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Oblivion talk:Heavy Armor

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Master level bonus[edit]

[edit question] In the Light Armor skill section it seems to state that 100% Light Armor must be worn to gain this zero encumbrance Master level bonus. Is this accurate? If so, does it follow that 100% heavy armor has to be worn to recieve the Master level bonus with Heavy Armor?] — Unsigned comment by Swordsmith (talkcontribs) at 14:43 on 23 April 2006

[edit answer]The master level bonus of Light Armor is that you get a 50% bonus to your armor rating if you wear all light armor. The non-encumbering worn armor bit is the perk for the Expert skill level. What both mean is the weight of the armor you're currently wearing is reduced if your skill level is high enough. The mix of armor doesn't matter, but only the armor of the appropriate type will have its weight reduced, unless of course you have very high skill levels in both types.] — Unsigned comment by Quillan (talkcontribs) at 15:05 on 23 April 2006

Expert Heavy Armour Question[edit]

If you are an Expert (>75) of Heavy Amour, does it really reduce the weight by 50%? The message that I got when I reached level 75 for Heavy Armour is that Heavy Armour do not burden me when I am running and swimming. I mentioned nothing about reducing the weight. Doesn't this just means that I move faster but the weight of the armour still count against my strength? When I checked the weight of the heavy armour and how much weight I am carrying before and after I reached level 75, there was no difference. Help please!! — Unsigned comment by Shakes (talkcontribs) on 22 July 2006

In my experience, it really does reduce the weight of the armor by 50%. You should be able to actually carry more stuff. The only gotcha is that you have to have the armor equipped. So you'll only get the weight reduction for the armor you're currently using, not the five extra suits of daedric armor you just picked up while clearing out a mine. Oh, and of course, it has to be heavy armor: won't work for any favorite bits of enchanted light armor you might also be wearing. Final possible problem: feather potions and spells can be kind of screwy at times; you might want to do your checks when you don't have any active feather effects. Hope that helps. --Nephele 15:43, 22 July 2006 (EDT)
Thanks, you were right, I wasn't wearing the armour. Once I wear it, the weight of the armour decreased. Thanks. — Unsigned comment by Shakes (talkcontribs) at 03:41 on 24 July 2006‎

How does Heavy Armor advance?[edit]

Unlike most other skill pages, this page doesn't say how you gain points in HA. It mentions letting yourself get hit for hours, so presumably you gain points when you get hit, but:

  • do you gain if someone hits you and you successfully block, or is only block affected in this case?
  • do you also gain just by wearing the armor for a while?

If it's really so that you only improve armor skills by letting people hit you, that's a pretty silly implementation, rewarding the player for being poor at combat. 06:32, 6 November 2006 (EST)

You only get skill experience points when being hit. The page has been edited to add this fact. --Nephele 15:59, 6 November 2006 (EST)

Hand to Hand & Blocking vs Armor Skills[edit]


The page on HA (but not the one on LA) mentions that players should not block attacks in order to increase their HA skill. In my experience (I have a character who specializes in H2H, B & HA) HA does develop while blocking attacks at least when no weapon or shield is equipped (and you probably need to wear gauntlets). Can someone please confirm this? Could this be something general and not just H2H only?

Thanks, rwa — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:13 on 1 August 2007

edit: I ran a few tests and found that when blocking H2H the gauntlet ends up losing significantly more of its durability than the rest of the armor - this seems to support the first part of my theory, and would also suggest that with a shield/weapon equipped you do not gain HA/LA experience as the damage is suffered by the equipped item and not the armor. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:13 on 1 August 2007
If the shield is Heavy Armor and you block with it equipped, your HA will increase.
I'm not sure about H2H with Heavy gauntlets. But it seems you are. --Kantor 06:47, 29 February 2008 (EST)

Any Other Way to Gain Experience?[edit]

I've had this idea for an easier and quicker way to gain Heavy Armor experiance but I'm not sure if it'll work yet and I'm not yet able to test it out but does anyone know if it's possible to make a disintegrate(can't spell)armor on self power and would using that gain any extra Heavy Armor experiance? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

