Online:Character Achievements

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Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Explore Pact.png Superior Ransacker 5 Acquire a Superior quality item. Ransacker BlueRansacker Blue
ON-icon-achievement-Epic Acquirer.png Epic Acquirer 5 Acquire an Epic quality item. Pillager PurplePillager Purple
ON-icon-achievement-Cyrodiil Recruit.png Superior Attire 15 Wear a full set of Superior, and only Superior, gear. Superior BlueSuperior Blue
ON-icon-achievement-Assassinate the Emperor.png Epic Attire 15 Wear a full set of Epic, and only Epic, gear. Epic VioletEpic Violet
ON-icon-achievement-Social Adept.png Social Adept 5 Accept an invitation to join a player guild.
ON-icon-achievement-Guild Store Shopper.png Guild Store Shopper 15 Visit a Guild Store in each of the listed locations.
Player Level
ON-icon-achievement-Level 10.png Level 10 Hero 10 Reach Level 10. Novice TanNovice Tan
ON-icon-achievement-Level 20.png Level 20 Hero 10 Reach Level 20. Apprentice BlueApprentice Blue
ON-icon-achievement-Level 30.png Level 30 Hero 10 Reach Level 30. Adept PurpleAdept Purple
ON-icon-achievement-Level 40.png Level 40 Hero 10 Reach Level 40. Expert GrayExpert Gray
ON-icon-achievement-Level 50.png Level 50 Hero 10 Reach Level 50. Master GoldMaster Gold
ON-icon-achievement-Veteran Undaunted.png Master Monster Slayer 50 Complete all of the Slayer Achievements. Stendarr WhiteStendarr White
Title: Monster Hunter
ON-icon-achievement-Daedroth Head.png Daedra Slayer 15 Kill Daedric creatures from Oblivion. Boethiah GrayBoethiah Gray
ON-icon-pet-Razak's Opus.png Dwarven Construct Slayer 15 Kill Dwarven mechanical constructs. Automaton BronzeAutomaton Bronze
ON-icon-head-Giant.png Humanoid Slayer 15 Kill humanoids, Goblin-kin, and giant-kin. Bandit BrownBandit Brown
ON-icon-head-Plant.png Nature Slayer 15 Kill a variety of natural creatures in the wilds of Tamriel and beyond. Hunter GreenHunter Green
ON-icon-achievement-Veteran Dungeon.png Undead Slayer 15 Kill skeletons, zombies, ghosts, spirits, and vampires. Mort Flesh WhiteMort Flesh White
Treasure Chests
ON-icon-achievement-Explore Dominion.png Treasure Chest Spotter 5 Loot any 10 Treasure Chests.
ON-icon-achievement-Treasure Chest Seeker.png Treasure Chest Seeker 5 Loot any 50 Treasure Chests.
ON-icon-achievement-Explore Cyrodiil.png Treasure Chest Stalker 5 Loot any 100 Treasure Chests.
ON-icon-achievement-Treasure Chest Hunter.png Treasure Chest Hunter 5 Loot any 1000 Treasure Chests. Decorative Treasure Chest (page) (0001000010,000 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-Blooded Duelist.png Blooded Duelist 5 Win your first duel against another player.
ON-icon-achievement-Seasoned Duelist.png Seasoned Duelist 10 Win 25 duels against other players.
ON-icon-achievement-Master Duelist.png Master Duelist 15 Win 100 duels against other players. Title: Duelist
Dueling Banner (page) (0001000010,000 Gold)
Weapon Skills
ON-icon-achievement-Two-Handed Apprentice.png Two-Handed Apprentice 10 Reach Rank 25 in the Two Handed Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-Two-Handed Master.png Two-Handed Master 15 Reach Rank 50 in the Two Handed Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-One Hand and Shield Apprentice.png One Hand and Shield Apprentice 10 Reach Rank 25 in the One Hand and Shield Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-One Hand and Shield Master.png One Hand and Shield Master 15 Reach Rank 50 in the One Hand and Shield Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-Dual Wield Apprentice.png Dual Wield Apprentice 10 Reach Rank 25 in the Dual Wield Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-Dual Wield Master.png Dual Wield Master 15 Reach Rank 50 in the Dual Wield Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-Bow Apprentice.png Bow Apprentice 10 Reach Rank 25 in the Bow Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-Bow Master.png Bow Master 15 Reach Rank 50 in the Bow Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-Destruction Staff Apprentice.png Destruction Staff Apprentice 10 Reach Rank 25 in the Destruction Staff Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-Destruction Staff Master.png Destruction Staff Master 15 Reach Rank 50 in the Destruction Staff Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-Restoration Staff Apprentice.png Restoration Staff Apprentice 10 Reach Rank 25 in the Restoration Staff Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-Restoration Staff Master.png Restoration Staff Master 15 Reach Rank 50 in the Restoration Staff Weapon Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-Newfound Partnership.png Newfound Partnership 5 Receive your first correspondence from a hireling.
