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Oblivion talk:Gottlesfont Priory

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Gottlefont or Gottlesfont?[edit]

Okay, how many times are we going to go back and forth on the spelling of this location? As is noted in the article, the game spells it both with and without the 's'. The "Gottlesfont" spelling is used twice, (both interior cells), and the "Gottlefont" spelling is used only once for the exterior cell, so I think the exterior cell's spelling should be considered the anomoly, rather than the correct one. But it doesn't really matter. What matters is that this is like the third time I've seen people switch this back and forth since I originally corrected the "Gottesfont" spelling, which was clearly wrong. (Both in-game spellings have the 'l'.) Can we just choose one and stick with it? I'm leaving this note here in the hopes that somebody else won't come along and change it back again. --TheRealLurlock 15:41, 24 June 2006 (EDT)

I had explained my rationale for this last (hopefully final!) set of changes on the Places Talk page; I put it in the Fixes Needed section I started and that (in part) prompted this renaming insanity. Now, on second thought, I've deleted that section completely so hopefully no one else stumbles across it and thinks that the name needs to be changed yet again. So my opinions on this matter are:
  • One spelling should be used consistently on the site (some pages, such as Lore:Places G had multiple spellings on the same page which is just confusing).
  • Gottlefont is the more widely used spelling, so I think it's the best one to adopt on the site (I'm pretty sure the last comment has it backwards: "Gottlefont" is the spelling used on both of the interior cells; "Gottlesfont" is the anomaly and only used once in the game).
So I've now searched the whole site and fixed all cases of "Gottesfont" and "Gottlesfont". At the moment, "Gottlefont" is the only spelling used anywhere here. Sorry for my role in this chaos; hopefully it's now cleaned up and resolved!--Nephele 16:56, 24 June 2006 (EDT)
Actually, I just stumbled across there recently, and I'm pretty sure both of the women who live there called it 'Gottlesfont'. I killed them though, so if someone else could check to confirm it, that'd be great. Darkle 00:54, 16 September 2007 (EDT)
Apropos of nothing, the dialogue that mentions the priory is:
  • The Sisters of Gottlesfont gather Steel Blue Entoloma and Lady's Mantle Leaves. Take what you need, and you're welcome to gather mushrooms nearby.
  • I am Sister Angrond of Gottlesfont Priory. We gather and prepare healing herbs and mushrooms.
  • I'm Phebe Jeanard, a charity sister of Gottlesfont Priory. Are you looking for alchemical ingredients?
--RpehTalk 03:27, 16 September 2007 (EDT)
So shouldn't it be changed to 'Gottlesfont' in the title then?--Darkle 01:27, 18 September 2007 (EDT
I refer the honourable gentleman (or lady) to the question at the top of this page! The wiki goes by location names, so "Gottlefont Priory" is correct. Whichever version we use it'll be wrong in one way or another, alas. --RpehTalk 02:08, 18 September 2007 (EDT)
Meh... I suppose so. --Darkle 17:59, 18 September 2007 (EDT)
Actually, the faction name is 'Gottlesfont' and so is the pronunciation of the name. I'm beginning to think that it really should be 'Gottlesfont'. --RpehTalk 08:56, 26 September 2007 (EDT)

() In addition, the UOP fixes the name as 'Gottlesfont'. But that's just another unofficial opinion.--Gaebrial 05:54, 4 October 2007 (EDT)

That may be, but I'm just going by number of occurrences to minimize number of edits required. The winner has the most and the winner is definitely Gottlesfont. It voted and decided, not me. :^p
Gottlesfont is the spelling in two books, three lines of dialog, three clips of audio to go with that dialog, the dialog topic internal name, the dialog topic display name, three AI packages, the map marker display and internal name, the exterior cell internal name and the faction name = 17.
Gottlefont is the spelling on two interior cells display names and internal names = 4.
So I cast another vote for "Gottlesfont" to be the "official" spelling and the two cell names that use "Gottlefont" to be determined to be typos. Kivan 11:57, 2 June 2008 (EDT)
Is there agreement then that the names should be changed in all instances to "Gottlesfont"? If so, anyone who is willing to do the moves and update all the references? --NepheleTalk 20:48, 4 June 2008 (EDT)
It looks like it. I'll do it later today, after the server restart when it's quiet. –RpehTCE 01:08, 5 June 2008 (EDT)
Heh... was just checking the spelling page (as I added a Sic tag) and saw that the Wiki spelling was "Gottlesfont" and thought "That can't be right, it was decided as Gottlefont." So I checked here and the change was made. Thanks! :^) Kivan 10:50, 4 July 2008 (EDT)