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Online:Crown Store/Crafting

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Alliance Styles[edit]

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Motif: Argonian 00200Unavailable 200 Crowns Used to learn the Argonian crafting style. An Argonian crafting motif book.
26 May 2015
13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Motif: Breton 00200Unavailable 200 Crowns Used to learn the Breton crafting style. A Breton crafting motif book.
26 May 2015
13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Motif: Dark Elf 00200Unavailable 200 Crowns Used to learn the Dark Elf crafting style. A Dunmer crafting motif book.
26 May 2015
13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Motif: High Elf 00200Unavailable 200 Crowns Used to learn the High Elf crafting style. An Altmer crafting motif book.
26 May 2015
13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Motif: Khajiit 00200Unavailable 200 Crowns Used to learn the Khajiit crafting style. A Khajiit crafting motif book.
26 May 2015
13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Motif: Nord 00200Unavailable 200 Crowns Used to learn the Nord crafting style. A Nord crafting motif book.
26 May 2015
13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Motif: Orc 00200Unavailable 200 Crowns Used to learn the Orc crafting style. An Orc crafting motif book.
26 May 2015
13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Motif: Redguard 00200Unavailable 200 Crowns Used to learn the Redguard crafting style. A Redguard crafting motif book.
26 May 2015
13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Motif: Wood Elf 00200Unavailable 200 Crowns Used to learn the Wood Elf crafting style. A Bosmer crafting motif book.
26 May 2015
13 April 2015

Exotic Styles[edit]

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Ancient Elf 01500Unavailable 1,500 Crowns Used to learn the Ancient Elf crafting style. An Ancient Elf crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Pack did not contain Mimic Stones prior to Update 9. Originally called "Crown Motif: Ancient Elf".
14 August 2017
13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Barbaric 01500Unavailable 1,500 Crowns Used to learn the Barbaric crafting style. A Barbaric crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Pack did not contain Mimic Stones prior to Update 9. Originally called "Crown Motif: Barbaric".
14 August 2017
13 April 2015
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Crown Crafting Motif: Celestial 06000Unavailable 6,000 Crowns Use to learn the Celestial crafting style.
15 May 2017
11 May 2017
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ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Daedric 01500Unavailable 1,500 Crowns Used to learn the Daedric crafting style. A Daedric crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Pack did not contain Mimic Stones prior to Update 9. Originally called "Crown Motif: Daedric".
14 August 2017
13 April 2015
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Crown Crafting Motifs: Dro-m'Athra 06000Unavailable 6,000 Crowns Use to learn the Dro-m'Athra crafting style. A Dro-m'Athra crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones.
30 January 2017
26 January 2017
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Crown Crafting Motif: Frostcaster 02000Unavailable 2,000 Crowns Use to learn the Stalhrim Frostcaster crafting style. A Frostcaster crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones.
2 January 2018
14 December 2017
4 January 2017
15 December 2016
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Crown Crafting Motifs: Grim Harlequin 02200Unavailable 2,200 Crowns Motif book and style items that enable crafting in the Grim Harlequin style. A Grim Harlequin crafting motif book, and 54 Crown Mimic Stones.
13 October 2017
9 October 2017
1 November 2016
13 October 2016
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Crown Crafting Motif: Mazzatun 06000Unavailable 6,000 Crowns Use to learn the Mazzatun crafting style.
21 August 2017
17 August 2017
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Crown Crafting Motifs: Primal 01500Unavailable 1,500 Crowns Used to learn the Primal crafting style. A Primal crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Pack did not contain Mimic Stones prior to Update 9. Originally called "Crown Motif: Primal".
14 August 2017
13 April 2015
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Crown Crafting Motif: Ra Gada Style 03000Unavailable 3,000 Crowns Use to learn the Ra Gada crafting style. A Ra Gada crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones.
24 July 2017
20 July 2017
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ON-icon-style material-Malachite.png

Crown Motif: Glass 05000Unavailable 5,000 Crowns Use to learn the Glass crafting style. A Glass crafting motif book, and 10 pieces of malachite.
7 March 2016
24 September 2015
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ON-icon-style material-Laurel.png

Crown Motif: Mercenary 03000Unavailable 3,000 Crowns This enables crafting in the utilitarian and militaristic Mercenary style. A Mercenary crafting motif book, and 10 laurels.
7 March 2016
3 March 2016
ON-icon-style material-Malachite.png Glass Style Item: Malachite 00500Unavailable 500 Crowns An ingredient for crafting in the Glass style. A pack of 10 malachite for crafting in the Glass style.
7 March 2016
24 September 2015

Mimic Stones[edit]

Mimic Stones are consumables that take the place of a racial item in crafting, and therefore allow you to create an item in any style you have learned.

