Costumes by Race and Theme
Akaviri • Altmer • Argonian • Bosmer • Breton • Dunmer • Imperial • Khajiit • Nede • Nord • Orc • Reachfolk • Redguard
Daedric • Guild • Holiday • Occupational • Vampire
10-Year Anniversary Nord Hero[edit]
- This costume pays a 10-year tribute to our legendary Nord hero of the Ebonheart Pact. Honor this nameless warrior by adopting their ferocious appearance, updated with touches of gold and ivory for the occasion.
The 10-Year Anniversary Nord Hero is a costume that is obtained by completing four activities during the Golden Pursuit: Welcome to Golden Pursuits! campaign.
Bardic Tavern-Singer's Dress[edit]
- "Whether you're belting out 'Ragnar the Red' in the tavern, or just down there for the Loredas evening dance, all eyes will be on you in this free-swinging layered dress!" --Jork the Tailor-Thane
The Bardic Tavern-Singer's Dress was distributed as a daily reward in February 2019. It was later made available as an Epic-level reward in Akaviri Potentate Crates.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Apron
- Slot 2: Dress and sleeves
- Slot 3: Belt, choker and shoes
(The seams on the dress and apron as well as the gilded jewelry/belt buckle are not dyeable.)
Bleakrock Housecarl Dress[edit]
- "We Nords are a people unafraid of getting our hands dirty," says Jork the Tailor-Thane. "We like our clothes to be practical, yet stylish at the same time. My Bleakrock Housecarl Dress is a prime example!"
The Bleakrock Housecarl Dress is available as an Epic-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Apron and arm bands
- Slot 2: Body and sleeves of dress
- Slot 3: Shoes and belt
The metal bits cannot be dyed.
Dragon Priest[edit]
- Once, it is said, a cult of Dragon-worshippers ruled all of northern Tamriel. Their leaders were Dragon Priests, cruel clerics of great power who hid their faces under magical masks. Now you can wear the semblance of these legendary magi.
The Dragon Priest costume was available in the Crown Store for 2,000 from May 5, 2016 to September 1, 2016. This costume was available once more from May 30 to June 4, 2019. It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in Scalecaller Crates.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1:
- Slot 2:
- Slot 3:
(The (?) is/are not dyeable)
Dragon Warrior[edit]
- Tales have come down to us from the legendary time of the Dragons, when it was said that some Nords were born with Dragon blood in their veins. Now you can wear the look of these legendary Dragon Warriors.
The Dragon Warrior costume was available in the Crown Store for 1,000 from May 5, 2016 to September 1, 2016. It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1:
- Slot 2:
- Slot 3:
(The (?) is/are not dyeable)
East Skyrim Scout Outfit[edit]
- This costume replicates the armor worn by the scouts of Eastern Skyrim, in the holds of the Rift, Eastmarch, and Winterhold.
Part of Winter Scouts Pack which was sold in the Crown Store for 700 from January 7, 2016 to July 31, 2016. It is also available as a Superior-level reward in Wild Hunt Crown Crates.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1:
- Slot 2:
- Slot 3:
(The (?) is/are not dyeable)
Falkreath Thane[edit]
- This classic Nord kilted jerkin outfit projects the confidence and authority of a Falkreath fighting clan chief - complete with the traditional horned helmet!
The Falkreath Thane costume is a Nord-style outfit that was sold in the Crown Store for 1,500 from (?) to November 6, 2017. It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in Psijic Vault Crates.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Red sections
- Slot 2: Blue sections
- Slot 3: Gold trim, horn tips
(Shin guards, wrist plates, belt buckle, horns, cheek guards and center stripe on helmet are not dyeable)
Frostbane Dragon Priest[edit]
- "Dragon priests donned formidable masks and adorned their gear with hide knots to protect them from weather and enemies alike. These Atmorans may have found the bitter cold of Skyrim invigorating, but they still wore proper layers."—Zoellene Ruqueville
The Frostbane Dragon Priest was a Crown Gem exclusive that was available in the Crown Store for 400 from July 14 to July 28, 2022.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1:
- Slot 2:
- Slot 3:
The (?) are not dyeable.