ON-icon-achievement-Casual Collector.png Casual Collector 5 Receive 20 correspondences from a hireling.
ON-icon-achievement-Avid Recipient.png Avid Recipient 10 Receive 100 correspondences from a hireling.
ON-icon-achievement-Diligent Beneficiary.png Diligent Beneficiary 15 Receive 200 correspondences from a hireling.
ON-icon-achievement-Long-Time Correspondent.png Long-Time Correspondent 50 Receive 500 correspondences from hirelings.
Antiquity Lore
ON-icon-achievement-Antiquity Curious.png Antiquity Curious 10 Unlock 10 lore entries in the Antiquities Codex by scrying for and excavating Antiquity Leads. Antiquity leads can pop up almost anywhere. To find more, explore the world! Search treasure chests, slay Bosses, fish, steal, and answer the call of adventure.
ON-icon-achievement-A Most Able Antiquarian.png A Most Able Antiquarian 15 Unlock 100 lore entries in the Antiquities Codex by scrying for and excavating Antiquity Leads. Antiquity leads can pop up almost anywhere. To find more, explore the world! Search treasure chests, slay Bosses, fish, steal, and answer the call of adventure.
ON-icon-achievement-Member of the Antiquarian Circle.png Member of the Antiquarian Circle 50 Unlock 500 lore entries in the Antiquities Codex by scrying for and excavating Antiquity Leads. Antiquity leads can pop up almost anywhere. To find more, explore the world! Search treasure chests, slay Bosses, fish, steal, and answer the call of adventure. Title: Antiquarian


Achievement Points Description Reward
Mages Guild
ON-icon-achievement-Group Challenge.png Student of the Mages Guild 5 Join the Mages Guild. Mages Guild BlueMages Guild Blue
Skill Line: Mages Guild
ON-icon-achievement-Mages Guild.png Arch-Mage 50 Complete the Mages Guild series of quests. Eyevea BlueEyevea Blue
Title: Master Wizard
Mages Guild Banner (page) (0001000010,000 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-MG Skill Apprentice.png Mages Guild Skill Apprentice 50 Reach Rank 5 in Mages Guild Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-MG Skill Master.png Mages Guild Skill Master 50 Reach the max level of the Mages Guild Skill Line. Arcane BlueArcane Blue
Daily Quests
ON-icon-achievement-The Madness Isn't Catching.png The Madness Isn't Catching 5 Recover your first Mad God's relic for Alvur Baren.
ON-icon-achievement-But I'd Say It's Rather Fetching.png But I'd Say It's Rather Fetching 10 Recover 10 Mad God's relics for Alvur Baren.
ON-icon-achievement-With Butterflies A-Retching.png With Butterflies A-Retching 15 Recover 30 Mad God's relics for Alvur Baren. Cheese Cutter (page) (000050005,000 Gold)
Fighters Guild
ON-icon-achievement-Group Challenge.png Associate of the Fighters Guild 5 Join the Fighters Guild. Fighters Guild RedFighters Guild Red
Skill Line: Fighters Guild
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Fighters Guild Veteran 50 Complete the Fighters Guild series of quests. Champion RedChampion Red
Title: Fighters Guild Victor
Fighters Guild Banner (page) (0001000010,000 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-FG Skill Apprentice.png Fighters Guild Skill Apprentice 50 Reach Rank 5 in Fighters Guild Skill Line.
ON-icon-achievement-FG Skill Master.png Fighters Guild Skill Master 50 Reach the max level of the Fighters Guild Skill Line. Syffim RedSyffim Red
Daily Quests
ON-icon-achievement-No Ground Given.png No Ground Given 5 Complete your first Dark Anchor contract for Cardea Gallus.
ON-icon-achievement-Return to Sender.png Return to Sender 10 Complete 10 Dark Anchor contracts for Cardea Gallus.