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png Crown Mimic Stone: Large Pack 024002,400 Crowns An ingredient for crafting in any learned style. A stack of 54 Crown Mimic Stones.
PC/Mac: 7 March 2016
Xbox One: 22 March 2016
PS4: 23 March 2016
ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png Crown Mimic Stone: Medium Pack 012001,200 Crowns An ingredient for crafting in any learned style. A stack of 26 Crown Mimic Stones.
PC/Mac: 7 March 2016
Xbox One: 22 March 2016
PS4: 23 March 2016
ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png Crown Mimic Stone: Small Pack 00600600 Crowns An ingredient for crafting in any learned style. A stack of 12 Crown Mimic Stones.
PC/Mac: 7 March 2016
Xbox One: 22 March 2016
PS4: 23 March 2016


These items reduce the amount of time remaining for Trait research.

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
ON-icon-misc-Instant Blacksmithing Research.png Instant Blacksmithing Research 00400400 Crowns Use of this scroll decreases the amount of time required to research a trait. Reduces each in progress Blacksmithing Research Timer by 1 day. If a Research Timer has less than 1 day remaining, it will be completed. PC/Mac: 22 May 2017
Console: 6 June 2017
ON-icon-misc-Instant Blacksmithing Research, Major.png Instant Blacksmithing Research, Major 025002,500 Crowns Use of this scroll decreases the amount of time required to research a trait. Reduces each in progress Blacksmithing Research Timer by 7 days. If a Research Timer has less than 7 days remaining, it will be completed. 15 February 2017
ON-icon-misc-Instant Blacksmithing Research, Grand.png Instant Blacksmithing Research, Grand 050005,000 Crowns Use of this scroll decreases the amount of time required to research a trait. Reduces each in progress Blacksmithing Research Timer by 15 days. If a Research Timer has less than 15 days remaining, it will be completed. 15 February 2017
ON-icon-misc-Instant Clothing Research.png Instant Clothing Research 00400400 Crowns Use of this scroll decreases the amount of time required to research a trait. Reduces each in progress Clothing Research Timer by 1 day. If a Research Timer has less than 1 day remaining, it will be completed. PC/Mac: 22 May 2017
Console: 6 June 2017
ON-icon-misc-Instant Clothing Research, Major.png Instant Clothing Research, Major 025002,500 Crowns Use of this scroll decreases the amount of time required to research a trait. Reduces each in progress Clothing Research Timer by 7 days. If a Research Timer has less than 7 days remaining, it will be completed. 15 February 2017
ON-icon-misc-Instant Clothing Research, Grand.png Instant Clothing Research, Grand 050005,000 Crowns Use of this scroll decreases the amount of time required to research a trait. Reduces each in progress Clothing Research Timer by 15 days. If a Research Timer has less than 15 days remaining, it will be completed. 15 February 2017
ON-icon-misc-Instant Woodworking Research.png Instant Woodworking Research 00400400 Crowns Use of this scroll decreases the amount of time required to research a trait. Reduces each in progress Woodworking Research Timer by 1 day. If a Research Timer has less than 1 day remaining, it will be completed. PC/Mac: 22 May 2017
Console: 6 June 2017
ON-icon-misc-Instant Woodworking Research, Major.png Instant Woodworking Research, Major 025002,500 Crowns Use of this scroll decreases the amount of time required to research a trait. Reduces each in progress Woodworking Research Timer by 7 days. If a Research Timer has less than 7 days remaining, it will be completed. 15 February 2017
ON-icon-misc-Instant Woodworking Research, Grand.png Instant Woodworking Research, Grand 050005,000 Crowns Use of this scroll decreases the amount of time required to research a trait. Reduces each in progress Woodworking Research Timer by 15 days. If a Research Timer has less than 15 days remaining, it will be completed. 15 February 2017


Motifs were originally split into Alliance Styles and Exotic Styles.

