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Online:Captain Viveka

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Captain Viveka
Location In a camp south of Wisplight Glen
Lost Prospect
Race Nord Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
Captain Viveka

Captain Viveka is a Nord officer of the Ebonheart Pact found at her camp south of Wisplight Glen.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

A Giant in Smokefrost Peaks[edit]

You will deliver the message from Jorunn to her warning of Sinmur's advance to Riften but however it was too late as the giant already wreaked destruction on the city:

"Welcome to Riften. I don't have time to be polite. We need help. If you're willing, I'll love you forever. If you're not, get out of my way."
The High-King sent me. What can I do?
"I don't care if the Eight themselves sent you. If you're here to help, you have my thanks."

In His Wake[edit]

If you haven't started the quest yet and you approach her inside her tent, she will mistaken you as a refugee:

"Don't worry, you're going to be okay."

She will be in charge of taking care of the refugees who survived Sinmur's rampage through Riften. She will need your help to burn the dead to prevent disease in the city:

"Welcome to Riften. I don't have time to be polite. We need help. If you're willing, I'll love you forever. If you're not, get out of my way."
What happened here?
"The Giant attacked the city. Sinmur. Dark energy surrounded him. He had an evil cunning in his eyes. Punted steer and men aside like toys. Funny, until they hit something."
What needs to be done?
"There's folk buried under rubble, and fires everywhere. My healers tell me we need to burn the dead. They don't want disease to spread. It's a mess."
I'll do what I can.

You can ask her questions about Sinmur's attack on Riften:

"Whatever you do, don't just stand there. I'm busy, and there's plenty of work to be done.
We're going to move these people soon. Come find me in town if you pitch in."
What was the attack like?
"Terrifying. If we hadn't already been on alert, I don't know what would have happened."
What did it do?
"Sinmur knocked down the wall before we could drive him away. Some of the Mages focused their fire on his head, and that seemed to … annoy him. I can't believe he didn't go down."
He was shrugging off spells, then?
"He was. The energy that swirled around him. The host of Worm Cultists, the moans of the dead. I hope never to see its like again."

If you started the quest with Corporal Bredrek, you can get the tasks from him. Regardless how you started the quest once, you finished burning the corpses, rescuing citizens and putting out fire, the captain will be in Riften standing on a bench to address a group of concerned refugees:

"Well. Glad to see someone who can get things done. Good work."
What will happen to the refugees now?
"We'll find shelter for those who lost their homes. Maybe the Temple of Mara can put them up. You've done a good turn for the people here. Thanks."

Pulled Under[edit]

If you haven't started the quest yet, she will say:

"One problem under control, onto the next."

Continuing on from the previous conversation, she will ask you to investigate the disappearance of her cousin's father during the attack. Yiri, the daughter witnessed her father being pulled in the canals but she's shellshocked. She asks you to try to get as much information as you can and share your findings to Centurion Andrin:

"I already owe you. But I'm hearing rumors. They need to be investigated."
What would you have me do?
"My cousin, on my pa's side. Her father's missing, and the family says Yiri saw what happened. Problem is, he went missing during the attack. But he wasn't anywhere near the west wall."
What did she say happened?
"She swears something pulled him into the canals. Poor thing's shocked out of her gourd. As you can see, I'm a little occupied. Get Yiri talking. Tell the Pact's commander, Centurion Andrin, what you learn."
I'll look into it, and let Centurion Andrin know what I find.

She will mention that Andrin is too stubborn to help as he believes the disappearances were rumors:

"I hope you can help Yiri. Her father saved my life when we were children."
Won't you and the guard investigate Yiri's story?
"I wish I could! That pig of a Centurion doesn't trust the people here, or Riften's guard. Tells me not to listen to rumors. If something's going on, you need to shove the proof in his face."

After you spoke with Bonohild and before you examine the Worm Cultist Assassin's body:

"Centurion Andrin ordered me to make a list of damage. Because it's important to the Dark Elves to know how many pigs exploded under the giant's feet versus how many burned alive.

After finishing the investigation and foiling the Worm Cult plot in Riften, you will find the captain outside the Fighters Guild in the city.

Those She Devours[edit]

Captain Viveka (Bound)

At Lost Prospect Mine, you will learn Captain Viveka was captured by the Worm Cult. After you get to the top of the mine, you'll find Gullveig in the middle of her ritual to turn herself into a Lich by tryin to use the captain's soul at the altar. The captain will be defiant towards her captor:

Captain Viveka: "You want my soul? Just try and take it, Worm!"

Defeat the lich and Viveka will be released. She'll call for you to follow her as she points out Wuuthrad's axe shard is nearby:

Captain Viveka: "Nice work. The axe shard is nearby. Let's go!"

Inside the Lost Prospect Sanctum, she'll change back into her armor. You will learn from Viveka that Gullveig was using the axe shard to rip out the souls of the innocent in order to turn into a lich. You will be asked to grab the shard and meet the captain outside the sanctum:

"Gullveig would have sacrificed me as well, if not for your help."
What now?
"Gullveig was insane. Tearing out people's souls with the shard, using that dark energy to transform into a lich. Disgusting. She got what she deserved.
I must gather my surviving troops. Grab the shard and meet me outside."

Speaking to her again before grabbing the shard:

"Gullveig used the shard to gain energy from the death and the agony of those around her. With enough evil vitality around her, she was able to transform into a lich."

Follow her back outside where she will be with the rest of the survivors.

If you have helped her in Riften:

"Once again, you've pulled my arse out of the fire. I owe you a round, maybe two, next time you're in Riften."

Otherwise, if this is your first meeting with her:

"Gullveig. What can I say? She was nuts. All those cultists are. I wanna kill every one of them, in the most painful ways possible. Sounds like a plan, right?"
Why was the shard so vital to Gullveig?
"The shard enabled Gullveig to devour souls and ascend into lich form. I'll keep the shard safe from now on.
You saved our lives and prevented evil from spreading out of Lost Prospect. I hope to return the favor someday."

After the quest, she will take the shard to Trolhetta to meet up with Jorunn:

"The lich is dead and my troopers are freed. Time to move on.
I'm going to take the shard to Jorunn at Trolhetta. I hope to see you there."
Gullveig was a lich? What's that?
"Necromancers who lust for immortality can transform themselves into liches. Vile spells and sacrifices are involved. They gain tremendous power but lose their souls. More than this, I don't care to know."

Securing the Pass[edit]

She will be at the Pact camp at Trolhetta if you rescued her at Lost Prospect Mine. She will be outside of a tent next to Jorunn and other Pact leaders. If you speak to her before speaking to Jorunn, she'll remark:

"I knew we'd meet again. Perhaps I'll save you this time."

After accepting the quest, she'll demand:

"Clear a path for the troops! We must deal with Sinmur."

After the quest, you will find her on top of the summit with Hallfrida and Centurion Andrin:

"We would never have made it this far without you. Now we must get to the summit and face Sinmur."

Stomping Sinmur[edit]

After speaking to Vigrod and before entering the summit:

"Help defeat Sinmur. I'm counting on you!"

After you defeated Sinmur and spoke to Jorunn:

"There you are. Vigrod wants to talk to you, right away."

After speaking to Vigrod:

"Well, that's a big mess you've helped us clean up. I think King Jorunn wants to thank you personally."

After the quest:

"Thanks to you, the Worm Cult has been defeated and Sinmur has been returned to the grave."