ON-icon-achievement-Stay Out Of Tamriel.png Stay Out Of Tamriel 15 Complete 30 Dark Anchor contracts for Cardea Gallus. Daedric Chest (page) (0001000010,000 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-Group Challenge.png Recruit of the Undaunted 5 Join the Undaunted. Dried Blood BrownDried Blood Brown
Skill Line: Undaunted
ON-icon-food-Beer.png This One's On Me 15 Buy drinks for your Undaunted companions at each gathering.
ON-icon-achievement-FG Skill Master.png Undaunted Skill Master 50 Reach rank 5 in the Undaunted Skill Line. Undaunted BronzeUndaunted Bronze
Undaunted Banner (page) (0001500015,000 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-FG Skill Master.png Truly Undaunted 50 Reach rank 10 in the Undaunted Skill Line. Title: Undaunted
Daily Quests
ON-icon-achievement-Risk and Challenge.png Risk and Challenge 5 Complete the first of Bolgrul's Undaunted challenges.
ON-icon-achievement-Gold and Bragging Rights.png Gold and Bragging Rights 10 Complete 10 of Bolgrul's Undaunted challenges.
ON-icon-achievement-A Crown of Your Own Trousers.png A Crown of Your Own Trousers 15 Complete 30 of Bolgrul's Undaunted challenges. Undaunted Chest (page) (000050005,000 Gold)

See also:



Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Dawn of a Champion.png Dawn of a Champion 10 Spend your first Champion Point. Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
The Mage
ON-icon-achievement-Arcane Decree.png Arcane Decree 10 Spend 50 Champion Points in the Warfare Constellation.
ON-icon-achievement-Mysterious Destiny.png Mysterious Destiny 15 Spend 100 Champion Points in the Warfare Constellation.
ON-icon-achievement-Constellation Champion.png Champion of Rain's Hand 50 Spend 150 Champion Points in the Warfare Constellation.
The Thief
ON-icon-achievement-Stealthy Decree.png Stealthy Decree 10 Spend 50 Champion Points in the Craft Constellation.
ON-icon-achievement-Devious Destiny.png Devious Destiny 15 Spend 100 Champion Points in the Craft Constellation.
ON-icon-achievement-Constellation Champion.png Champion of Evening Star 50 Spend 150 Champion Points in the Craft Constellation.
The Warrior
ON-icon-achievement-Vigorous Decree.png Vigorous Decree 10 Spend 50 Champion Points in the Fitness Constellation.
ON-icon-achievement-Robust Destiny.png Robust Destiny 15 Spend 100 Champion Points in the Fitness Constellation.
ON-icon-achievement-Constellation Champion.png Champion of Last Seed 50 Spend 150 Champion Points in the Fitness Constellation.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Five-Clawed Cat Burglar.png Legerdemain Skill Master 50 Reach the max level of the Legerdemain Skill Line. Title: Locksmith
ON-icon-achievement-Ill-Gotten Gains.png Ill-Gotten Gains 5 Earn 1,000 gold by selling stolen goods to a Fence.
ON-icon-achievement-Ill-Gotten Gains.png Illicit Entrepreneur 15 Earn 100,000 gold by selling stolen goods to a Fence.
ON-icon-achievement-Black Market Mogul.png Black Market Mogul 50 Earn 1,000,000 gold by selling stolen goods to a Fence. Contraband VioletContraband Violet
Mountain of Loot (page) (0001000010,000 Gold),
Faded Fence Banner (page) (0001000010,000 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-Safebox Cracker.png Safebox Pilferer 5 Break into and loot the contents of a safebox.
ON-icon-achievement-Safebox Cracker.png Safebox Looter 10 Break into and loot the contents of ten safeboxes.
ON-icon-achievement-Safebox Cracker.png Safebox Cracker 15 Break into and loot the contents of one hundred safeboxes. Decorative Safebox (page) (000050005,000 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-Murderer.png Murderer 5 Kill a citizen of Tamriel.
ON-icon-achievement-Serial Killer.png Serial Killer 10 Kill fifty citizens of Tamriel. Death Marker (page) (000050005,000 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-Mass Murderer.png Mass Murderer 15 Kill one hundred citizens of Tamriel. Mass Tombstone (page) (0001000010,000 Gold)
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Discerning Pilferer 5 Steal an item of Fine quality.
ON-icon-trait material-Sapphire.png Discriminating Plunderer 10 Steal an item of Superior quality.