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Crafting Motifs Pack: Covenant Races 00500500 Crowns Used to learn the Breton, Orc, and Redguard crafting styles. A pack containing the Breton, Orc, and Redguard crafting motif books. Originally called "Crown Motif Pack: Covenant Races". Previously listed under Alliance Styles. 13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Crafting Motifs Pack: Dominion Races 00500500 Crowns Used to learn the High Elf, Wood Elf, and Khajiit crafting styles. A pack containing the Altmer, Bosmer, and Khajiit crafting motif books. Originally called "Crown Motif Pack: Dominion Races". Previously listed under Alliance Styles. 13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png Crown Crafting Motifs Pack: Pact Races 00500500 Crowns Used to learn the Argonian, Dark Elf, and Nord crafting styles. A pack containing the Argonian, Dunmer, and Nord crafting motif books. Originally called "Crown Motif Pack: Pact Races". Previously listed under Alliance Styles. 13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs Pack: Rare Styles 050005,000 Crowns Used to learn the Ancient Elf, Barbaric, Daedric, and Primal crafting styles. A pack containing the Ancient Elf, Barbaric, Daedric, and Primal crafting motif books, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Pack did not contain Mimic Stones prior to Update 9. Originally called "Crown Crafting Motifs Pack: Rare Styles". Previously listed under Exotic Styles. 13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Ancient Orc 050005,000 Crowns This motif enables crafting in the Ancient Orc style. An Ancient Orc crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Previously listed under Exotic Styles. (?)
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Assassins League 030003,000 Crowns Motif book and style items that enable crafting in the Assassins League style. An Assassins League crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Previously listed under Exotic Styles. 5 January 2017
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Covenant Style 050005,000 Crowns This motif enables crafting in the Daggerfall Covenant Alliance War style. A Covenant crafting motif book and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Previously listed under Alliance Styles. 14 July 2016
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Dominion Style 050005,000 Crowns This motif enables crafting in the Aldmeri Dominion Alliance War style. A Dominion crafting motif book and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Previously listed under Alliance Styles. 14 July 2016
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ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Dwemer 050005,000 Crowns Use to learn the Dwemer crafting style. A Dwemer crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Pack did not contain Mimic Stones prior to Update 9. Originally called "Crown Motif: Dwemer". Previously listed under Exotic Styles. 13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Glass 050005,000 Crowns Use to learn the Glass crafting style. A Glass crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Originally called "Crown Motif: Glass". Previously listed under Exotic Styles. 7 March 2016
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

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Crown Crafting Motifs: Imperial 050005,000 Crowns Used to learn the Imperial crafting style. An Imperial crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Pack did not contain Mimic Stones prior to Update 9. Originally called "Crown Motif: Imperial". Previously listed under Alliance Styles. 13 April 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Malacath Cult 050005,000 Crowns Use to learn the Malacath crafting style. A Malacath style crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Previously listed under Exotic Styles. 1 September 2016
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Mercenary 030003,000 Crowns This enables crafting in the utilitarian and militaristic Mercenary style. A Mercenary crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Originally called "Crown Motif: Mercenary". Previously listed under Exotic Styles. 7 March 2016
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Pact Style 050005,000 Crowns This motif enables crafting in the Ebonheart Pact Alliance War style. A Pact crafting motif book and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Previously listed under Alliance Styles. 14 July 2016
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ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Thieves Guild 030003,000 Crowns Motif book and style items that enable crafting in the Thieves Guild style. A Thieves Guild crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Previously listed under Exotic Styles. 17 November 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Trinimac Cult 050005,000 Crowns Use to learn the Trinimac crafting style. A Trinimac style crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Previously listed under Exotic Styles. 29 September 2016
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ON-icon-store-Crown Mimic Stone.png

Crown Crafting Motifs: Xivkyn 050005,000 Crowns Used to learn the Xivkyn crafting style. A Xivkyn crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Pack did not contain Mimic Stones prior to Update 9. Originally called "Crown Motif: Xivkyn". Previously listed under Exotic Styles. 25 November 2015
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

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Crown Crafting Motif: Hlaalu Style 05000Unavailable 5,000 Crowns Includes the Motif Book that enables crafting in the House Hlaalu style, as well as some style items to do it with. A Glass crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Originally called "Crown Motif: Glass". Previously listed under Exotic Styles.
23 April 2018
19 April 2018
ON-icon-book-Crown Motif.png

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Crown Crafting Motif: Tsaesci Style 02200Unavailable 2,200 Crowns Use to learn the Tsaesci crafting style. A Tsaesci style crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones.
28 June 2018
02 July 2018
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Crown Crafting Motifs: Xivkyn 050005,000 Crowns Used to learn the Xivkyn crafting style. A Xivkyn crafting motif book, and 5 Crown Mimic Stones. Pack did not contain Mimic Stones prior to Update 9. Originally called "Crown Motif: Xivkyn". Previously listed under Exotic Styles. 25 November 2015
