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Online:Deminah Salvi

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Deminah Salvi
Home Settlement Seyda Neen
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
15,000 (In the Governor's Office)
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) House Hlaalu
Deminah Salvi

Deminah Salvi is the Dunmer assistant governor of Seyda Neen. At the end of the end of the quest Breaking Through the Fog, she replaces Governor Omellian.

Related Quests[edit]


Broken Bonds[edit]

"As Governor of this region, I have questions that need to be answered. We found you among the wreckage of the slaver ship, and we found a strongbox with your name on it in another wreck.
I'll give you the strongbox if you tell me the truth."
I helped a Morag Tong agent. She had a writ to assassinate the slaver captain.
"Did she? And where is this writ? I don't see any writ. And without a writ, all I have is a murder.
Take your strongbox, but we'll hold onto you until I have proof of your claim. I have no patience for tale-tellers or slavers."
"There is no record of your arrival. You're a blank slate. Let Vvardenfell be the place where you write a new story. Just write it far from Sedya [sic] Neen.
Good luck, Outlander."

Breaking Through the Fog[edit]

Get too close to the Seyda Neen Lighthouse, and she'll call out to you.

"Outlander! A word."
"By order of the deputy governor of Seyda Neen, which happens to be me, the lighthouse is closed until further notice.
On the other hand, I seek an outlander who's willing to do a little work."
What kind of work are you talking about?
"I need someone without ties to the area to look into a matter for me.
It seems the lighthouse was broken into. The flame was extinguished. As a result, a ship crashed along the shore. There were fewer bodies than expected, both living and dead."
You want me to figure out who put out the flame?
"I suspect slavers were involved. Which means they had help here in town. I find that unacceptable.
Discover who doused the lamp fire. They'll lead us to the slavers. Question Delms, who was on duty that night. He's in the lighthouse."
I'll talk to the lighthouse guard.

You can speak with her for more information.

"I need to check in with the overseer. His workers are searching the wreckage and I want to know what they've uncovered."
Did you find any survivors from the crash?
"By the time we were alerted and had organized a response, precious moments had been lost. We rescued a few, but mostly we found those who had drowned or were crushed on the rocks.
Even so, it was nowhere near the numbers a ship like that carries."
Is there anything I should know about the ship that crashed?
"It was just a typical sailing ship from the mainland. I suppose it carried the usual complement of cargo travelers eager to reach our verdant shores. I don't believe that such a vessel would make the trip without filling its holds.
Damn slavers."
Why do you suspect slavers?
"Ever since our agreement with the Pact went into effect, slavery has been outlawed throughout most of Morrowind. But all we did was drive the slavers into the shadows.
This whole stinking event has their bloody fingerprints all over it."
So slavery is illegal here?
"Here, and in all the territories controlled by the Great Houses that support the Ebonheart Pact.
If you stray into Telvanni or Dres Territory, though, the practice remains strong and vibrant. Hence, my current troubles."
Tell me about Seyda Neen.
"We're just a small outpost along the Bitter Coast, but I like to think of us as the gateway to Vvardenfell. From here, Vivec City and the other inland locations are easily accessible. Governor Omellian is in charge although I contribute as necessary."

Reporting your findings after finding out who doused the light house fire:

"Unfortunately, the wreck of the vessel provided no additional clues. Were you able to discover anything during your investigation?"
Marise Rothrano says the Tribunal hired her to extinguish the lighthouse lamp.
"The young woman who works with the grocer? I doubt the Tribunal would ask her to do something so reckless. Do you have any proof other than her word?"
I found this note in a hollow tree, along with a ruby that was her payment.
"Hmm, this is disturbing. This parchment feels just like the sheets that Governor Omellian special orders from High Rock.
I'm going to need you to acquire another sample from the governor's office. It's the only way to be certain."
Can't you just ask the governor to give you a few sheets?
"Not if I don't want him to know I suspect that's he's working with the slavers. Or the Tribunal, though I still consider that to be some sort of fabrication.
"No, if I alert him too soon, he'll just cover his tracks."
So you want me to steal paper from the governor's office?
"Not the office. He keeps it in his private quarters, accessed through the guard house.
But I'd never suggest that you sneak into his quarters and steal a blank sheet of his special parchment. That would be against the law. Do you understand me?"
I understand. I'll get another sheet of parchment from the governor's private quarters.

