Bralthahawn Daily Job Broker |
Home City | Markarth | ||
Race | Wood Elf | Gender | Male |
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly |
Bralthahawn is a Wood Elf daily job broker who can be found in Markarth. He hands out daily delve quests.
Related Quests[edit]
Magic Mycology: Gather mushrooms for the clans.
Strange Contamination: Gather fungal mold samples for mages to study.
The Tainted Briarheart: Stop a wicked ritual from finishing.
Unhatched Menace: Destroy an egg that is in the possession of a mad mage.
What's Hers is Ours: Retrieve a totem from Briar Rock Ruins on behalf of the Wildblood clan.
Wild Talismans: Recover lost talismans from Briar Rock Ruins.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
When you approach, he says either of these lines:
- "Looking for those with a taste for adventure!"
- "Looking for those who yearn for the taste of adventure."
He greets you with one of the following lines when you speak to him:
- "Ah, hello, adventurer! I have need of someone with your kind of mettle. It's dangerous work, but there is a reward if you're so inclined. What do you say?"
- "I need hardy adventurers to assist me in helping the clans of the Reach. I'm willing to pay, if you can complete the task at hand."
- "You look like you can handle yourself. Care to explore a bit of the Reach and make some gold along the way?"
- "I could use your help, if you have the time. Your talents might be perfect for a job I need done."
- "Some of the Reach clans are looking for help and I'm acting as liaison for them. I can pay you for your time if you're willing to listen."
Your response to any of lines above will be:
- What do you need?
- What do you need done?
- What can I do?
After you accept a quest, he'll say one of the following:
- "I look forward to your safe return. With your efforts, we can improve our relationships with the local clans."
- "Not all Reach clans are bloodthirsty and obsessed with power, but those do exist. Watch yourself out there."
- "I haven't done much exploring in the Reach myself, outside of meeting with my contacts. I wish I could offer you some guidance, but aside from what I've already told you, I know little else."
- "Watch yourself out there. More than one adventurer has underestimated the dangers of the Reach."
You can ask him a few questions after you've accepted or finished a quest.
- Tell me about yourself. / Tell me more about yourself.
- "I work for a group of scholars in Arenthia. We're interested in forming relations with the Reachfolk in exchange for knowledge. I've been working as an ambassador of sorts between my people and various clan chiefs."
- You're working with the Reachfolk?
- "Yes. Not all Reachfolk are as aggressive as the ones we've encountered outside of the Reach. My goal is scholarly, but these people deal in deeds. Earning their trust is an important step in learning more about their culture. To do that, I need aid."
- Is that why you're enlisting help?
- "Indeed. These tasks are suited for those much more capable than I, and they are quite important to the Reachfolk. Ours could be a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Whether it's adventure or reward that you're looking for, I can offer both."
- What sort of things do you need done? / What do you need me to do?
- "It depends entirely on what the Reachfolk ask of me. I work closely with them to find out what they need, and then pass that information on to willing adventurers. There's a lot to do, if you have the time and the skills."
Whenever you return to finish the quest he will greet you with one of the following lines:
- "I hoped to see you again soon and here you are! I assume you completed your task successfully?"
- "Ah! I was just wondering what happened to you. What can you tell me?"
- "You've returned! I trust your venture went well? What news do you have for me?"
- "It's good to see you again. Were you successful in the task I appointed you?"
After you've completed a quest, he can say one of the following:
- "I'm sorry, I don't have any tasks I need done at the moment. I'll speak with my contacts in the Reach and have more work for you soon."
- "My contacts in the Reach appreciate the work we've been doing for them.
I'll let you know when they need something else. And remember, I pay well for services rendered!"
- "I still need to consult with my friends in the Reach. I doubt I'll have anything more for you until that happens.
Be safe out there."
- "I appreciate your help.
I don't have anything else at the moment, but I'm sure I'll need your services again. Seek me out later."
Magic Mycology[edit]
- "There have been sightings of a strange mushroom growing in Gloomreach. A few Reach shamans would like to get some samples collected. I told them I'd look for volunteers.
For a cut of the reward, of course." - Why are these mushrooms so important?
- "I'm not sure. Perhaps it's for a ritual of some sort? At any rate, they shouldn't be too hard to find. Gather a few samples for me, and I'll make sure that they get into the right hands."
After agreeing to help, you can ask him questions:
- What can you tell me about these mushrooms?
- "Not a lot, I'm afraid. A few of the Reach shamans are interested in those caves. They say the place is suffused with strange energies and they're eager to get their hands on some of it.
Which means gold for people like you and me!" - So what do the mushrooms have to do with it?