Jarl Finery[edit]
- When you're done wading into battle on behalf of your hold, celebrate your glorious victories in the jarl's mead hall! This rugged but stylish raiment is typically reserved for northern nobility—just more proof of your heroic stature!
The Jarl Finery was originally obtained by pre-ordering any edition of the Greymoor Chapter. It is now available in the Crown Store for 2,100 as part of the Greymoor Collector's Pack.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Breeches, most of coat
- Slot 2: Boots, inner tunic, lower portion of coat sleeves
- Slot 3: All metal trims, bits and buckles
(Fur collar, red parts of the shirt, undershirt, body of the belt and embedded jewels cannot be dyed)
Jarl's Deluxe Moot Regalia[edit]
- "Someday East and West Skyrim will be reunited and the Jarls will gather in a Moot to select a new High King," says Jork of Windhelm. "But that day may be a long time coming, so you might as well wear this noble outfit now!"
Sold in the Crown Store for 1,000 from January 4, 2018 to September 24, 2018.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Under-robe
- Slot 2: Outer robe
- Slot 3: Collar and shoulders
(Gold chains, necklace, belt buckle and trim, and shoes are not dyeable)
Jarl's Justice Formal Frock[edit]
- "We Nords tend to be an informal people at most times, but when a Jarl sits to decide a legal case, it's important that our system of law be honored with the proper attire!" —Jork, the Tailor-Thane of Windhelm
Sold in the Crown Store for 900 to ESO Plus members from February 28 to March 3, 2019. Currently available to all players for 1,000
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Light blue center of the dress
- Slot 2: Deep blue parts of the dress (sleeves, shoulders, body)
- Slot 3: Black trim (including shoes)
(The gold trim and metal bits cannot be dyed)
Karthwatch Jarl Finery[edit]
- Established to create an impregnable border between Skyrim and the Reach, Karthald Hold maintains a war footing year-round, and its jarl stands at the ready to leap to the defense of Skyrim in this regal mix of satin and steel.
Available as a Legendary-level reward in Nightfall Crates.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Dark blue coat and pants
- Slot 2: Black trim, boots and gloves
- Slot 3: Silver trim and metal bits
(The belt and the blue on the undercoat are not dyeable)
Morthal Jarl Finery[edit]
- Let skalds wear silks! The stalwart rulers of Morthal require sturdier materials. These rustic, oiled leathers are lined with the down of waterfowl, providing warmth and comfort befitting royalty even in the damp, cold wetlands of Hjaalmarch.
Available as a Legendary-level reward in Nightfall Crates.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1:
- Slot 2:
- Slot 3:
( are not dyeable)
Nord Hero Armor[edit]
- This costume pays tribute to a legendary Nord hero of the Ebonheart Pact. Now you can honor this nameless warrior by adopting his savage appearance.
The Nord Hero Armor was first sold in the Crown Store for 2,000 from (?) to (?). It returned to the Crown Store from April 6 to April 14, 2020, and later April 5 to April 13, 2021. It has been offered at a discounted 1,600
to ESO Plus Members since 2019. It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in Dwarven Crown Crates.
Nordic Bather's Towel[edit]
- This bathing costume keeps you modest in all climates, whether the Abecean Sea or a hot spring in Skyrim.
Found in New Life Gift Boxes during the New Life Festival.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Towel fabric
- Slot 2: Waist straps
- Slot 3: Backstrap hooks (female only - slot has no effect for male characters)
Nordic Knot Doublet and Breeches[edit]
- "Nordic Knot designs symbolize the heritage of the people of Skyrim," says designer Jork of Windhelm. "This upscale ensemble pays tribute to that tradition, and looks good even on those not lucky enough to be Nords."
