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Online:Dominion Skyshard Hunter

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ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Dominion Skyshard Hunter
Type Skyshards Achievements
Points 15
Title Dominion Skyshard Hunter
Find all the Skyshards located throughout the Aldmeri Dominion.

Dominion Skyshard Hunter is awarded for finding all 86 Skyshards in the base game Aldmeri Dominion zones.

Their locations are as follows:


Clue Location Notes
A landing of noble's blood. In Vulkhel Guard, on the Manor & Treasury's middle balcony. (map)
Adorns Valano's terrace. Second floor balcony of Valano Manor. (map) Not easily accessible until Teldur's End quest because the front door of the manor is locked. However, there is a second entrance via ladder on the beach behind the manor that can be used to get in earlier.
Offered to appease riled ancestors. Southwest of Tanzelwil, overlooking the sea. (map)
Watching the sky in a tower of swords. On a balcony of Skywatch's Fighters Guild building. (map)
Between cursed ruin and shrine. Between Ezduiin and its corresponding wayshrine, behind a wall. (map)
Near Merormo's refreshment. West-southwest of Shattered Grove, outside of Merormo's tower. (map)
Contemplation's overlook. On top of a waterfall northwest of the Isle of Contemplation. (map)
Up and west in the broken dawn. In a destroyed house in Dawnbreak, on the stairs. (map)
Gleaming beacon, ship-guide. On top of the North Beacon lighthouse. (map) The way to the top of the tower is somewhat twisty. You'll have to head there for The Wayward Dagger and Eye Spy quests. Don't forget to enter the lighthouse to collect the shard.
Ancient chamber of golden glow. Inside Bewan, southeastern corner of the delve. (map)
The Heritance stakes this claim. Inside Del's Claim. (map)
Near the folly's end. Inside Entila's Folly, on top of a platform. (map)
Held in a corner by the House of Troubles. Inside Mehrunes' Spite, on the left in the first room. (map)
Blood-drained thralls stumble past. Inside Ondil, in a short side passage lined with bookcases. (map)
Corpses from another age walk here. Inside Wansalen. (map)
Hidden home in the gully's wall. Inside Toothmaul Gully. (map)
Clue Location Notes
Granted safe haven by the mages. In Haven, on the ground on the western side of the Mages Guild hall. (map)
The shrine of the south leads north. Between Southpoint and the Bone Orchard. (map)
Cooling off on the way to the Tower. By a pond northwest of the Tower Stone. (map)
Where the road to the root is an isle. On a small island east of Elden Root, near an Ayleid ruin overgrown with vines. (map)
Atop falls that feed the temple. South-southeast of Karthdar, on top of the eastern waterfall. (map)
Spotted from a treehouse vantage. Southwest of Karthdar, west of a treehouse, under the root/road. (map)
A doorway to trolls near Redfur. Southwest of Redfur Trading Post Wayshrine. (map)
Among ancient words in the stones. On an island west of the Lord Stone. (map)
Above a seasonal site of return. East of Falinesti Winter Site, In the ruins. (map)
Where Covenant forces pour forth. In Ne Salas top small room. (map)
A scrabbling, a skittering, a scurrying. In The Scuttle Pit halfway in on the left wall. (map)
Six-legged thunder invades. In Burroot Kwama Mine Room almost at the end. (map)
Not yet dead on the vine. In Vinedeath Cave main room left side. (map)
Stolen starlight in wormy depths. In Wormroot Depths, main room south of entrance. (map)
Mined by the bandits of Mobar. In Mobar Mine, main room. (map)
Crocs claimed a meal in the sunder. In Root Sunder Ruins room left of the main hall lots of crocs. (map)
Clue Location Notes
Flee the labyrinth of words and stone. East of the Labyrinth, just west of the crossroads southeast of Spinner's Cottage. (map)
In crumbled keep where shadow creeps. Northwest of the entrance to Shadows Crawl, next to the outer wall. (map)
Breath of fresh air for Marbruk's mages. On the northern balcony of the Marbruk Mages Guild. (map)
Find an eclectic outskirt by the sea. West of the Wayshrine behind a wall in Woodhearth (map)
Where moor becomes moat. Beside bridge in the Shademist Moors (map)
Stay dry where the Wooded Eye wards. Between rocky outcrops in Rootwater Grove, due south of Serpent's Grotto. (map)
No longer entrenched. At the bottom of the cliff just east of Barrow Trench. (map)
Unheeded by Wood Orc lookouts. Atop the easternmost tower at the Falinesti Spring Site Orc camp. (map)
Down in the gorge of rope bridges. On the lakeshore northeast of and below the Falinesti Wayshrine. (map)
