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Home Settlement Dead-Water Village
Race Naga Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Fisher
Other Information
Faction(s) Dead-Water Tribe

Bahsumatuu is a Naga fisherman found fishing just outside Dead-Water Village's southern entrance.


"The fish avoid my hook today. Perhaps they aren't hungry. Or maybe these fish are smarter than their brothers.
I suppose it could have something to do with that big shadow I saw moving beneath the surface. Best not get too close to the edge."
"Danger hides even in the most serene locations. Never forget that, outsider."
"I give you a petulant gaze and ask you to leave me. This is my quiet place."
"Some of my egg-siblings love to hunt. I prefer the peace of fishing, for it gives me time to contemplate the mysteries of the Hist."