Oblivion talk:Umaril the Unfeathered (person)
Hey, is there a cheat code to enter into the console so i can fight Umaril again? I want to test myself against 3 or 4 of him ;) thx Wolf wanna-be 03:59, 23 October 2007 (EDT)
- Actually its under his name on the statistics chart.
- (P.S the xx is the amount of mods you have)
Umaril's stats[edit]
He has 33% Resist Magic, 33% Resist Fire, and 33% Spell Absorption (accompanied by Stunted Magicka).
I checked in the toolset and this doesn't seem to be correct. He has 33% Resist Magic, 100% immunity to shock, no resist fire, no spell absorption.
Umaril is not a levelled creature, its level is capped at 24. If you change its level to be equivalent to the player's level, a high level Umaril will have over 20.000 points health, which means you need to deal over 120.000 points damage to it on hardcore difficulty level, before it drops dead! Incredible! The only way to kill a high level Umaril (close to lvl 50) is to use Mehrunes Razor, which instantly slays him (only works when he is in mortal form, as his spirit form belongs to the OblivionCreatures faction, which is immune to daedric banishing).
If you disintegrate Umaril's weapon and drop Mehrunes Razor on the ground, Umaril will equip the dagger, but will not use it on you, which means you can't reflect back the dagger's enchantment on him. You have to use the dagger yourself on him. Fortify your luck to 200 before hitting him with the dagger.
Reflected damage is subject to hardcore difficulty rules. This means even if you have 100% reflect damage and 100% reflect spell on yourself, you will hardly deal any damage to Umaril by reflecting his damage back on him. Weakness to Magic and Weakness to Shock can be helpful, but is close to useless if you change Umaril's level to equal the player's level. WRFan 00:40, 20 October 2009 (UTC)
- He does have those abilities. If you check AbXivilaiAbsorbSpellLesser you will see that it is applied to Umaril as well. The ability is applied to the template of the leveled creature list, which means it will be applied to Umaril as well.
- Whether Umaril is a leveled creature or not depends on your interpretation. He is part of a leveled list, which this wiki is consistent with calling it leveled. --Timenn-<talk> 14:22, 21 October 2009 (UTC)
Stats 2[edit]
His stats are clear - as stated on the article. What artifacts do to them is neither here nor there. rpeh •T•C•E• 23:18, 18 August 2011 (UTC)
- Then why's the -83 (which is caused by the artifacts) on the chart to begin with? And why isn't his innate +33 Resist Fire there? BFG 04:25, 19 August 2011 (UTC)
- EDIT: I just saw the section above. If it is indeed true that he doesn't have 33% Resist Fire, then the only change that is needed is removing the statement that he does from the main page (fourth paragraph). (When I'm more awake I'll take a look in the CS :) BFG 04:28, 19 August 2011 (UTC)
Is it worth mentioning that if you fight him without the crusaders relics you normally get owned but it is possible to beat him without it (unsigned)
Except that the "normally owned" part is dependent on your character and gear. I had nearly full endgame set (full spell absorb, 2/3 damage reflect, several good weapons to swap between). I probably could have beaten him with the holy gear, but I did it both phys and spirit realm without using the holy gear at all, to make it easier, since even with the scripted specials none but the weapon was even vaguely comperable in combat usefulness to what my normal gear could do. The holy relics are newbie gear. Their bonuses include some stuff useful at high level, but nothing that's really important at high level, and most of it is skill boosts that are irrelevant outright to someone who's done nearly everything, this being one of the last quests I got around to, and who has most skills already to 100. If you do this quest as early as you can qualify for it, then most of this stuff is really good gear, and a few are probably best in slot, even without the umaril-specific scripts. In that case, while not technically impossible, beating him with none of the holy gear at all will probably be so hard it might as well be impossible. But in the endgame, the holy gear is more liability than boost. -- 20:49, 1 March 2012 (UTC)
How/when is Umaril´s level/version determined[edit]
Does anyone know how or when his level/version gets determined? Is it simply related to the current PC level (so at time of leveling) or is it determined by a certain point in the main questline? --C0rTeZ48 (talk) 09:43, 4 March 2021 (UTC)