Online:Caravan Guard (Dragonstar)
This article is about The guards in Dragonstar. For the NPC following certain traveling merchants, see Caravan Guard (Tamriel).
Caravan Guards are guards who patrol Dragonstar. They wear Nord style armor and carry a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon and shield. When they were introduced in Update 6, they were called "Dragonstar Guards".
Types of Caravan Guards[edit]
Caravan Guard | |||
Home City | Dragonstar | ||
Race | Nord | Gender | Female |
Health | 10,229,568 (Invulnerable) | Difficulty | ![]() |
Reaction | Justice Neutral | ||
Pickpocket | Hard | Profession | Guard |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Tamriel Guard, Dragonstar Caravan Company |
A female Nord Caravan Guard.
Caravan Guard | |||
Home City | Dragonstar | ||
Race | Nord | Gender | Male |
Health | 10,229,568 (Invulnerable) | Difficulty | ![]() |
Reaction | Justice Neutral | ||
Pickpocket | Hard | Profession | Guard |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Tamriel Guard, Dragonstar Caravan Company |
A male Nord Caravan Guard.
Caravan Guard | |||
Home City | Dragonstar | ||
Race | Redguard | Gender | Female |
Health | 10,229,568 (Invulnerable) | Difficulty | ![]() |
Reaction | Justice Neutral | ||
Pickpocket | Hard | Profession | Guard |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Tamriel Guard, Dragonstar Caravan Company |
A female Redguard Caravan Guard.
Caravan Guard | |||
Home City | Dragonstar | ||
Race | Redguard | Gender | Male |
Health | 10,229,568 (Invulnerable) | Difficulty | ![]() |
Reaction | Justice Neutral | ||
Pickpocket | Hard | Profession | Guard |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Tamriel Guard, Dragonstar Caravan Company |
A male Redguard Caravan Guard.
Caravan Guards pull from the Redguard and Nord guard dialogue pools.
Female Nord[edit]
If alerted, they'll call for you to stop where you are.
- "Go no further, milk-drinker!"
- "Halt right there!"
- "Freeze, scum!"
- "Hold it right there!"
- "I bid you surrender!"
They'll accost you when they catch up to you.
- "Surrender and pay, scum!"
- "Your compensation, now!"
- "This ends now, outlaw!"
- "Pay or suffer, villain!"
- "You bounty, forthwith!"
- "Honor your debt, milk-drinking scum!"
- "Pay or die, criminal!"
- "Don't be a milk-drinking horker! Pay your bounty and set your mind at ease."
- "The use of force is only required if you resist. If you pay your bounty, you can avoid it."
- "If your crimes were more drastic, I'd be required to attack on sight. Instead, you may simply pay."
- "There is no clemency for criminals here. You must pay your bounty, or I will use force."
- "There are laws here, and it's my duty to enforce them. You have a bounty and I must collect it."
- "You have been accused of a crime and I am authorized to demand you pay bounty."
- "You have a criminal record. I can help with that! I'll gladly accept payment to make this go away."
- "Good day! You're not like those usual horkers I deal with. You look like you have plenty of gold."
- "Whatever offense you may have committed, they have been recorded, and the bounty is due."
- "This isn't about innocence or guilt. You have a bounty for crimes committed and I must collect it."
- "Gods-cursed criminal. Pay the bounty and get out of here."
- "You don't have to confess anything. You just have to pay the gold and your name is cleared."
- "No one can evade the guards forever. Just pay your bounty and then it's no longer a problem."
- "A life of crime has its ups and downs. You had to know your luck would run dry. Now you pay your bounty."
- "Some guards might try to squeeze extra gold out of you, but all I ask is that you pay what you owe."
- "What's the smell? Oh yeah, a stinking criminal. Pay the bounty. And take a bath."
- "I like you, thief. Give me your gold and you'll be free and clear."
- "I'd prefer to handle this all civil like, but I can get furious if you like that sort of thing."
- "The suggested action is that you pay the fee for your bounty."
- "You owe a bounty for your crimes, and I'll accept not a coin less."
- "It was a golden opportunity. Who hasn't been tempted, am I right? Just pay me and go."
- "We have a common purpose, friend. You want the law to leave alone and I want your gold."
- "Pay your bounty, friend, and perhaps we can work something out later."
- "I understand completely. Slip a little extra into your payment and I'll forget I ever saw you."
- "A little corruption never hurt anyone, but I still need to collect your bounty."