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Grand Larcenist 15 Steal an item of Epic quality.
ON-icon-achievement-Master Burglar.png Home Trespasser 5 Successfully pick the lock on a locked door.
ON-icon-achievement-Master Burglar.png Sneaky Housebreaker 10 Successfully pick the lock on fifty locked doors.
ON-icon-achievement-Master Burglar.png Master Burglar 15 Successfully pick the lock on one hundred locked doors. Replica Key Blank (page) (000010001,000 Gold)
Livestock Slaughter
ON-icon-achievement-Butcher.png Butcher 5 Kill a total of ten livestock animals.
ON-icon-achievement-Butcher.png Slaughterer 10 Kill a total of one hundred livestock animals.
ON-icon-achievement-Butcher.png Livestock Mass Murderer 15 Kill a total of five hundred livestock animals.
ON-icon-achievement-Ground Beef.png Ground Beef 5 Kill a livestock cow, bull, or ox.
ON-icon-achievement-Guar Slayer.png Guar Slayer 5 Kill a livestock guar.
ON-icon-food-Sausage.png Hog Killer 5 Kill a livestock pig.
ON-icon-achievement-Poultry Assassin.png Poultry Assassin 5 Kill a livestock chicken or bantam guar.
ON-icon-achievement-Wicked Shepherd.png Wicked Shepherd 5 Kill a livestock goat or sheep.
Resisting Arrest
ON-icon-achievement-Cut and Run.png Cut and Run 5 Successfully escape a guard after choosing the "Flee" option in the Accost Dialogue Window.
ON-icon-achievement-Escape Artist.png Escape Artist 15 Successfully escape the guards a total of one hundred times after choosing the "Flee" option in the Accost Dialogue Window.
ON-icon-achievement-Ill-Gotten Gains.png Felonious Recompense 15 Pay a total of 100,000 gold to the Fence OR to the Tamriel Guards to clear your criminal record. Shadowfoot GrayShadowfoot Gray
Pile of Coins (page) (000025002,500 Gold),
Scales of Felonious Recompense (page) (000050005,000 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-Making Amends.png Make Amends 15 Make a one time transaction of 1,000 gold or greater for crimes committed against the citizens of Tamriel.
ON-icon-achievement-Loot Cleaner.png Loot Cleaner 5 Spend 100 gold to launder stolen items through a Fence.
ON-icon-achievement-Loot Sanitizer.png Loot Sanitizer 10 Spend 1,000 gold to launder stolen items through a Fence.
ON-icon-achievement-Illustrious Launderer.png Illustrious Launderer 15 Spend 10,000 gold to launder stolen items through a Fence.
ON-icon-achievement-Pocket Pilferer.png Pocket Pilferer 5 Successfully pickpocket any citizen of Tamriel.
ON-icon-achievement-Purse Snatcher.png Purse Snatcher 10 Successfully pickpocket one hundred citizens of Tamriel. Pocket Change (page) (00000500500 Gold)
ON-icon-achievement-Sneak Thief Extraordinaire.png Sneak Thief Extraordinaire 15 Successfully pickpocket one thousand citizens of Tamriel. Forest Footpad GreenForest Footpad Green
Noble Pocket Lint (page) (000010001,000 Gold)
Public Indecency
ON-icon-stolen-Vest.png Disrobed Discipline 5 Have an article of stolen apparel that you are wearing repossessed by a guard.
ON-icon-stolen-Clothing.png Indecent Exposure 10 Have stolen clothing from all your armor slots repossessed at the same time by a guard.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Tamriel Skyshard Hunter 50 Find all the Skyshards located throughout Tamriel. Aetherial BlueAetherial Blue
Decorative Skyshard (page) (0002500025,000 Gold)
Aldmeri Dominion
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Dominion Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all the Skyshards located throughout the Aldmeri Dominion. Title: Dominion Skyshard Hunter
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Auridon Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Auridon.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Grahtwood Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Grahtwood.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Greenshade Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Greenshade.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Khenarthi's Skyshard Hunter 10 Find all 6 Skyshards in Khenarthi's Roost.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Malabal Tor Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Malabal Tor.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Reaper's March Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Reaper's March.
