Dimik-ei | |||
Location | Gorne | ||
Race | Argonian | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Three Waters Tribe |
Dimik-ei is an Argonian and the adopted sister of Sharp-as-Night, though he does not remember her. She is first encountered in Gorne.
Related Quests[edit]
The Double Edge: Help mercenary Sharp-as-Night track down a bounty target.
Dim and Distant Pasts: Dimik-ei has a plan to restore Sharp's memories.
Light the Way to Freedom: Help Sharp-as-Night find Dimik-ei and stop the Reformer once and for all.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
The Double Edge[edit]
When Dimik-ei is first encountered, she's trying her best to help a wounded Reynila.
- Reynila Treviri: "Sharp, please. Help her."
- Dimik-ei: "Kaj-kujei? What are you doing here?"
- Sharp-as-Night: "What did you just call me?"
- Mevei Andros: "Reynila, I'm here. Just stay still."
Speaking with her before Reynila, she'll urge you to help.
- "Please, see if you can help Reynila."
After Reynila passes, she'll have more to say.
- "Reynila …. She can't be gone. She fought so hard to protect me. What am I going to do?
We were supposed to have help. I thought maybe you and Sharp—but I can see it in his eyes. He doesn't remember me, does he? He doesn't remember anything." - What did you call him when you saw him?
- "Kaj-kujei. Elder brother. It's what I always called him.
Reynila didn't know how to properly excise him from the Reformer's attunement back then. Like the others. Like me." - You're Sharp's sister?
- "Deek-nujei. His little sister. I don't think we had the same parents, but that was what he called me. He was there from the day I hatched.
He always said he would come back for me. Help me escape. I'd given up all hope." - Where was Reynila planning to take you?
- "I don't know. She said something about a safe house in Silent Mire, but our final destination was somewhere deep in Black Marsh.
We barely escaped Deredrien. And now, Reynila's gone. I don't know what I'm going to do." - We'll figure something out.
She can be spoken with again after this, but doesn't have much to add.
- "The world is darker without Reynila. I don't know what we're going to do without her."
Before you turn in the quest to Sharp:
- "Mevei's going to help me. I have a way forward.
I don't want this to be the last time I see Sharp. It can't be."
After speaking with Sharp, Mevei will stand up to address Dimik-ei.
- Mevei Andros: "Dimik-ei, Reynila got you this far. I'll take you the rest of the way. And then I'm never coming back to Morrowind."
- Sharp-as-Night: "Where are you taking her?"
- Mevei Andros: "You've made your path clear, Sharp. If you fail at taking out the Reformer and fall under his control again, it's better if you don't know."
Sharp will begin walking away to leave, prompting Dimik-ei to plead with him.
- Dimik-ei: "Sharp, please come with us. You don't have to be alone."
- Sharp-as-Night: "I'm not going to be alone. And I'm not going to fail."
After Sharp walks off:
- "Freedom, at last. If only my mind would accept it as true."
Dim and Distant Pasts[edit]
After the events of Between a Rock and a Whetstone, Sharp-as-Night informs you that Mevei contacted him about Dimik-Ei. She is adjusting well to her new life and wanted to meet with Sharp. Dimik-ei can be found at her camp northwest of the Forsaken Hamlet Wayshrine.
She will be happy to see both of you:
- Dimik-ei: "Kaj-kujei! And you brought your friend! Good."
- Sharp-as-Night: "Look, when you say kaj-kujei …."
- Dimik-ei: "I know—you don't remember being my brother. But what if I could make you remember?"
- Sharp-as-Night: "What are you talking about?"
Speak with Dimik-ei to learn she has been very busy since you last met:
- "So, I've been studying Reynila's notes and learning soul magic from my new tribe. Then Mevei told me what happened in that lab and—poof! Inspiration!
All we need is a sample of tyranite calx. I've actually traced some to a Daedric ruin nearby!" - Slow down. What's this about restoring Sharp's memories? How would that work?
- "Sondivel felt him, right? Sharp was never properly de-attuned from the soul magic—his memories still resonate, living collectively inside tyranite calx.
But I'm no longer attuned, and you've never been attuned. See? It's brilliant!" - Why does it matter that we're not attuned? / And why does it matter that you and I aren't attuned to it?