Speaking to her after this discussion:

"If anything goes wrong and you get caught, I have no idea who you are."

After breaking into the governor's private quarters:

"Back again? So tell me, you didn't do anything unlawful now, did you?"
Here's the parchment. Also, there was a report that Firemoth Island was free of slaver activity.
"That's odd. We haven't done a search of Firemoth Island since Governor Omellian declared that the House Guard was better used patrolling farther up the coast."
"And these parchment sheets definitely match. This is very disturbing ...."
You think the governor is working with the slavers?
"What I think doesn't matter. We need evidence. But we also need to launch a rescue. Slavery is illegal in Pact territory. It's time to visit Firemoth Island."
"Hopefully, somewhere along the way we'll find more proof of Governor Omellian's ties to all this."

If you picked up the Ordinator helm in the Governor's quarters:

I found this Ordinator helm in the Governor's quarters. Marise said she spoke to an Ordinator.
"You fool! The governor might miss a single sheet of blank parchment, but his dead son's helmet? There's no way I can overlook this breach of the law."
I can put the helmet back where I found it.
"No. Too risky. My only option is to make this appear to be a common burglary."
"Your role in this affair ends here. You're under arrest."
[Persuade] You need me to rescue the prisoners from the slavers.
"Appealing to my love of the law to bargain for a pardon? Contemptible but also extremely logical.
I trust you don't have any other major crimes to confess to?"
No, just the ones you asked for. Let's go to Firemoth Island
You're going to arrest me? I was helping you!
"Try not to mention that when the guards haul you away.
I'm sorry, but you'll be better off in a cell until all this is over."
But what if I ….?

If you don't persuade her, you'll black out and wake up in the prison cell in the governor's private quarters, only to be freed by the very mer that put out the lighthouse fire.

If you don't tell her about the Ordinator helm:

Let's go to Firemoth Island.
"Attack before the soldiers have assembled? That's not a prudent course of action. We need to muster our forces, make plans and contingencies, unlock the armory—what was that?"
A light flared and illuminated the lighthouse.
"That's a distress signal! And it came from Firemoth Island!
No time to prepare. We have to rescue the slavers' prisoners!"
Call out your soldiers. I'll take this ship and head to the island.

She then calls her soldiers.

Deminah Salvi: "Soldiers! To the ships! We sail for Firemoth Island!"

Speaking to her again:

"I'll remain with the boats. Rescue the slavers' prisoners and look for evidence that ties Governor Omellian to this sordid operation."

After the rescue on Firemoth: If you stole the Ordinator helm and were jailed, Governor Omellian manages to escape Seyda Neen.

"Your intervention on Firemoth Island was … unexpected. But the slavers' captives are safe. Do you have anything else to report?"
I found this note on the island.
"The Governor called upon the Morag Tong to hide his involvement, but it appears they simply brought it to light. As this note and the other evidence you uncovered clearly states, he was working with the slavers.
On behalf of Seyda Neen, thank you."

If you didn't steal/show the Ordinator helm to Deminah, but retrieved the parchment from the governor's private quarters, Governor Omellian will not be able to escape.

Deminah Salvi: "My associate will be here soon. Patience, Governor."

Speak to her.

"I informed the governor that the captives we rescued from Firemoth Island are safe and sound. Do you have anything you'd like to add?"
I found this note on the island.
"This note, along with the other evidence you uncovered, clearly implicates the governor as working with the slavers. Well done!
You have provided a great service to Seyda Neen. I'll take it from here."

If you stole the helm, told Deminah about it, and used the persuade option, you will find Deminah attending to a wounded Sergeant Delms when you enter the governer's office. If Delms was killed, she will be looking after Sergeant Garil.