- "Will you pay your bounty, must I introduce your face to the ground?"
- "Next time you break the law, make sure I'm not watching. Not that you're hard on the eyes."
- "It's tough to ignore the law when it looks this good. Now…bounty. Fork it over."
- "Caught in the act! I know the feeling. Sorry to rain on the parade, but you've got a bounty to pay."
- "My back hurts and my eyes are tired, but justice will be served."
- "Hi! I'm here for your bounty. Come on, pay up! You certainly look like you can afford it."
- "In the eyes of the law, you're a criminal, but you can pay your bounty to be a citizen again."
- "Let's not overcomplicate this. You committed a crime and got caught. Pay your bounty and you can go."
- "You're the one who decided to break the law, so you're the one who has to pay the fine."
- "Don't make me get rough with you, villain. Really. Just don't."
- "Come, wrongdoer, pay up and be quick about it."
- "Crime never pays, sweetheart. That's why I got into law enforcement. Now, let's talk about bounties, shall we?"
- "Pay the bounty and get out of my way."
- "If you make me run any more, I will beat you. Now, pay your fine, villain."
- "I've had a hard day, Just pay your bounty and let's be done with this business."
- "Repent and let me get back to more important work."
- "There's no reason for this to get ugly, milk-drinker."
If you pay your bounty, they'll be satisfied and let you go. The result is the same if you ask for clemency.
- [Pay] Here's <payable bounty amount> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty.
- "The felon has made restitution."
- "The penalty has been paid."
- "Go and break no laws, you're free."
- "Criminal? I see no criminal here."
- "The law is satisfied."
- "My tired feet thank you for cooperating."
- "I appreciate you taking it so well."
- "All right, I'll be on my way then."
- [Clemency] I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered.
- "Waste of my time. Get out of here."
- "An honest mistake. I make them all the time. Go on."
- "I guess I can bend the rules, but just this one time."
- "See? Easy. Now keep that nose clean."
If you flee, the guard will utter an ambient line of dialogue before giving chase.
- [Flee in <30> sec] I won't pay the bounty.
- "That's your last mistake!"
- "Die rogue!"
- "You want to fight? Very well!"
- "I am now authorized to attack!"
- "Duty demands that I use force!"
- "The horker wants to fight? Gladly!"
- "So be it."
- "Guess I'll have to kill you now."
- "I can't let you walk away!"
- "Ugly and dumb, eh?"
- "Then we'll work it out in battle!"
- "Violence? I can do violence!"
- "Such a waste!"
- "It's your funeral, sweetroll!"
- "Don't make me chase you down, felon!"
- "Don't make me beat you, thief!"
Male Nord[edit]
If alerted, they'll call for you to stop where you are.
- "You, stop at once!"
- "Cease and desist!"
- "Stop! You owe a bounty!"
- "One more step and I'll cut you down!"
They'll accost you when they catch up to you.
- "Where have you been hiding all my life? If we clear your name, maybe we can talk of other things."
- "I love rabbit meatballs! Do you love rabbit meatballs? Pay your fine and we may one day eat together."
- "A rendezvous? If you insist! But let's get your bounty handled first, shall we?"
- "I've come to ask ... I mean, demand your bounty. Yeah, demand. So pay up ... please?"
- "Where have you been hiding all my life? If we clear your name, maybe we can talk of other things."
- "No one as attractive as you could be a criminal! Let me help you clear your record, all right?"
- "I know, I'm irresistible. I hear that all the time. Let's keep this professional and settle your account."
- "Has anyone said you have a fabulous jaw? After you pay your fine, I'll tell you more."
- "I'd pay the bounty for you if I could, but such favors are frowned upon by my superiors."
- "Well, look at you! I'm sure we can work something out so you can put this business behind you."
- "All right, lawbreaker, time to pay for your crimes. You are going to pay, right?"
- "Great news! You get to pay your debt to society in gold! Could be worse, right?"
- "The bad news is that you have to pay a fine. The good news is I'm going to get a promotion!"
- "I remember the old days when we would just pound your head in after a crime. This is much easier!"
- "I've got orders to collect your bounty…. Very strict orders. Don't blame me, all right?"
- "I ... I need you to pay your bounty. If you refuse someone will probably chase you. Just fair warning."
- "No need for concern. Pay the bounty and your name will be cleared."
- "This doesn't have to be difficult. Pay the bounty and I'm on my way."
- "The evidence against you is overwhelming, but there's a light at the end of the pass."