- "Because with a piece of tyranite calx, we can act as a conduit for Sharp's memories!
There must be something in his past that would help you track down Sondivel. He was so sure Sharp would be his forever. He told Sharp everything." - And you're sure this process of returning Sharp's memories will work?
- "Well, no. But that's why we'll test it out first. Just one memory, before his entire lifetime.
Mevei said you wanted a sample of tyranite calx anyway, right? Even if you don't want to do my plan, you'll find some across the water in Broken Tusk." - I'll talk things over with Sharp, and we'll get you a sample of tyranite calx from Broken Tusk.
- "Well, no. But that's why we'll test it out first. Just one memory, before his entire lifetime.
- "Because with a piece of tyranite calx, we can act as a conduit for Sharp's memories!
- Tyranite calx?
- "The metal Sondivel uses to experiment on his slaves. Mevei told me you and Sharp found some in one of Sondivel's abandoned laboratories.
When Reynila helped Sharp escape, his bond to tyranite calx is what tore his memories from him."
- "The metal Sondivel uses to experiment on his slaves. Mevei told me you and Sharp found some in one of Sondivel's abandoned laboratories.
After you agree to look for some tyranite calx, Dimik-ei warns Sharp:
- Dimik-ei: "Broken Tusk is home to cultists of Molag Bal. And worse, I've heard."
- Sharp-as-Night: "Not a problem. Sit tight. We'll be back."
Before you leave, you can ask Dimik-ei questions about how she has been doing:
- "Doing this is Sharp's choice completely. But Mevei told me about what happened to Sharp in that abandoned lair, and I wanted to try and help.
Also, hello! It's good to see you again under much better circumstances." - I have some questions for you.
- "Sure! Anything. What do you want to know?"
- How exactly did you come up with this idea for returning Sharp's memories?
- "Mevei had all of Reynila's notes on what the Reformer was up to.
She was going to destroy them. The grief of losing Reynila—she wasn't thinking straight. I convinced her to leave the notes with me. They're here, if you want to read them." - What did you learn from Reynila's work?
- "Horrible things about tyranite calx. And that de-attunement can be accomplished with soul magic.
I'm interested in exploring defensive or preventative applications of soul magic, if such a thing exists. I'm still learning how it all works, exactly."
- "Horrible things about tyranite calx. And that de-attunement can be accomplished with soul magic.
- "Mevei had all of Reynila's notes on what the Reformer was up to.
- What was Sharp like when you knew him?
- "Well, he hatched under the sign of the Thief, if that tells you anything. He's sly and stubborn and his thoughts run a lot deeper than he lets on.
I knew Sharp from the moment I hatched. He named me, taught me some Jel, and showed me how to fish." - You were allowed to fish?
- "Small freedoms keep slaves in line better than total subjugation.
But for Sharp, it was his last piece of home. His tribe of fishermen. Tugs on the end of a line saying they were still with him. It's the only time I've ever seen him truly at peace." - Do you think he'll act differently if he gets his memories back?
- "Are we who we are only because of what we remember? Or are there some parts of us that can't be stolen?
He doesn't seem too different from the Sharp I knew. If he's still a big baby when it comes to bad smells, he's practically the same."
- "Are we who we are only because of what we remember? Or are there some parts of us that can't be stolen?
- "Small freedoms keep slaves in line better than total subjugation.
- "Well, he hatched under the sign of the Thief, if that tells you anything. He's sly and stubborn and his thoughts run a lot deeper than he lets on.
- How have you been adjusting to your new life?
- "My tribal elder Nuetepa said it best—I'm a seed that's finally been allowed to grow.
Sharp taught me plenty about survival. Those skills are useful, but what I've found with my new tribe isn't just surviving, it's actually living." - Your new tribe?
- "The Three Waters tribe. Sondivel always said I'd be lost if I ever returned to Black Marsh, but he was wrong. There are others like me and Sharp, either hatched in slavery or with no tribes to return to. We're not lost or alone. We have each other."
- "My tribal elder Nuetepa said it best—I'm a seed that's finally been allowed to grow.
After you return from Broken Tusk, Dimik-ei will greet you:
- Dimik-Ei: "You're back!"
- Sharp-as-Night: "Told you we could handle ourselves. Did you miss us?"