It was originally sold in the Crown Store for 700 , and can now be obtained as an Epic reward in Wraithtide Crates. It first became available on November 16, 2017.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Outer shirt
- Slot 2: Inner shirt and sleeves
- Slot 3: Pants
(Bracers, boots, belt, and shirt trim are not dyeable)
Prince Irnskar's Gala Regalia[edit]
- Prince Irnskar's outfit radiates the loyalty and courage befitting the Nords. Though perhaps not what one might traditionally wear to a gala, rumor has it the prince himself hunted the beasts to make his cowl.
Prince Irnskar's Gala Regalia is available as a Legendary-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: ?
- Slot 2: ?
- Slot 3: ?
Rawhide-Laced Riften Jerkin[edit]
- Jork the Tailor-Thane says, "Summer may be short in Riften, but when it finally comes the Nords greet it with open arms. And how better than in this patterned sleeveless jerkin, accented with rawhide laces?"
Sold in the Crown Store for 700 .
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Shirt
- Slot 2: Pants
- Slot 3: Boots and belt
(Armband and belt buckles are not dyeable)
Renegade Dragon Priest[edit]
- Sure, Dragon Priests were evil overlords who ruled mortals in the name of tyrannical Dovah, but what a fashion sense they had! Now you can adopt the appearance of the Renegade Dragon Priest from Scalecaller.
The Renegade Dragon Priest costume was available in the Crown Store for 2,500 from August 23 to August 27, 2018. It returned from July 19 to July 26, 2021, and was offered at a discounted 1,600
to ESO Plus Members. It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1:
- Slot 2:
- Slot 3:
((?) is/are not dyeable)
Singing Skald[edit]
- Set yourself apart from common tavern strummers and strut into your shows like a brightly plumed cockerel, fully prepared to captivate the senses with a brilliant display of song and dance. In this flashy regalia, all eyes and ears will be on you alone!
Available in the Crown Store for 1000 starting August 6, 2020.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Blue coat, pants and hat
- Slot 2: Undershirt and feather in the cap
- Slot 3: Leather parts (boots, straps, belts, pouch, wrist portion of the sleeves)
Singing Skald Female[edit]
- Dyeing
- Slot 1:
- Slot 2:
- Slot 3:
Skald's Damask Jerkin[edit]
- This damask twill jerkin is a favorite this season for skalds across Skyrim, and you'll see them strumming in it from Riften to Solitude. "Pair it with a warm tunic underneath for maximum versatility," says designer Jork of Windhelm.
Received as a daily reward in September 2018.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Green vest
- Slot 2: Sleeves
- Slot 3: Belt and boots
(The pants, seams, midline, and boot toes are undyeable)
Solitude Stevedore's Jerkin[edit]
- "The Nord stevedores who work the docks below the great stone arch of Solitude have a style all their own," says Jork the Tailor-Thane of Windhelm. "They take what they like from travelers of Tamriel and make it their own. Now you can, too!"
Sold in the Crown Store for 500 November 2, 2017 - June 6, 2022.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1: Shirt
- Slot 2: Pants, bracers
- Slot 3: Belt
(Boots, belt buckle, shirt laces cannot be dyed)
West Skyrim Scout Outfit[edit]
- This costume replicates the armor worn by the scouts of Western Skyrim, in the holds of Haafingar, Hjaalmarch, and Karthald.
Part of Winter Scouts Pack which was sold in the Crown Store for 700 from January 7, 2016 to July 31, 2016. It is also available as a Superior-level reward in Wild Hunt Crown Crates. Its description used to say "This costume replicates the armor worn by the scouts of Western Skyrim, in the holds of Haafingar, Whiterun, and Falkreath." This was changed with the release of Greymoor.
Windcaller Garb[edit]
- "Fleet of foot though wolves may be, the wind moves faster. It flows into places even insects cannot reach. Thus the Skaal witch who masterfully calls upon it gains the title of Windcaller, Blessed of the All-Maker."—Skaal Shaman Rik
The Windcaller Garb is available as an Apex-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. It matches the Windcaller's Circlet.
- Dyeing
- Slot 1:
- Slot 2:
- Slot 3:
((?) cannot be dyed.)