In Gurzag's supplies. Gurzag's Mine, up planks in the left wall main room (map)
Halls ruined further by blue-skin brutes. Carac Dena, main chamber at the bottom (map)
A pretender in Naril Nagaia. Small room, bottom left, with two guards, in a niche (map)
Under root, but hidden high. In The Underroot, down the wall on a mushroom top of big room with Stranglers & Lamias (map)
Batted around in the purring lair. In Harridan's Lair, in the bottom room (map) Guarded by senche tigers
Mined up in a barrow. Barrow Trench at the exit door tunnel in a wagon (map)
Outside the Harbinger's chamber. In Rulanyil's Fall, in the large room in the eastern, with lots of water (map)
Khenarthi's Roost
Clue Location Notes
Exposed to sky, surveying the strand. At the top of a flooded tower in Eagle's Strand. (map)
Southern temple's hidden jewel. On the terrace behind the Temple of the Crescent Moons. (map)
Wooden bones, awash in ruin. In the Shattered Shoals region, west of the Temple of the Dark Moon. (map)
Abandoned before mourning. Southwest of the stairs leading up to the Temple of the Mourning Springs. (map)
Sighted by serpents in Mistral. Western Mistral, behind the Maormer Embassy. (map)
Surly root-chewers burrow nearby. Northwest of Windcatcher Plantation, outside of a kwama-infested cave. (map)
Malabal Tor
Clue Location Notes
Near Ayleid ruins guarded by the Stormwardens. Velyn Harbor, on top of mountain beside the Town Hall (map)
The best view of Fuller's Break. North of the ruins overlooking Fuller's Break (map)
Unnoticed by a melancholy Elf. South of the Falinesti Summer Site, southwest of Dra'bul Wayshrine, above road with Stranglers (map)
Near the river, disentangled. Across the river from Tanglehaven (map)
Seek seaward cliffs by the brewery town. North of Vulkwasten on cliffs (map)
Fell from a bridge fleeing Abamath. Crossroads South of Tanglehaven below the road, west of Bloodtoil Wayshrine (map)
Search every nook to lift the Vale. South Valeguard surrounded by thunderbugs (map)
Eyed from an islet in the river. Northeast of Four Quarry Islet, south of Silvenar Vale Dolmen (map) Surrounded by Senche Tigers
Follow the sound of the wilding waves. Southwest Windshriek Strand (map)
Withered within the vine. Black Vine Ruins Room bottom left (map)
Dropped off when he still lived. Dead Man's Drop Top left room. (map)
Property of parasites. Hoarvor Pit, northern curve in the water (map)
Fungus dwellers dig, far from home. Roots of Silvenar left through the water (map)
Part of Arrai's spectral dominion. Shael Ruins bottom left square room (map)
Haunted by heretics. In the Tomb of the Apostates, turn left in the northern water room (map)
Held by red-handed bandits. Crimson Cove, upper level on the right on the rocks, there are lots of soldiers to get past in groups of 5 or more. (map)
Reaper's March
Clue Location Notes
East from the solemn eye's shrine. East of Fort Grimwatch Wayshrine, north of the Researcher's Camp (map)
Where temple became tree-house. Greenhill, behind the temple on the cliffs (map)
In a smoldering shell. South of Old Town Cavern, in a burnt out Bosmeri house (map) Surrounded by skeevers
Overlooking the site of the fall. In the rocks south of Falinesti Autumn Site, due west of Rawl'kha (map)
Camped on the way to Claw's Strike. Under bridge west of Crescent River Camp (map)
Hidden by a less subtle blade. Thormar ruins, on top of the rocks (map)
Dune's arcane beacon. Dune, top of the rocks next to the Mages Guild (map) Surrounded by clannfear & trolls. This one used to be on the Guildhall's balcony, and could only be accessed during or after The Fires of Dune quest.
Mara's devout frets in view. Fort Sphinxmoth, behind broken wall (map)
Within earshot of the cheering crowd. Thizzrini Arena, from doors turn left on the rocks above Feluni's office (map)
Growling, beastly gladiators prowl. Kuna's Delve, in a barrel upper side, big room top right (map)
Treasure of the bard's tomb. Thibaut's Cairn catacombs, middle room (map) Surrounded by skeletons
Awash in tears underground. Weeping Wind Cave bottom room (map)
Outlaws strike skooma deals here. Claw's Strike, room to the right (map) Surrounded by lions
The folly is in passing through quickly. Fardir's Folly, across walkway in a small room (map)
Moon's light reveals its secret. Jode's Light, room to the left of the entrance (map) Surrounded by giant bats
Far beneath a foul manor. In the Vile Manse, in the cavern as you drop down to the second floor. (map) This one is usually guarded by a boss Daedroth named Xevat-Golok.