"Someone attacked the governor. This guard will live. Did you find anything important on Firemoth Island?"
I found this note on the island.
"So the Governor hoped to use the Morag Tong to cover his tracks, but this note just adds to the evidence you've already uncovered. Well done!
You have provided a great service to Seyda Neen. I'll take it from here."

Or, if you killed Sergeant Delms in the governor's office:

"This note clearly implicates the governor. Along with the other evidence you uncovered, it's obvious that he was working with the slavers. Well done!
Seyda Neen owes you for this great service, but I'll take it from here."

The Governor stands up.

Governor Omellian: "Well, I suppose we're done here. I have a silt strider waiting."
Deminah Salvi: "No. Governor Omellian, I am placing you under arrest for promoting slavery in Pact territory."
Governor Omellian: "How dare you accuse me of such a thing! You have no proof!"
Deminah Salvi: "A note on your parchment which led to the sabotage of the lighthouse and a shipwreck off our coast. A letter naming you as the slaver captain's partner. Do you deny your involvement?"
Governor Omellian: "That proves nothing! I'll have you hanged for this!"
Sergeant Delms: "The document you requested, Deputy Governor."
Deminah Salvi: "And your report to Vivec City claiming Firemoth Island to be free of slaver activity, written before we eradicated the slaver base."
Governor Omellian: "Delms! You can't believe these blatant lies about me!"
Sergeant Delms: "My duty is clear, traitor."
Deminah Salvi: "Secure him."
Sergeant Delms: "Yes, Governor Salvi."

Sergeant Delms will then arrest Omellian.

If you killed Sergeant Delms in the governor's private quarters:

Governor Omellian: "Well, I suppose we're done here. I have a silt strider waiting."
Deminah Salvi: "No. Governor Omellian, I am placing you under arrest for promoting slavery in Pact territory."
Governor Omellian: "How dare you accuse me of such a thing! You have no proof!"
Deminah Salvi: "A note on your parchment which led to the sabotage of the lighthouse and a shipwreck off our coast. A letter naming you as the slaver captain's partner. Do you deny your involvement?"
Governor Omellian: "That proves nothing! I'll have you hanged for this!"
Sergeant Garil: "Sergeant Delms! He's dead!"
Deminah Salvi: "Murderer! Sergeant Delms knew that you had a report claiming Firemoth Island was free of slavers, and we both know that was a lie."
Governor Omellian: "The Sergeant's dead? Who would do such a thing?"
Deminah Salvi: "Secure him."
Sergeant Garil: "Yes, Governor Salvi."

Sergeant Garil will then arrest Omellian.

Speaking to her after the quest:

"I hope to bring honor back to the station of governor and shall do my best to restore the people's faith in us.
Thank you again for your part in all this."

On the other hand, if the governor escapes after completing the quest and you killed Sergeant Delms, you'll hear:

Sergeant Garil: "Deputy Governor?"
Deminah Salvi: "Sergeant, where's Governor Omellian? What happened here?"
Sergeant Garil: "Sergeant Delms! He's dead! When I came to inform the Governor, he ambushed me!"
Deminah Salvi: "The Governor seeks to escape justice! After him!"
<They both run out of the room>


After Breaking Through the Fog, if Governor Omellian escapes, you can find Deminah (with Sergeant Delms if he survived) searching for him in the wilds of Vvardenfell:

"I won't rest until I avenge Seyda Neen's honor. Sergeant Garil can handle the governor's duties until then."
"Every time we get close, Omellian slips away! What connections does he have?"
"We'll walk the length and breadth of Vvardenfell to find Omellian if we have to."
"We're still looking for that scoundrel Omellian. He can't be far now."

If Sergeant Delms did not survive, she will instead be searching with Sergeant Garil. Garil will have no dialogue, but Deminah will say the following:

"I won't rest until I avenge Sergeant Delms."
"Every time we get close, that murderer Omellian slips away!"
"We're still looking for that murderer Omellian. He can't be far now."
"We'll walk the length and breadth of Vvardenfell to find Omellian if we have to. Delms would have done the same for us."