Online:Captain Marso
Captain Marso | |||
Location | Port Hunding, Northsalt Village, Obsidian Scar, The Ancient Anchor Inn | ||
Race | Redguard | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly |
Captain Marso is a Redguard ship captain who sails with the Veloise Mercantile company. Isobel Veloise has known him for a long time, you will first encounter him with Aurelia Jourvel in Port Hunding.
Related Quests[edit]
The Lost Symbol: Help Isobel recover a ring that is valuable to her family.
A Mother's Request: Search for Aurelia Jourvel on her mother's behalf.
The Princess Detective: Return to Rivenspire to assist Aurelia's investigation.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
The Lost Symbol[edit]
Isobel Veloise will have received a letter from her friend Aurelia who was sightseeing in Stros M'Kai. Aurelia was recently robbed of several of her personal items, including a family signet ring that Isobel had once given her. When you arrive in Port Hunding, you will find Aurelia with Captain Marso outside the Screaming Mermaid:
- Isobel Veloise: "There she is! Who's that with her? He looks familiar."
- Aurelia Jourvel: "I can't believe the town guard didn't want to help us."
- Captain Marso: "We'll keep looking, Lady Aurelia. I bet he's just laying low somewhere on the island."
Talking with Captain Marso before Aurelia:
- "Bah, I wish I'd found Lady Aurelia before she went to confront the thief."
Speaking with Aurelia, you will learn her travelling companion Kiv Lindres was the one to rob her, but he managed to escape during the confrontation.
- Isobel Veloise: "I cannot believe you lost that ring, Aurelia. Hello Captain Marso. Funny to see you here."
- Captain Marso: "Good to see you, Isobel. I know you're upset, but the thief may still be on the island. Perhaps more stolen goods fell from his bag as he ran?"
- Isobel Veloise: "That's a great idea. If he dropped more things as he ran, we could use the trail to track him."
- Aurelia Jourvel: "Yes, go and see. Maybe he dropped the ring and it's just sitting in the street somewhere."
You have the option of speaking with Captain Marso before tracking Kiv through the port:
- "I've heard good things about you, traveler. I'm glad Isobel has someone she trusts by her side.
Hopefully you can find the signet ring before the thief flees Stros M'Kai." - Sorry, who are you?
- "Ah, apologies. I'm Marso, a captain under the Veloise Mercantile banner. I work for Isobel's folks.
Thank Sai I got thirsty. I came here to the inn for a drink, and saw Lady Aurelia bawling her eyes out at the bar." - You know Isobel and Aurelia, then?
- "I've worked for Isobel's parents for many years, yes. I've known both women since they were young. Though I must admit, it has been some time since I've seen Lady Aurelia.
I just regret I wasn't of any assistance to her." - The city guard was no help?
- "Look around, friend, Stros isn't exactly a bastion of philanthropic do-gooders.
Good luck in your search. I'll stay with Lady Aurelia, ensure she stays safe. If the thief is gone … well. Isobel will need to tell her parents about the missing ring." - Thank you, Captain.
After this you and Isobel will go on quite a trip to track down Kiv Landres and the ring.
You can speak to him again:
- "I'm on the youngest captains in the Veloise fleet. But know, I take my responsibilities seriously."
A Mother's Request[edit]
Later on, Isobel will receive a request from Knight Commander Jourvel who wants you to find her daughter, Aurelia. Aurelia left a letter for her mother, saying she needed to fix what had happened after Kive stole the Veloise Signet Ring. After tracking down Nilsmon Booklover, he reveals that Aurelia left Gonfalen Bay with Captain Marso. After some more investigation, you will find they were heading to Northsalt Village in Rivenspire.
When you reach Northsalt Village, you will find Captain Marso fighting off pirates along the shore:
- Isobel Veloise: "Look there, it's Captain Marso!"
- <Captain Marso kills the pirate and starts limping along the beach.>
- Captain Marso: "Isobel! Thank Leki! Quickly, Aurelia is this way."
- Isobel Veloise: "We're right behind you."
- <Captain Marso finds First Mate Ordante Sebell.>
- Captain Marso: "Mate, report. Where's Aurelia?"
- First Mate Ordante Sebell: "Sorry Captain, two of those bastards jumped us. Threw her in a boat, headed down the coast."