Daggerfall Covenant
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Covenant Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all the Skyshards located throughout the Daggerfall Covenant. Title: Covenant Skyshard Hunter
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Alik'r Desert Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Alik'r Desert.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Bangkorai Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Bangkorai.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Betnikh Skyshard Hunter 5 Find all 3 Skyshards in Betnikh.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Glenumbra Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Glenumbra.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Rivenspire Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Rivenspire.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Stormhaven Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Stormhaven.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Stros M'Kai Skyshard Hunter 5 Find all 3 Skyshards in Stros M'Kai.
Ebonheart Pact
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Pact Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all the Skyshards located throughout the Ebonheart. Title: Pact Skyshard Hunter
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Bal Foyen Skyshard Hunter 5 Find all 3 Skyshards in Bal Foyen.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Bleakrock Skyshard Hunter 5 Find all 3 Skyshards in Bleakrock.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Deshaan Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Deshaan.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Eastmarch Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Eastmarch.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png The Rift Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in the Rift.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Shadowfen Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Shadowfen.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Stonefalls Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Stonefalls.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Cyrodiil Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all the Skyshards located throughout Cyrodiil. Title: Cyrodiil Skyshard Hunter
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Cyrodiil Aldmeri Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 15 Skyshards in the Aldmeri Dominion territory of Cyrodiil.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Cyrodiil Covenant Skyshards 15 Find all 15 Skyshards in the Daggerfall Covenant territory of Cyrodiil.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Cyrodiil Pact Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 15 Skyshards in the Ebonheart Pact territory of Cyrodiil.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Mountain Skyshard Hunter 5 Find the Skyshard on top of the mountain in Cyrodiil.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Coldharbour Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 16 Skyshards in Coldharbour.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Wailing Prison Skyshard Hunter 5 Find the Skyshard in the Wailing Prison.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Craglorn Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all the Skyshards located throughout Craglorn. Title: Craglorn Skyshard Hunter
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Lower Craglorn Skyshards 15 Find all 12 Skyshards in Lower Craglorn.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Upper Craglorn Skyshards 10 Find all 6 Skyshards in Upper Craglorn.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Blackwood Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards in the Blackwood.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Clockwork City Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 6 Skyshards in the Clockwork City.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Deadlands Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 6 Skyshards in the Deadlands.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Galen Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 6 Skyshards in Galen.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Gold Coast Skyshard Hunter 10 Find all 6 skyshards in the Gold Coast.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Hew's Bane Skyshard Hunter 10 Find all 6 skyshards in Hew's Bane.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png High Isle Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards in High Isle.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Imperial City Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 13 Skyshards in the Imperial City.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Murkmire Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 6 Skyshards in Murkmire.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Necrom Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards across the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Northern Elsweyr Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards in Northern Elsweyr.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Southern Elsweyr Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 6 Skyshards in Southern Elsweyr.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Summerset Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards in Summerset.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png The Reach Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 6 Skyshards in the Reach and Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Vvardenfell Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards in Vvardenfell.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png West Weald Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards in West Weald.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Western Skyrim Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards in Western Skyrim and Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Wrothgar Skyshard Hunter 15 Find all 17 Skyshards in Wrothgar.
The Mountain Skyshard, Wailing Prison Skyshard, Craglorn Skyshards, and DLC/Chapter Skyshards are not required for the Tamriel Skyshard Hunter achievement.
The DLC Skyshard achievements are found under their appropriate DLC sections in the Achievements menu.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-head-Storm Atronach.png Atronach Element Collector 10 Collect trophies from all types of atronachs. Elemental WhiteElemental White
ON-icon-misc-Carapace 01.png Chitin Accumulator 10 Collect trophies from all the chitinous creatures of Tamriel. Mudcrab MaroonMudcrab Maroon
ON-icon-head-Dwemer Centurion.png Dwarven Secrets Gatherer 10 Collect trophies from Dwemer constructs. Faded Dwemer Scholar RedFaded Dwemer Scholar Red
ON-icon-head-Black Wolf.png Monstrous Component Collector 10 Collect trophies from all the monstrous creatures of Tamriel. Trolls Fur BrownTrolls Fur Brown
ON-icon-head-Plant.png Nature Collector 10 Collect trophies from nature spirits and natural creatures from across Tamriel. Spriggan GreenSpriggan Green
ON-icon-achievement-Daedroth Head.png Oblivion Shard Gatherer 10 Collect trophies from all types of slain Daedra. Oblivion VermilionOblivion Vermilion
ON-icon-head-Black Wolf.png Tamriel Beast Collector 10 Collect trophies from all the beasts of Tamriel. Beast Collector VioletBeast Collector Violet
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Undead Hoarder 10 Collect trophies from all the undead of Tamriel. Gangrene GreenGangrene Green


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-skill-Vampire-Bat Swarm.png Vampirism 10 Become a Vampire. Noxophilic BlackNoxophilic Black
Skill Line: Vampire
ON-icon-achievement-Vampire's First Blood.png Vampire's First Blood 5 Feed 1 time as a Vampire.
