Oblivion talk:Nigidius the Needy
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When asked about 'Rumors', Nigidius says "It's a simple job. Go get a journal from Fallen Rock cave. Shouldn't that be a cinch for a Fighter Guild contract?" This dialoogue seems connected with the Fighters Guild 'Unfinished Business' quest, and is information Nigidinus should not have. Curious. John2sticks 09:09, 28 February 2009 (EST)
- The quote is actually one that will randomly appear in many male Imperial NPC's rumor-mill when you're conducting the first few quests of the Fighter's Guild storyline. The fact that you heard it first from an Imperial beggar is pure chance. And don't underestimate the knowledge base of a lowly beggar. There's an understory within the Thieves' Guild that beggars are indeed one of the best sources for getting information. — 17:16, 28 February 2009 (EST)