- Isobel Veloise: "Talk to Marso, my friend. I'll keep watch."
You can then speak with Captain Marso to see what happened:
- "I don't know why you're here, but you're a handsome sight."
- Aurelia's mother asked us to find her. She left a note behind and took off.
- "She what? She told me … damn her incredible eyes. Aurelia showed up at the port and asked me for help.
She had people looking into Kiv Lindres, the thief who stole Isobel's ring. She was worried about what he could have done with that signet." - You were trying to fix something that thief did?
- "Kiv apparently sent some letters to Northpoint, pretending to work for Isobel's family.
He had some debts here, and was trying to use Veloise Mercantile funds to pay them off. Aurelia had all the details." - Who were those people on the beach?
- "I'm not sure. We didn't even make it to the village. Maybe they're Kiv's business partners? We can search the bodies later when Aurelia's safe."
- We're on it.
- First Mate Ordante Sebell: "I'm so sorry Captain, they caught me by surprise.
- Captain Marso: "Follow the coast to the southeast, friends. I'll patch my wounds and follow behind."
Speaking with Marso again before leaving:
- "I just cleaned these boots too. Blast.
Don't worry about me. Find Aurelia, quick as you can. They went southeast down the coast."
Following the coastline, you will soon you will find a tied up Aurelia in one of the camps. Once you untie Aurelia, Captain Marso will arrive, and you can listen to their conversation:
- Captain Marso: "Aurelia! Thank the gods. Are you all right?"
- Aurelia Jourvel: "I'm here Marso! And I'm fine. Thanks to Isobel and her friend."
- <Turns to Isobel.>
- Aurelia Jourvel: "I don't know how you found us, but I'm so glad you did! I have so much to tell you!"
- Isobel Veloise: "Aurelia, your mother reached out to me. She's worried sick."
- Aurelia Jourvel: "Oh don't worry about mother. I've been on a quest! And I've learned so much!"
Talking to Marso before Aurelia:
- "Aurelia is quickly becoming … a good friend. Thank you for saving her. Probably best if you hear from her what brought us to Rivenspire."
Speaking with Aurelia, she will reveal that she had been stopping any schemes caused by Kiv Landres to make up for what she feels is her fault. One of these was drawing some money from an account in Northpoint. Aurelia then enlisted Captain Marso for assistance, and they were immediately attacked when they approached the nearby village. She believes that she has stumbled onto something big and will ask to continue investigating.
Talking to Marso before speaking with Isobel to complete the quest:
- "I know, I know. It's all a bit unusual. But I wouldn't have come all the way out here if I didn't think there was something to Aurelia's story. This business is worth looking into, I think."
After talking to Isobel, Marso is very complimentary about Aurelia:
- "Isobel is protective of our High Isles lady. I understand that. Aurelia is just … lovely.
Ahem, and intelligent. And … detail-oriented. Sailing together teaches you a lot about a person."
Once the quest is completed, you can ask chat some more:
- "Don't worry, we'll be careful. Now that I've seen what these people are willing to do, I'm not going to take any chances with Aurelia's safety."
- Are you going to be all right, Captain?
- "Nothing to worry about. I've felt worse after a bad storm out at sea. My first mate will recover as well, though he'll need to take it easy for a few days.
I cannot thank you enough for finding Aurelia so quickly." - You're going to continue to help her investigate, then?
- "I will. Aurelia has a caring heart. She was so ashamed after that day on Stros M'Kai. She acted the fool, even if she's too proud to say as much.
She is bound and determined to right the wrong she created. And I'm honored to help." - Take care.
The Princess Detective[edit]
Isobel will receive another letter from Knight Commander Jourvel. After meeting with her in Gonfalen Bay, she has been in regular correspondence with Aurelia about her investigation in Rivenspire. Aurelia's last letter said she would be coming home soon with good news, but no other updates since then and Jourvel is worried. When you head to Fell's Run, you will find out from Aurelia that Marso was taken by the group they were tracking and she has found out that he is being kept in Obsidian Scar.
Once inside Obsidian Scar, you and Isobel will find Captain Marso in a cage next to where the boss Bumbuk Bear-Slayer spawns:
- Isobel Veloise: "Over there, it's him! Captain Marso, we're here!"
- Captain Marso: "You're a handsome sight! Thank the Eight!"