ON-icon-achievement-Vampire's Hunger.png Vampire's Hunger 10 Feed 10 times as a Vampire.
ON-icon-achievement-Vampire's Feast.png Vampire's Feast 15 Feed 100 times as a Vampire.
ON-icon-achievement-Vampire Feeding Frenzy.png Vampire Feeding Frenzy 10 Feed on 1 citizen in each of the capital cities of the three alliances.
ON-icon-achievement-Vampire Corrupter.png Vampire Corrupter 5 Infect another player with vampirism.
ON-icon-achievement-Vampire Cannibal.png Vampire Cannibal 5 Feed on another Vampire.
ON-icon-achievement-Vampirism Master.png Vampirism Master 50 Reach the max level of the Vampire Skill Line. Lamae's WhiteLamae's White
Tamrith Coffin (page) (0002000020,000 Gold),
Tamrith Coffin Lid (page) (000050005,000 Gold)


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Deafening Roar.png Lycanthropy 10 Become a Werewolf. Wolf's Fur BrownWolf's Fur Brown
Skill Line: Werewolf
ON-icon-achievement-Werewolf Corpse Taster.png Werewolf Corpse Taster 5 Devour 1 corpse while in Werewolf form.
ON-icon-achievement-Werewolf Corpse Eater.png Werewolf Corpse Eater 10 Devour 10 corpses while in Werewolf form.
ON-icon-achievement-Werewolf Corpse Devourer.png Werewolf Corpse Devourer 15 Devour 100 corpses while in Werewolf form.
ON-icon-achievement-Wandering Werewolf.png Wandering Werewolf 10 Transform into a werewolf and devour a corpse in the capital cities of all three alliances.
ON-icon-achievement-Werewolf Sire.png Werewolf Sire 5 Infect another player with Lycanthropy.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Pounce.png Lycanthropy Master 50 Reach the max level of the Werewolf Skill line. Lycanthrope GrayLycanthrope Gray
Primal Altar to Hircine (page) (0005000050,000 Gold)


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Companion Compatibility.png Companion Compatibility 50 Complete a variety of tasks with a Companion.
ON-icon-achievement-Seasoned Friendship.png Seasoned Friendship 15 Adventure with any Companion.
ON-icon-achievement-Fashionable Friend.png Fashionable Friend 5 Customize the outfit of any Companion.
ON-icon-achievement-Share the Wealth.png Share the Wealth 10 Equip a Companion with a piece of Epic Quality gear.
ON-icon-achievement-Room for Two.png Room for Two 15 Place a Companion houseguest in a house.
ON-icon-achievement-Comrade's Steed.png Comrade's Steed 5 Change the mount of a Companion and then mount up beside them.


Achievement Points Description Reward
Base Game Classes
ON-icon-achievement-First Class.png First Class 50 Reach level 50 in each base game class.
ON-icon-achievement-Light's Beacon.png Light's Beacon 15 Reach level 10 as a Templar.
ON-icon-achievement-Light's Champion.png Light's Champion 50 Reach level 50 as a Templar.
ON-icon-achievement-Master Sorcerer.png Master Sorcerer 15 Reach level 10 as a Sorcerer.
ON-icon-achievement-Grand Sorcerer.png Grand Sorcerer 50 Reach level 50 as a Sorcerer.
ON-icon-achievement-Dark Agent.png Dark Agent 15 Reach level 10 as a Nightblade.
ON-icon-achievement-Dark Executor.png Dark Executor 50 Reach level 50 as a Nightblade.
ON-icon-achievement-Dragon Adept.png Dragon Adept 15 Reach level 10 as a Dragonkight.
ON-icon-achievement-Dragon Master-at-Arms.png Dragon Master-at-Arms 50 Reach level 50 as a Dragonknight.
DLC Classes
ON-icon-achievement-Defender of the Green.png Defender of the Green 15 Reach level 10 as a Warden.
