item, any favor within means, and the receiver must provide."
Is it really worthless outside the hands of the Baandari?
"Should you break it free from the talisman, you would see: it is moonstone. Worth very little coin, yes?
And yet it is rubbed smooth and small from passing between the hands of my people. A symbol of indulgence and trading in good faith."
Why don't you want the high priest to know the truth about the Talisman of Saint Vorys?
"You mean that the Eye of Baan Dar inside the relic has no hidden magic at all?
By the code of the Baandari, such words would be unwelcome in the ears of those who follow Saint Vorys. They would cause harm. And so, we discourage them."
Do you think the followers of Saint Vorys would do the same for you?
"This one cannot say, walker. This one only has the code of the Baandari—to indulge the beliefs of others.
Besides, to wield the truth in such a way would ruin the most fragrant mischief of the story of Little Ancestor, yes?"
I'm giving you the real talisman to restore the Eye of Baan Dar.
"Walker—this one is at a loss for words!
Our caravan will pay forward your generosity a thousand times. But … what will become of the Shrine of Saint Vorys?"
I'll give them the replica talisman that Rilasi made. They won't realize the difference.

When you tell the elder that you're going to give the replica talisman to the temple, he and the remnants of his family laugh, and Eilirsu-dro acknowledges your cleverness:

Eilirsu-dro: "Very good, walker! Very good."

If you speak to him after this exchange, he'll say:

"You are clever as the Pariah, walker.
This one wishes you luck and safe travels in every endeavor. May our roads meet again, friend of the Baandari."

After you deliver the replica to Rilasi, the quest ends. You can return to the Baandari camp after the quest and ask Eilirsu-dro where he'll go next.

"This one and his kin shall return to Elsweyr on light feet, and your name in our stories.
The Eye of Baan Dar glints with mischief! This one imagines it too is ready to see faraway places."
What will you and your family do now that you have the Eye of Baan Dar?
"We shall mourn those we lost and leave the lands of the Telvanni .
We hope to come across another caravan of Baandari soon and trade for supplies, as we have run rather low."
Will you hold on to the Eye for now, or do you plan to pass it to another?
"This one does not plan to hold it for long. Perhaps he will trade for supplies, or perhaps he will trade it for a simple song.
But he is blessed to see the Eye returned to his people in his lifetime. Luck be with you always, walker."

Giving the Talisman to Rilasi[edit]

After you deliver both talismans to Rilasi, the quest ends. You can return to the Baandari camp after the quest and ask Eilirsu-dro where he'll go next.

"This one and his kin shall make haste from here. We are not welcome in Telvanni lands.
May your feet find warm sands, walker."
What will you and your family do now?
"This one wishes to mourn those lost. But we must make haste from the lands of the Telvanni.
Eilirsu-dro is ready to leave the Eye's obsession to the Dark Elves. It has cost this one and his family too much to reclaim."

Chronicle of Fate[edit]

If you give the talisman to the Baandari, he will be in attendance for the Necrom celebration.

Speaking to him:

"This one could not leave these lands without giving thanks to a true friend of the Baandari!
This one's caravan sends warm tidings as well. We did not know your heroics extended to others on the peninsula as well."
Do you still have the Eye of Baan Dar?
"This one was eager to pass it to the next generation of Baandari. He traded it to his nephew for a sweetroll. To feel it pass from this one's hands…there are no words, walker. It felt right.
May luck be with you all of your days."
Safe travels to you, Eilirsu-dro.