Online:Blossom Bloom

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This eternally blooming flower once graced the boudoir of a Dibellan high priest. Gifted to you for services rendered, you may now command it yourself.
Blossom Bloom
ON-icon-memento-Blossom Bloom.png
Blossom Bloom
Acquired From Crown Store
Stonelore Crate
Reward Level Legendary
Price 012001,200 Crowns
00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor

Blossom Bloom is available as a Legendary-level reward in Stonelore Crown Crates. It was also available for purchase in the Crown Store from July 1 to July 8, 2024 for 012001,200 Crowns.

  • Effect: The player conjures a ring of pink petals that form a rotating halo above their head while their hands also glow with pink petals.