ON-icon-achievement-Champion of the Green.png Champion of the Green 50 Reach level 50 as a Warden.
ON-icon-achievement-Master Necromancer.png Master Necromancer 15 Reach level 10 as a Necromancer.
ON-icon-achievement-Grand Necromancer.png Grand Necromancer 50 Reach level 50 as a Necromancer.
ON-icon-achievement-Neophyte Researcher.png Neophyte Researcher 15 Reach level 10 as an Arcanist.
ON-icon-achievement-Archmage of Apocrypha.png Archmage of Apocrypha 50 Reach level 50 as an Arcanist.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Commemorative Defender.png Commemorative Defender 50 Celebrate a decade of group bosses by completing the achievements listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Commemorative Skyshard Hunter.png Commemorative Skyshard Hunter 50 Celebrate a decade of Skyshard hunting by completing the achievements listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Commemorative Pathfinder.png Commemorative Pathfinder 50 Celebrate a decade of discovering striking locales by completing the achievements listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Commemorative Cave Delver.png Commemorative Cave Delver 50 Celebrate a decade of cave delving by completing the achievements listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Commemorative Conqueror.png Commemorative Conqueror 50 Celebrate a decade of public dungeon conquering by completing the achievements listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Commemorative Incursion Breaker.png Commemorative Incursion Breaker 50 Celebrate a decade of defeating world events with your fellow adventurers by completing the achievements listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Commemorative Carnage.png Commemorative Carnage 50 Celebrate a decade of player versus player action by completing the achievements listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Commemorative Safebox Looter.png Commemorative Safebox Looter 50 Find and open a safebox in each of the many regions of Tamriel and Oblivion listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Commemorative Activity Achiever.png Commemorative Activity Achiever 50 Celebrate a decade of fun and engaging Tamriel activities by completing the actions listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Commemorative Mundus Missionary.png Commemorative Mundus Missionary 50 Find and approach one of each of the celestial Mundus Stones listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Adventurer Across a Decade.png Adventurer Across a Decade 50 Journey through a decade of characters and stories by completing the achievements listed below. Skin: Fractured Glory

Skill Styling[edit]

Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Gifted Skill Stylist.png Gifted Skill Stylist 50 Learn all of the Skill Styles made available during the release of Update 43.
ON-icon-achievement-Skill Stylist-Annulment.png Skill Stylist: Annulment 10 Acquire and use all five fragments to unlock the Annulment, Vibrant Yellow skill style. Skill Style: Annulment, Vibrant Yellow
ON-icon-achievement-Skill Stylist-Roar.png Skill Stylist: Roar 10 Acquire and use all five fragments to unlock the Roar, Verdant Green skill style. Skill Style: Roar, Verdant Green
ON-icon-achievement-Skill Stylist-Silver Bolts.png Skill Stylist: Silver Bolts 10 Acquire and use all five fragments to unlock the Silver Bolts, Vibrant Yellow skill style. Skill Style: Silver Bolts, Vibrant Yellow
ON-icon-achievement-Skill Stylist-Force Shock.png Skill Stylist: Force Shock 10 Acquire and use the style fragments listed below to unlock the Force Shock, Wildburn skill style. Skill Style: Force Shock, Wildburn
ON-icon-achievement-Skill Stylist-Puncture.png Skill Stylist: Puncture 10 Acquire and use the style fragments listed below to unlock the Puncture, Lavaburst skill style. Skill Style: Puncture, Lava Burst
ON-icon-achievement-Skill Stylist-Soul Trap.png Skill Stylist: Soul Trap 10 Acquire and use the style fragments listed below to unlock the Soul Trap, Carmine Red skill style. Skill Style: Soul Trap, Carmine Red
ON-icon-achievement-Skill Stylist-Tomes of Life Beyond Death.png Tomes of Life Beyond Death 10 Seek out a trio of priceless tomes lost on Mages Guild expeditions. These texts are esoteric examinations of life beyond death. Find them at the locations listed below to unlock the Entropy, Violet Purple skill style. Skill Style: Entropy, Violet Purple
ON-icon-achievement-Psijic Order Skill Master.png Tracker of Temporal Tomes 10 A series of five temporal tomes have escaped from Amaleera's Psijic library on Artaeum. Within these texts are secrets from fate lines beyond the bounds of Tamriel. Seek them out at the locations listed below to unlock the Undo, Lilac Purple skill style. Skill Style: Undo, Lilac Purple