- "Well, from my limited knowledge of fungi, mushrooms are like sponges. They absorb whatever they can from the soil. Since the area itself seems to possess strange properties, the shamans assume the mushrooms do, too."
- Should I take any precautions with the mushrooms, then?
- "I suggest you wash up thoroughly after handling them, at the very least. But I doubt they'll cause you any lasting harm.
There's sure to be more dangerous things in those caves, anyway. Better to worry about them than the mushrooms."
You must return to him after gathering the samples.
- I gathered the mushroom samples.
- "There you are, just in time. Hopefully these specimens will be enough to satisfy my contacts.
Here's your cut of the reward. And come back later. I'm sure to have plenty more work for you."
Strange Contamination[edit]
Approaching him:
- "In search of adventurers of all kinds!
Speaking to him:
- "Reports of a strange fungal mold affecting the animals in Gloomreach have come to my attention. The Reachfolk think the magic in that place might be causing the animals to produce it, and that it could be quite useful if that's the case."
- What do you need me to do?
- "I need someone to gather samples of the fungal mold. The creatures should naturally shed it, so it will be easy to collect. But there's no telling how this affliction has affected them, so I advise caution.
What do you say? There's pay involved." - I'll recover samples of the fungal mold.
After agreeing to help, you can ask him questions:
- What more can you tell me about this fungal mold?
- "Truthfully, I don't know much more than what the Reachfolk told me. The creatures producing it tend to vary, according to reports. I've heard Gloomspore bears and wolves seem to be most affected, but it's not limited to them."
- Is the growth dangerous?
- "In and of itself? No, I should think not. The beasts themselves, however, are another matter. I would employ caution."
After you have collected the samples of the fungal mold:
- I gathered the fungal samples.
- "Ah, I suppose you did. Sticky, isn't it? Lovely.
I'll make sure it gets to my contacts as soon as possible. Here. You earned this. I'm sure you'll need some of it to pay to get your pack cleaned."
The Tainted Briarheart[edit]
Approaching him:
- "Seeking adventurers who can help the Reach!"
Speaking to him:
- "The Thornroot clan plans to turn the Wildblood clan members they captured into briarhearts … against their will. Truly horrific.
Rescuing the captives will only delay their abusive ritual. We need a more permanent solution." - So what are you proposing?
- "The Thornroot shamans use tools blessed specifically for this ritual. Whether this consecration is necessary is beside the point. The Thornroot believe it is.
If you destroy these tools, it will impair their ability to continue with the ritual." - I'll find the shaman's tools and destroy them.
- "Not all Reach clans are bloodthirsty and obsessed with power, but those do exist. Watch yourself out there."
After agreeing to help, you can ask him questions:
- What's a briarheart?
- "I don't know much. It's something quite sacred to the Reachfolk. I've only been able to glean small details.
The standard practice of the ritual entails hagravens replacing a person's heart with a seed that imbues them with incredible power." - There's a standard way to do the briarheart ritual?
- "Becoming a briarheart is considered a sacred, worthy tradition to the Reachfolk—if done appropriately. It's not inherently evil.
The Thornroot clan defiles the ancient ritual by abusing it for their own selfish purposes." - And destroying their ritual tools will really stop that?
- "The Thornroot clan believes their blessing allows them to desecrate the ritual without angering the spirits. They won't be bold enough to attempt it without their special tools.
They want to avoid the ire of whatever spirit they're invoking."
After you have completed the task, you must return to him.
- "You've returned! I trust your venture went well? What news do you have for me?"
- "I destroyed the ritual tools"
- "Good. You dealt the Thornroot clan a serious blow. Hopefully, this will give the Wildblood clan a chance to rescue some of those that were taken.
I'll make sure my contacts know what you did today. In the meantime, take this. You earned it. "
Unhatched Menace[edit]
Approaching him:
- "Will you answer the call of the Reach?"
Speaking to him:
- "There's a crazed mage performing dangerous experiments in the depths of Gloomreach. One of those experiments has been brought to my attention, and it has the potential to be catastrophic if not stopped."
- How can I help?
- "The mage's experiment, as near as I can tell, involves a strange egg. He might be trying to hatch a creature, or something even more sinister. Impossible to know for sure.
Regardless, the egg needs to be destroyed before it comes to fruition." - I'll find the egg and destroy it.
After agreeing to help, you can ask him questions:
- Why is this strange egg so dangerous?
- "The Reach shamans believe that the mage is investing the egg with the power that flows through Gloomreach. Whatever grows inside that shell, they fear the potential destruction it will unleash when it hatches.