- "Drunk? Of course I'm drunk! What of it? Give more lip and I'll double your fine!"
- "Nothing to be ashamed of. We all get caught, eventually."
- "I have a thought. Pay your bounty and I won't pull your arms from their sockets."
- "What happens next is up to you. If you pay your fine, this all goes away. I prefer the other option."
- "The law is reasonable, but you continue to snub your nose at it. Now you must pay."
- "Give me some gold and I'll let you off the hook, no questions asked."
- "You know what would make my foul mood even worse? If you decide not to pay your bounty!"
- "Do I look like I want to talk to you? I just want to collect your bounty and move along."
- "My mood is like a winter's storm, cold and unpredictable! Care to try your luck or will you pay up?"
- "I almost never drink on duty, but I'm having a bad day. Don't ask. Just pay your bounty and go away."
- "No need to worry. Just pay your fine and be on your way."
- "You action screams guilt. I see no contrition. That pains me, it really does."
- "It's nothing to be proud of, but it isn't the end of the world, either. Just pay your bounty."
- "You lawbreakers give me indigestion! Pay your bounty before I lose my breakfast all over you."
- "I may be ineb … intox … I may be drunk, but I am no criminal. I don't think. Now pay up!"
- "Look, I know you have better things to do, but can you just pay bounty? Please?"
- "I've come to ask ... I mean, demand your bounty. Yeah, demand. So pay up ... please?"
- "Can you just help me out and pay your bounty? If I lose another one I'm out of a job!"
- "You have a bounty to pay. Are you listening? Uh, I'll try to speak up."
- "You've broken the law. Now it's time to…wait, what time is it? Time to pay, that's it!"
- "Don't tell me your story. I don't want to hear it. I just want to collect your bounty."
- "Let's see. So that's what you did, huh? Why am I not surprised? Just pay your bounty and you can go."
- "You need to pay your bounty. There really isn't any other option."
- "Now listen, you milk-drinking miscreant! You'll pay your bounty in gold or in blood!"
- "Don't give me a reason to hurt you. Just pay your bounty and be on your way."
- "I've dealt with hundreds of criminals. I know how to handle your kind. So pay me and go."
- "I don't know what you did and I don't care. If you pay your bounty, we can forget all about this."
- "Don't be a horker. Just pay your bounty and be done with it."
- "Great news! You get to pay your debt to society in gold! Could be worse, right?"
If you pay your bounty, they'll be satisfied and let you go. The result is the same if you ask for clemency.
- [Pay] Here's <payable bounty amount> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty.
- "I'll see you again, my little snowball."
- "You did good, settling your affairs."
- "Great! Thank you. Seriously ... thank you."
- "I expect we'll see each other again."
- "Excellent! It's been a pleasure."
- [Clemency] I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered.
- "I knew you weren't a criminal. You're so much attractive."
- "Go on little snowball, but I'll dream of you this night."
If you flee, the guard will utter an ambient line of dialogue before giving chase.
- [Flee in <30> sec] I won't pay the bounty.
- "I didn't want it to come to this!"
- "Wait! We can still work this out!"
- "You ruined such a nice time!"
- "Oh well. Can't win them all!"
- "We're fighting? Well, all right!"
- "Oh dear. Stop!"
- "Even I have limits!"
- "All right, you'll pay in blood!"
- "I'm not drunk enough for this!"
- "This doesn't improve my mood!"
- "You've angered the mammoth, troll-bait!"
- "I fight best when I'm drunk!"
- "No one ever wants to pay!"
- "Didn't want to kill you, but oh well!"
- "Ah well. Can't win them all!"
Female Redguard[edit]
If alerted, they'll call for you to stop where you are.
- "I found you!"
- "You cannot flee!"
- "Stop at once!"
- "Halt!"
They'll accost you when they catch up to you.
- "Gold, or a beating. You choose."
- "You're caught. Pay up."
- "Don't think of running. It's time to pay."
- "Bounty. Now."
- "You were sloppy––and it's going to cost you."
- "Going somewhere? You've got a fine to pay."
- "You're caught. Now, the bounty."
- "You break the law, you pay the fine. Simple."
- "Save yourself some trouble and just pay your fine."
- "Pay your bounty or I will hurt you."
- "Quiet, you honorless cur! I want your bounty and I want it now."
- "I respectfully request you shut your mouth and pay your fine."
- "Pay your bounty. Now. What? Were you expecting words of comfort? From me?"
