Online:Dalitra Riverrun

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Dalitra Riverrun
Home Settlement Lost Knife Cave
Location Miner's Lodge
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Warrior
Dalitra Riverrun

Dalitra Riverrun is a Nord warrior working at Lost Knife Mine. She can be found in the Miner's Lodge.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Labor Dispute[edit]

During Labor Dispute, she hopes you will help retake the mine and revealed that anyone who tried to seek help were killed:

"Are you really going to help us take back the mine? That would be so great!"
Stormfist soldiers have taken the mine. Has anyone tried to get help?
"No one wants to risk the hostages. They split up families and killed a few of us to show they mean business.
I lost my best friend when she tried to get to Fort Amol. They killed her as she ran down the road."

Mystery Metal[edit]

After you recover the ore from the mine and when you exit the mine, she will be happy to be back to work without dealing with the Stormfists:

"I knew those big goons were nothing but cowards! Now we can get back to work. And for real, this time."