Speaking with him before unlocking the cage:
- "You are a sight for sore eyes. I was worried Aurelia might try to save me on her own!"
Once you have unlocked the cage containing Marso:
- Isobel Veloise: "Let's get you out of here, Captain. Aurelia is worried sick!"
- Captain Marso: "Thank you both. I thought I was going to end up in an Ogrim's belly."
Speaking to him while escorting him out:
- "We can talk once we're out of here. Let's keep our heads down and get moving."
You can then escort him out, as he approaches the exit, he will run ahead:
- Captain Marso: "Thank you both! I'll meet you outside!"
When you are outside, Marso will thank you again for the rescue:
- Captain Marso: "You were sent by Leki himself. Thank you, my friends."
- Isobel Veloise: "Aurelia figured out where you were, Captain. She deserves the credit."
You can then talk to Captain Marso to learn what he knows:
- "I can't thank you enough. I spent most of my time in that cell worried Aurelia would raise a search party and come storming through the front door."
- Are you all right, Captain?
- "Just getting out into the fresh air is an improvement. That place was a nightmare.
Brigands, Daedra, rats … I wasn't sure if I'd end up with a knife in my gut or eaten by Ogrim." - You should know, Aurelia is the one who figured out where you'd been taken.
- "Ahh … I tell you what, my friend. That woman is like the sea. She'd come roaring in to smash aside those in her path. Heh.
Here, I can get back to Fell's Run on my own. You two go ahead and let Aurelia know I'm safe." - Right. We'll see you back in town.
Speaking to him again:
- "I'll be fine, you two go on. You learn how to be quick and quiet when you lead a merchant crew, mark my words."
However when you arrive back in town, Ennic Fenvale will run out of the inn yelling "they" took Aurelia. Speaking with Ennic, he will tell you that the group was headed by Vetitia Marcott, a minor noble who Kiv owned money too. She was responsible for the previous kidnappings and attacks. Once you have tracked down Aurelia and Vetitia at the northeast ruins, you can slay Vetitia and free Aurelia.
Once you have untied Aurelia, Captain Marso will have caught up to you, you can stand back and listen to them talk:
- Isobel Veloise: "Thank Stendarr you're all right."
- <Captain Marso appears.>
- Captain Marso: "Aurelia!"
- Aurelia Jourvel: "Marso! Oh, Izzy thank you! I knew you would find him!"
- Isobel Veloise: "I am truly glad that both of you are safe. But it's dangerous out here. Move your butts."
- Aurelia Jourvel: "She's right. Marso … let's go home. Back to High Isle."
- Captain Marso: "Absolutely, sweetheart. Let's go home."
- Aurelia Jourvel: "Izzy, we'll stay at the Ancient Anchor. You and your friend should come see us when you're back in Gonfalon Bay."
- <Aurelia and Marso walk away together.>
You can Isobel can meet the new couple at the Ancient Anchor in Gonfalen Bay. You will find Aurelia and Marso on the same floor as the Knight Commander:
- Captain Marso: "Aurelia! Isobel is here! I'm so glad you came."
- <Aurelia comes out from a nearby room to stand beside Marso.>
- Aurelia Jourvel: "Indeed I am! It will be a welcome break from mother lecturing me."
- Knight Commander Jourvel: "Aurelia, I am just a room away. Stow your sass."
Speaking with Captain Marso before Aurelia:
- "I'm very glad you could join us. Aurelia has been quite eagerly awaiting your arrival."
Aurelia reveals she has been speaking with Isobel's parents regarding the theft of the ring and what she has done to resolve the matter. She also asked for their and her mother's permission to begin sailing together with Captain Marso. If you talk to Captain Marso before Isobel:
- "Isobel's parents were exceptionally kind. It's a point of pride I get to sail for them.
But don't worry about us. Go speak with Isobel. It looks like she has something to say."
If you exit out of conversation with Isobel and before turning in the quest, Marso will say:
- "Aurelia and I are already making plans. Perhaps we'll see you and Isobel at some distant port on the far side of the world. Who knows?"
Once you have spoken with Isobel you can talk to Marso again:
- "I was a bit nervous meeting the Knight Commander, but she's been extremely fair. And Aurelia can't stop gushing about me, which … some day I'll get used to.
Good luck in your next adventure, my friend."