- "Tell your excuses to someone who cares. I only want your bounty."
- "Bounty. Pay me. Now."
- "No words, no whimpers. Just gold for your bounty. Now, you coward!"
- "You're caught. Now, the bounty."
- "I hear and obey the law. Do you? Prove it by paying your bounty now."
- "I realize that your kind can't help itself. So if you pay your fine I'll let you walk away."
- "The journals of justice tell many tales about what befalls criminals who refuse to make payment."
- "It's not your fault. It's in your nature to lie, cheat, and steal. That's why we collect bounties."
- "In the name of the law, make restitution, infidel dog!"
- "Rejoice, infidel dog! I am here to collect your bounty and clear your name."
- "My thesis on crime argues that all criminals are idiots. Care to pay your bounty and prove me wrong?"
- "I will cut the eyes from your head and toss them to the dogs if you decide not to pay your fine."
- "Abide by the ruling of the law and pay your fine, outlaw."
- "In my land, crimes are paid for in flesh and blood. Fortunately for you, we deal in gold here."
- "You owe a bounty, scum! I'd prefer you resist, but I'm sure you want to pay."
- "We all have our bad days, I understand. Nevertheless, the law is the law."
- "There's no need for us to be enemies. I'm sure you had your reasons. But I must collect the bounty."
- "You've seen all the scum missing their left hands? That was me. So pay your bounty, or I'll start calling you Lefty."
- "This is not a request. Make restitution for your crimes. Now."
- "Enough! Pay your bounty or pray to your gods, for if you refuse me you will surely join them today!"
- "I can recommend a good book to get your life back in order. It's called, 'Pay Your Bounty, Criminal Scum.'"
- "The criminal mind is incapable of learning from past mistakes. So I am here to remind you to pay up."
- "Pay or die, criminal. You have no other options."
- "The book of law sets clear guidelines on what's next. You pay your bounty or you face the axe."
- "You face the same predicament as every other criminal. But it all goes away if you pay your bounty."
- "They will sing of your crimes and the spectacular way you died, provided you do not pay me."
- "I will accept your bounty now. Do you have the appropriate amount of gold upon you?"
If you pay your bounty, they'll be satisfied and let you go. The result is the same if you ask for clemency.
- [Pay] Here's <payable bounty amount> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty.
- "Go."
- "I knew you would cooperate."
- "Your compliance avails you well."
- "I predicted this result."
- "I am satisfied with your penance."
- "Much gratitude."
- [Clemency] I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered.
- "Get out of my sight."
If you flee, the guard will utter an ambient line of dialogue before giving chase.
- [Flee in <30> sec] I won't pay the bounty.
- "Wrong answer!"
- "You coward!"
- "This is on your head!"
- "Lawbreaker, stand down!"
- "How dare you flee from the law!"
- "I've predicted this result!"
- "Criminals never cease to surprise me!"
- "You dare turn your back on me!"
- "I take such pleasure in destroying you!"
- "This won't take long, scum."
- "You should have complied!"
Male Redguard[edit]
If alerted, they'll call for you to stop where you are.
- "I fear I must ruin your day!"
- "You there! Stop!"
- "Hold, criminal!"
- "Stand still, criminal."
They'll accost you when they catch up to you.
- "You're better than this, friend. Here––just pay your fine. You'll feel a lot better, trust me."
- "Let's put this unfortunate business behind us, friend. Pay your bounty and you're free to go."
- "Let me help you clear your conscience. Pay off your bounty and you're free to go."
- "I'm sorry, friend, but I have to ask for payment on your bounty."
- "You've done a lot of good in the world. Why not do a little more and pay the fine?"
- "Crime is beneath you, friend. Pay the bounty so you can get back to proper heroics!"
- "Times are tough, but crime is never the answer."
- "Deep down you're a good person––I can tell. Here's your chance to prove it."
- "The law requires remuneration for your crimes. Pay or else."
- "Desist from your crimes and pay restitution."
- "Pay the bounty or I'll beat you senseless. I might beat you senseless anyway."
- "Do you know what I do to criminals who don't pay their bounty? You don't want to."
- "Hand over the bounty. I'm not asking twice."
- "The only good criminal's a dead criminal. If you don't pay your bounty, I get to ... rehabilitate you."
- "Pay the fine or I'll have your skin for a cloak."
- "Don't try to flee, criminal. You won't get anywhere."
- "Your first mistake was committing a crime on my watch. You don't get a second."