That would give you Destruction experience (each time you cast the spell), and would give you Armorer experience (assuming you then repair your armor). But it would not give you any heavy armor experience. As it says in the article, you only gain Heavy Armor experience when you are hit. It doesn't matter how much damage is done to you or the armor in the process; it's the hit that counts. --NepheleTalk 23:03, 18 March 2008 (EDT)

Slider Glitch?[edit]

I am on my skill list screen, looking at my minor skills, and for whatever reason the slider is at about 70% full, but my heavy armor says it's at 100, and that I am a master in it. I get all the perks and such, so it's not affecting anything, I am just curious as to what it means, maybe I can gain more experience in it somehow if I do something? I am not sure. The only thing that I have that is fortifying it would be my warrior birth sign that fortifies Endurance, nothing is affecting it directly. It's not gamebreaking, just strange, any ideas? B10Reaper 23:06, 2 May 2009 (EDT)

I think I understand... I've had the same thing myself once or twice. If you have a skill on 99, with a decent amount of progress towards the next level and then get a skill boost (read a skill book, for instance) then the game advances the skill but doesn't reset the progress counter. It doesn't affect anything, but it can make things look a bit messy. –RpehTCE 11:12, 1 May 2009 (EDT)
In my experience, this happens all the time. It doesn't affect anything, in the end, it just caps out at 100 with a 100% full slider. -Joe— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:46 on 21 August 2009

Level 102 but i am not a master of heavy armour why?[edit]

an my skills page it says that i am lvl 102 in heavy armour but i am not a master of it why is that and how can i change that? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:09 on 22 July 2009 (UTC)

Sounds like you have enchantments. Basically, your BASE skill must be at 100 or you won't be a master. --Elliot(T-C) 22:09, 22 July 2009 (UTC)
so what do i have to do to get my heavy armour skill to master as i am no lvl 104 and still an expert?— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:29 on 23 July 2009
Your heavy armor skill shows up as green in the skill tab, doesn't it? Make sure to remove all enchantments and spells that fortify heavy armor and check if the skill shows up as black now. Black is the base skill. That has to be 100 for you to be a master in heavy armor. Wolok gro-Barok 13:41, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Note removal[edit]

I just removed the following note from the Notes section of this page: "* If your character has primarily worn one type of armor for the first few beginning levels, switching to the other (light/heavy) armor type for one or two character levels will tend to result in it rapidly "catching up" as the tougher NPCs and beasts will hit more often." Data from the construction set indicates armor has no effect on chance to hit, only damage reduction, so the note is completely unfounded. Throe 00:12, 29 October 2010 (UTC)

I removed this statement from the light armor page as well, using this logic.-- 17:55, 12 January 2011 (UTC)
i've got a feeling that was meant for blunt/blade/h2h as if you switch to another it would catch up as you would have to hit enemies more. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:40 on 9 August 2011

Heavy Armor Passed 100?[edit]

So I was just curious about this, haven't tried it yet but want to. If you happen to obtain 100 in heavy armor and then read the Oghma Infinium's Path of Steel, this increases your heavy armor to 110, correct? And if so, would that make your heavy armor provide even MORE armor than what it would at 100? Thanks! 14:11, 1 September 2013 (GMT)

The effect is negligible if it even exists; the only skills that would be affected above 100 are acrobatics and athletics. Vely►t►e 15:57, 1 September 2013 (GMT)

Blocking and Heavy Armor[edit]

Did some testing. Blocking with a shield equipped, will not result in an increase of HA experience. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:46 on 29 December 2014 (GMT)

This seems to contradict the information provided by other users, as well as the information that's already on the article. Would you mind explaining your testing methods? Zul se onikaanLaan tinvaak 16:33, 29 December 2014 (GMT)
Using SetDebugText on the console, I engaged into combat with nothing other than a shield equipped and no active enchantments. Being hit by melee attacks and arrows without blocking, increases the heavy or light armor skill, as suggested in the article. However, if one is blocking the attacks, no HA or LA experience points are gained. Instead, the PC receives an increase in blocking experience. I definitely think I am not the first to encounter this. Supporting indicators that I have found on this wiki are either vague or indirect (e.g. in the General Combat Strategies section or this Heavy Armor page, where a respected editor states that in order to maximize HA skill increases, one should not where a shield ('... but no shield'). Hence, I think adding this information to the site could be valuable to other players. Please share your thoughts. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:21 on 25 January 2015 (GMT)