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Oblivion talk:Hermaeus Mora

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Archive 1: May 2006 - August 2011

Hermaeus Mora quest and the Knights of the Nine[edit]

I'm about to commence the Hermaeus Mora questline but was wondering if the murders, eg, of the various races at the shrines or elsewhere, would add infamy or conflict with completion of the Knights of the Nine (I am about to go to Garlas to battle Umaril, all relics retrieved). I thought, perhaps, a message stating "You are unfit to wear the relics of the Crusader" would appear, and force a redoubling back to visit all the Wayshrines. Thanks in advance.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:56 on 5 October 2011

unless you find already hostile enemies, yes most likely, just do the knights of the nine first. (I plead LazynessEddie The Head 17:58, 5 October 2011 (UTC))
Many ways to get the souls without murdering though; vampires and bandits especially, also necromancers, conjurers, marauders, etc. As long as you can find someone of each race who will attack you first, it's not murder. If you haven't done the arena questline that would be an ideal way to get all 10 without it being murder; every race shows up at least once by the time you reach warrior rank. 10:13, 1 March 2012 (UTC)
An easy way to get argonians and khajiits is to complete the fighters guild quest when destroying the blackwood company. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:47 on 18 April 2012

Mora Soul trap Argonian/Nord[edit]

I'm having an anoying problem and need help. I've collected 8/10 souls, but the game won't let me soul trap Agonians or Nords. I've already sool trapped/killed most of the Nords in Bruma, and some Argonians in Leyawiin... but it doesn't count towards the qiest. Anyone have any Ideas? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on January 6, 2012 14:54

I had the same problem, but in my case it was Altmer that didn't work. This one should be changed to confirmed. Vlad the Imperial (talk) 11:06, 15 November 2014 (GMT)

Definition of "Completing" a Daedric quest[edit]

Does anyone know if the first 14 Daedric quests must be successfully completed before the Hermaeus Mora quest becomes available? By successfully I mean achieved the Daedric lord's objective and received the artifact in reward. Can you fail in a quest, have it marked as completed in your journal, and still be allowed to do Mora's? — Unsigned comment by Dlxmarks (talkcontribs) at 23:21 on 8 May 2013

From the page: "It is possible to trigger this quest without receiving Daedric Artifacts from each of the other 14 Daedric quests; officially failing a Daedric quest also counts. For example, if Melus Petilius dies, Molag Bal's quest immediately ends without any chance of a reward; however, Molag Bal's quest still counts as far as Hermaeus Mora is concerned. In general, as long as the Daedric quest is in your list of completed quests, it will count. The two exceptions are Malacath's and Namira's quests, which must be finished correctly (see those quests for details)." Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 23:27, 8 May 2013 (GMT)
I missed that in the Notes section. Thanks! --Dlxmarks (talk) 17:55, 9 May 2013 (GMT)