Dimik-ei is ready to continue with the test run:
- "So nice of those cultists to share with you.
After this, we can destroy what you found and let the pieces sink in the swamp. Let's just hope we can actually follow Reynila's guidance on this." - Can you explain how this is going to work?
- "If Sharp's mind is a blank scroll, and his memories are like ink, touching tyranite calx directly would be like upending the bottle—a mess.
You will act as the quill. His memories will flow through you as we transcribe what once was written." - I'll see every memory that Sharp sees?
- "According to Reynila's notes, it will be as if you are Sharp himself.
I'll be channeling the magic. It won't be an easy process, which is why we're starting small—just one memory, whatever surfaces first, to see if this even works. Are you ready?" - I want to help Sharp. I'm ready.
- (Continues the Quest)
- Give me a minute. I want to think about this.
- (Ends Conversation)
If you say you're ready, she'll prompt you:
- Dimik-Ei: ""Remember—it's just a test. A little starter memory."
- Dimik-Ei: "When you're ready, friend of Sharp, put your hand to the metal."
Speaking with her again:
- "Touch the tyranite calx when you're ready to start."
When you touch the tyranite calx, you will be transported to relive a memory of Sharp's. You will have the appearance of Sharp-as-Night, in prisoner rags. You will be within an open cage, and it is located in Reformer's Laboratory though the memory will have purplish lighting to it.
After you collect the bucket and bring it to Sondivel Ulres, he will ask questions about what Sharp felt during the test. However, you soon realize that it is not the memory of Sondivel you are talking with but the man himself. The conversation ends, and the memory continues, but something is wrong:
- Sondivel Ulres: "Be reasonable, Sharp. Just give me the bucket."
- <You use the bucket and splash him with water, then you hear Dimik-ei cry out.>
- Dimik-ei: "Sharp, help! He's here! He's—"
When you wake up from the memory, you find Dimik-ei is missing. Sondivel Ulres's projection will soon appear with an ultimatum, he will let Dimik-ei and the rest of his slaves go if Sharp returns to him.
Light the Way to Freedom[edit]
You and Sharp-as-Night track Sondivel to his new lair in the Forgotten Crypts. When Sondivel goes down, he comes back as a Lurcher, and has to be killed again. After you've killed him the second time:
- Dimik-Ei: "Do you feel that? The resonance—he's really gone!"
- Sharp-as-Night: "Smash it. Burn it all. Sondivel's work dies with him. Everyone else walks free."
You will need to open the cages, destroy the research and the tyranite calx. As you open one of the cages, Dimik-Ei will lead everyone else to safety:
- Dimik-Ei: "I'll show the others the way out of here!"
- Sharp-as-Night: "Head south when you reach the road. We'll meet you in Narsis."
- <The four freed Argonians walk out the tunnel.>
You can go through the tunnel to leave the crypts, as you approach the group in Narsis, the following will happen:
- Dimik-Ei: "Kaj-kujei! I mean—Sharp. I knew you'd come back for us."
- Sharp-as-Night: "I promised I would, deek-nujei. Give me a moment, I want a word with my friend."
Speaking with Dimik-ei before Sharp:
- "There's so much to know about the world. I want to learn everything!"
If you exit out of the conversation with Sharp before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:
- "I'm all right. Sharp looks like he wants to talk to you."
Once the quest is completed, the following will happen:
- Mevei Andros: "You did it? Sondivel Ulres, the Reformer—is no more?"
- Federo Endril: "If anyone could do it, it's these two right here."
- Sharp-as-Night: "He's dead. Burn any notes you have on his research so no one can pick up where he left off."
- Dimik-Ei: "Of course. We'll never let what happened to us happen to anyone else. Right?"
- Mevei Andros: "I'm never giving up Reynila's work. But you have a good life ahead of you. Try living it for yourself for a while, all right?"
- Dimik-Ei: "Sharp, your memories—when he died, did anything come back to you?"
- Sharp-as-Night: "No. Nothing. But it's all right. We'll make new ones."
Talking to her afterwards:
- "Did you hear? Sharp called me his deek-nujei!
I know his memories died with Sondivel, and I think it's for the best, but I'm happy he wants to rebuild. Since he knows nothing, I could tell him anything! … Not that I will. Too much."