You must destroy that egg." - The shamans don't want to try to study the strange egg?
- "Reachfolk aren't usually in the business of … study. They view the mage's experiment as a threat, and they tend to deal with those as expediently as possible.
I doubt there's anything useful to be learned anyway. Just destroy it and move on."
After you have destroyed the egg:
- I destroyed the strange egg.
- "Excellent. If the Reachfolk were worried, I shudder to think what that egg contained. I'll let them know the danger has passed.
Thanks for all your help. Here's the payment I promised. I look forward to working with you again soon."
What's Hers is Ours[edit]
Approaching him: "I seek adventurers to combat evils in the Reach."
Speaking to him:
- "The Wildblood clan believes that while the Thornroot have always been aggressive, a new hagraven matron has taken them from contentious to malevolent.
Ridding them of her influence might slow the Thornroot's thirst for blood." - How can I help?
- "My contacts believe the matron keeps an effigy in her possession that grants her power. A Reach totem of some kind. If you can obtain it, that should weaken the matron and the Thornroot clan considerably.
Find the totem and bring it to me." - I'll retrieve the hagraven matron's totem.
After agreeing to help, you can ask him questions:
- What else can you tell me about the totem?
- "The totem actually has a great deal of religious significance to the Wildblood clan. The Thornroot clan captured it during a raid and took it to the Briar Rock Ruins."
- For what reason?
- "Apparently, the hagraven matron wanted the totem. In some way that I don't understand, the matron draws power from the relic.
Whether that's a natural property of the totem, or it has something to do with forcefully possessing it, I don't know." - If it's still in her possession, I'll bring it back.
- "The Wildblood will be happy to have it returned. Plus, keeping it out of the hagraven matron's hands is extremely important. These beliefs, no matter what we think of them, have power. As long as the Thornroot possess it, the Wildblood are in danger."
After you retrieved the totem:
- I retrieved the totem.
- "Well done! That should quell the Thornroot clan's violent tendencies and allow the Wildblood clan to breathe a little easier. At least for a while.
Here, as promised, your portion of the reward."
Wild Talismans[edit]
Approaching him:
- "Looking for brave adventurers of all skill sets!"
Speaking to him:
- "I need someone willing to brave the ruins of Briar Rock. A Reach clan known as the Thornroot have taken warriors from a rival clan, the Wildblood, there.
The Wildblood doubt their clanmates survive, but they still have a task they need help with." - What does the Wildblood need done?
- "Each of their captured warriors carried a talisman with them. They would be of no value to the Thornroot, but they hold significant value to the Wildblood. They'd like the talismans returned, if possible.
Think you can find a few of them?" - I'll look for the talismans and bring them back.
After agreeing to help, you can ask him questions:
- What do you know about these talismans?
- "The Reachfolk, on the whole, worship the Daedra. They pay homage to their favorite Prince, who they refer to as great spirits. From what I gather, the Wildblood clan honors Hircine.
They do so in the form of talismans they carry with them." - Why is it important to the Wildblood clan to get the talismans back?
- "Each warrior is responsible for crafting their own talisman, and thus, it is unique to that person and their family. It represents the relationship between hunter and prey, and is deeply personal to their beliefs about life and death."
- So their families want the talismans returned?
- "Correct. I don't know what becomes of the spirits of Reachfolk who die away from their clan, but to the Wildblood, it seems those talismans are an important part of guiding their loved one's spirit home.
Bring them back, if you can find them."
After you have collected the talismans:
- I recovered the Wildblood talismans.
- "Wonderful. I'll make sure these get back to the Wildblood. You've done them a great service today, and I have no doubt that they will appreciate it.
Here's your reward."
You can then ask him some questions:
- Tell me about yourself.
- "I work for a group of scholars in Arenthia. We're interested in forming relations with the Reachfolk in exchange for knowledge. I've been working as an ambassador of sorts between my people and various clan chiefs."
- You're working with the Reachfolk?
- "Yes. Not all Reachfolk are as aggressive as the ones we've encountered outside of the Reach. My goal is scholarly, but these people deal in deeds. Earning their trust is an important step in learning more about their culture. To do that, I need aid."
- Is that why you're enlisting help?
- "Indeed. These tasks are suited for those much more capable than I, and they are quite important to the Reachfolk. Ours could be a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Whether it's adventure or reward that you're looking for, I can offer both." - What do you need me to do? / What sort of things do you need done?
- "It depends entirely on what the Reachfolk ask of me. I work closely with them to find out what they need, and then pass that information on to willing adventurers. There's a lot to do, if you have the time and the skills."