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Oblivion talk:Hrormir's Icestaff

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What the heck?[edit]

i stole the icestaff (after the thieves guild quest), and i was put in jail. i looked for it, but it wasnt there. now im in leyawinn (an actual week later) and S'drassa in the mages guild has it, as well as "fragment of hrormirs story" that i also stole. they are both still marked as stolen in his inventory.

did you look for the staff in the evidence chests in the duenon where they put all stolen items you had when you were arrested? Lindenbrock 19:56, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

No, S'drassa has the staff, therefore it would not be in the Evidence Chest. To the glitch poster, I personally haven't ever heard of Evidence Chests being "looted" by NPC's. Especially a NPC like S'drassa who does not steal to eat. I'll take a look in the CS.--Corevette789 20:19, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

Obtainable Before Quest?[edit]

If you are Archmage (or just a thief) is it possible to obtain the staff without starting the quest or even joining the Thieves Guild? The-manta 11:58, 16 July 2008 (EDT)

I'm not sure, but it would be a good thing to know. I think that you have to do the Misdirection quest for it to appear, but as I said, I'm not sure. Darkle 15:14, 22 July 2008 (EDT)
No, it's only available once the quest has started. It remains disabled (invisible) until that point. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 16:55, 29 July 2008 (EDT)


Can someone tell me what's the point of the chameleon effect on target? I could see it as a self buff, but on target, it seems to serve no purpose other than to make them harder to see =/ 20:37, 17 July 2008 (EDT)

Most likely for the roleplaying aspect, due to its use against Nocturnal in the Oblivion:Song_Of_Hrormir.
"..And then he saweth the Shadow of Darfang wert not his own. And so with Icestaff, he did strike not Darfang, but his Shadow, which cried. "Hold, Mortal Man!" The Shadow becameth the Hag, Bent and twisted, in her Cloak and Hood. From her faceless Shadows, she hissed. ..."Dark Spark 23:49, 17 July 2008 (EDT)

Where to get AFTER quest..[edit]

I completed the quest, but where can I find it after? PitchBlack696 01:32, 2 March 2009 (EST)

Unfortunately you cannot obtain it in any way unless you use the console (if you're on PC) to put it in your inventory. --SerCenKing 03:03, 2 March 2009 (EST)
Umm... yes you can. It reappears in the Arch-Mage's quarters when the quest is finished. Okay, technically it's not the same staff, but you won't notice the difference. –RpehTCE 03:24, 2 March 2009 (EST)
Just wanted to rephrase my previous comment, for clarity. Afer the quest, the staff that is involved in it will disappear; only to replaced with a second staff. This second staff, although identical in appearance, isn't either a zero-weight item or a quest item. And, as Rpeh said, you can find this second staff in the Arch-Mages quarters --SerCenKing 10:18, 2 March 2009 (EST)


How, when, and WHERE do I get this AMAZING looking staff? — Unsigned comment by Cirith Mara (talkcontribs) on 23 August 2010

When you become Arch Mage of the mages guild. rpeh •TCE 10:11, 23 August 2010 (UTC)
join the dark brotherhood and keep doing quests till you get the one where you steal the staff and complete it, after that go back to arch mages room and its excatly where it was in the quest except its slightly different, it has weight and isnt a quest item anymore Lindenbrock 20:00, 10 October 2010 (UTC)
That is the Thieves Guild questline, not the Dark Brotherhood.--Corevette789 20:17, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

how can i drop the note after i have stolen the staff[edit]

plz help i have taken the staff and now i cant drop the note — Unsigned comment by Gigalo311 (talkcontribs) at 22:26 on December 11, 2010

As it says on the quest page:
  • Take the staff, then proceed to place the note in the bedside table. Activating the bedside table will trigger a quest message indicating you have slipped the note into the drawer through the crack.
Please read the pages first. --DKong27 Talk Cont 04:15, 12 December 2010 (UTC)
Maybe I'm just tired, but I'm not sure if I understand. Isn't it a drawer, not a table? That's what I remember, and maybe that's what confused him. 06:07, 12 December 2010 (UTC)
It's referred to as the archmage's "nightstand" in dialogue. rpeh •TCE 10:16, 12 December 2010 (UTC)

Help Please?[edit]

I put the staff in the correct place, but then I took the staff back. The quest update still tells me to go tell whats-her-face that I put it in the chest, but I go talk to her and she tells me to go drop it off. Now im stuck with it in my inventory because it's a quest item, and I can't advance the theives guild quest line. I play on the X-Box version, so I can't advance via console commands. Help anyone? --The Grey Arrow 02:21, 6 February 2011 (UTC)

Can you not go put it back where it is supposed to go?--Catmaniac66 03:20, 6 February 2011 (UTC)
No, it won't let me because it says it's a quest item. --The Grey Arrow 18:23, 6 February 2011 (UTC)
I'm having the exact same issue on Xbox. I'm fairly certain it's a glitch and there goes my thieves guild for the rest of the game :( — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:37 on 4 August 2011 (UTC)
The Thieves Guild questline is notoriously bugged. But all is not lost, you may be able to skip this quest altogether by killing someone and getting yourself kicked out of guild. Try killing one of the blood price NPCS;
Mage Apprentice (×9)
Mage Scholar
Hannibal Traven
Imperial Legion Battlemage
Irlav Jarol
Ontus Vanin
Raminus Polus
S'kirriva will kick you out of the guild, then you pay the blood price to get yourself back in, skipping the quest in the progress. Please do try this and tell me if it works :)! Kitkat1749 09:54, 4 August 2011 (UTC)

Help ![edit]

how i can delete quest items from inventory? i tried player.removeitem 000022df for hrormir icestaff and the item code is not workin.... what can i do ? — Unsigned comment by LBFMaik (talkcontribs) at 18:32 on 27 September 2011 (UTC)

Finishing the related quest you got it from will remove this item for your inventory. And that code is wrong, if thats the one your tried. The code for the Icestaff is -00002DDF. --Kiz ·•· Talk ·•· Contribs ·•· Mail ·•· 18:36, 27 September 2011 (UTC)


i have stolen the staff and planted the letter but when i go to tell the woman that i have it i cant, its like i have not even stolen it yet, even though its in my inventory. when i first started i went into the testing hall and got the icestaff without knowing its a quest item so i have two in my inventory. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:35 on 18 October 2013

Your last sentence implies to me that you've used the PC console to obtain the staff before even starting the quest? If this is the case, you may be able to use console commands to progress as well, though I wouldn't know any specifics on that, having only played on Xbox. If my assumption is wrong, can you clarify what you mean exactly? — ABCface 03:26, 18 October 2013 (GMT)