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Online:A Bit of Sport

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Quill-Tail, checked by MolagBallet

Walkthrough: written by MolagBallet, Punkfairie, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, checked by MolagBallet

Impress Nord sawyers by fighting them drunk.
Zone: Stonefalls
Objective: Ebonheart — Unite the citizens of Ebonheart.
Quest Giver: Hraelgar Stonecrush
Location(s): Ebonheart
Concurrent Quest: Restoring Order
Reward: Low Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Low Experience
ID: 3662
Impress the Nords
The Covenant landed west of Ebonheart, but a band of Nord sawyers have refused to join the general defense. They sneeringly refer to the town's Dark Elves as "fancy lads."

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak with Hraelgar Stonecrush.
  2. Grab a drink from the nearby keg of Black-Briar mead (note: after drinking, the quest log for that task remains grey as if not done. It will disappear only after defeating the 3 NPCs.).
  3. While inebriated, talk to either the lumber wagon guard, log roller, or wood sawyer.
  4. Defeat each of them in combat.
  5. Return to Hraelgar.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

You begin by asking Hraelgar Stonecrush if his people can assist the Dunmer against the Daggerfall Covenant.

If your character is a male Dark Elf:
"Well, well! Aren't you the fancy lad?
What do you want, Elf? Come to complain about the Daggers? Go hide behind your mother's skirt, not the Nords."
If your character is a female Dark Elf:
"Well, well! Aren't you a fancy lass?
What do you want, Elf? Come to complain about the Daggers? Go hide behind your mother's skirt, not the Nords."
If your character is neither:
"What brings you to this gods-forsaken Dark Elf dung hole? The beer in this land is fit only for pigs. Good thing we brought our own.
Have the Elves asked you to help beat back the Covenant yet? Bah! To Sovngarde with them."
Were you asked to help fight Covenant soldiers?
"Aye! The milk drinkers landed to the west at that big yellow tree thing. Now the Dres have got their skirts in a twist. "Oh, please save us, big strong Nords!"
Fancy lads, the lot of them. They think Nords only exist to save Elven arses."
What if the soldiers attack Ebonheart?
"Bring them on. We don't skeever out of a fight. When we're attacked, we fight.
I wager you think we should fight for the rest of the Pact. All right! Prove they've got some backbone. Let's see you beat three of my men. And do it the Nord way."
I will. What's the Nord way?
"We fight drunk! We've got a keg of fine, strong mead from Riften right here. Pour yourself a mug and get to it.
Unless you're too fancy, of course."

Grab a drink from one of several kegs of Black-Briar Mead and start picking fights with one of each type of laborer: a Wagon Guard, a Log Roller and a Wood Sawyer. You need to be affected by the mead in order for the fight to count for the quest, so you may have to grab a drink before each brawl. Once you've defeated one of each laborer, return to Hraelgar for your reward and the Nords' promise to assist the Dark Elves against the Covenant.

"Hrmph! Well, you're not half-bad, I'll give you that."
Will you fight to defend the rest of the town?
"I said I would. And I don't go back on my word.
I hope the rest of the Pact fights like you, not that milk-drinking Urano."
Not like who?
"Rhavil Urano, that Dark Elf here before you. He kept asking to buy our lumber so we'd leave town. I told him no, we had a contract to keep, but he offered to double it.
No one pays that much for wood, even good Rift spruce. What a skeever."
Why did he want you to leave?
"Don't know, and didn't ask. His story smelled like last week's fish. Whole time we were talking, he kept looking around for a crack to ooze through. Sweatin' like.
The boys ran him off with a few light cuffs to the head. He hasn't come back since."
That does sound suspicious.
"Right! Things like that, they're exactly why we keep to ourselves in the Elven lands—that and the bad food.
Anyway, you're all right. Tell that fancy Othral we'll fight. Come back and drink with us again sometime."

Quest Stages[edit]

A Bit of Sport
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
To prove the rest of the Pact can fight, Hraelgar Stonecrush, the leader of the sawyers, expects me to defeat three of his men in single combat … while drunk on Nord mead.
Objective: Defeat a Lumber Wagon Guard
Objective: Defeat a Wood Sawyer
Objective: Defeat a Log Roller

The Nords won't accept my challenge unless I'm obviously drunk with mead. There's a keg of mead near Hraelgar Stonecrush.

Objective Hint: Tap the Keg of Black-Briar Mead
Objective Hint: Drink a Mug of Mead
I pummeled several Nords. I should return to Hraelgar Stonecrush to see if he's suitably impressed.
Objective: Talk to Hraelgar Stonecrush
Finishes quest☑ Hraelgar Stonecrush still has more to say.
Objective: Talk to Hraelgar Stonecrush
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.