- "If it were up to me, we'd bury criminals like you, no questions. But instead we collect a bounty."
- "Cease your wrongdoings, scoundrel. A bounty has been levied on your misbegotten head."
- "Your crime spree is through. I'll have your bounty now."
- "I'm sorry, but what you did was against the law, and now I need to collect a bounty."
- "Neither of us wants a fight. So how about you pay the bounty for your crimes?"
- "Ruptga demands justice––and he will have it."
- "I've come for your bounty. Pay it or die."
- "By my father's head, another infidel dog stands before me? Will this one pay its bounty?"
- "Lawbreaker. You have a bounty to pay."
- "No more games. Your bounty. Now."
- "The smart criminals know to avoid the guards, but I don't suppose smart is one of your strong points."
- "I'm not one of those hard-edged angry guards. I know it's hard out there. But the law's the law."
- "You owe us a debt. We will have it in gold or blood. Choose."
- "I am not a patient man. I will not abide delays."
- "Too slow––and it will cost you."
- "If I let you get away with this, there will be no order. Everyone will break the law. Understand?"
- "When you consider it, the bounty is a reasonable price to pay for your crimes."
- "Did you expect I wouldn't find out? No matter, just pay the bounty and everything is good."
- "You have been caught in commission of illegal acts. Pay the bounty."
- "Oh, look. A criminal genius. I'd be impressed, but you look so ... ordinary. Now pay your bounty."
- "Blood and blades! I am so tired of confronting criminals! Pay your gold and go away."
- "Abide me, wayfarer, and pay your bounty. It is the right thing to do."
- "This will all go down a lot easier if neither of us gets emotional. Just pay the fine."
- "Remit the bounty for your transgressions immediately."
- "Rejoice, criminal, for I have come to clear your name! Make recompense for your bounty, please."
- "So, infidel dog, did your crime profit you? I hope so, for now I must collect your bounty."
- "I hope that's gold and not a weapon you're reaching for. Paying is much easier than the alternative."
- "I refuse to work up a sweat for someone as pathetic as you. Just pay your bounty and go away."
- "I will gladly accept your bounty. You do plan on paying your bounty, correct?"
- "You will pay your bounty. You have no other option. Don't make me ask you again."
- "Your crimes are many and many. Pay me now or it will be worse for you later."
- "Please. Don't deem to waste my time with silly excuses. Just pay your bounty and flee."
- "You are found in violation of the criminal statues of this fair land. You must pay a bounty."
- "Know, O criminal, that your transgressions have been recorded. A simple payment will clear your name."
- "Your luck has finally waned, lawbreaker. Pay your bounty or suffer mightily."
- "You did it because everyone else is, correct? I do not accuse you of being original, just wrong."
- "I always get the cream of the crop on my watch. I'll accept your bounty ... if you stand over there."
- "I can forget I saw you do that, but you must first pay the bounty."
If you pay your bounty, they'll be satisfied and let you go. The result is the same if you ask for clemency.
- [Pay] Here's <payable bounty amount> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty.
- "Perfect. Stay out of trouble now."
- "Smart."
- "That's right."
- "Huh. Off with you."
- "Good. Now go."
- "A wise choice."
- "Right. Move along then."
- "Satisfactory."
- [Clemency] I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered.
- "I guess I can let you go with a warning. This time."
- "Very well. Neither of us was here."
If you flee, the guard will utter an ambient line of dialogue before giving chase.
- [Flee in <30> sec] I won't pay the bounty.
- "There's no need for this!"
- "Take a breath and reconsider this."
- "That was poorly considered."
- "You will be slain on sight!"
- "You have a problem now!"
- "So be it."
- "Don't be unreasonable."
- "Cease and desist!"
- "Prepare to die."
- "You're hardly worthy!"
- "Another cur wants to fight!"
- "You are too bold for your well-being!"
- "Let this be on your head!"
- "I find no joy in this."
- "Your mistake is your undoing!"
- "I warned you!"
- Online-NPCs
- Online-Generic NPCs
- Online-Nord
- Online-Nord-Female
- Online-Female NPCs
- Online-Boss NPCs
- Online-Pickpocketable NPCs
- Online-Pickpocketable NPCs-Guard
- Online-NPCs in Dragonstar
- Online-Factions-Tamriel Guard
- Online-Factions-Dragonstar Caravan Company
- Online-Nord-Male
- Online-Male NPCs
- Online-Redguard
- Online-Redguard-Female
- Online-Redguard-Male