Oblivion Mod:Unofficial Oblivion Patch/Text-Dialogue
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Dialogue Text Fixes[edit]
Form ID | Topic | From | To |
0038C9 | GatherClues | "unusal" | "unusual" |
00395D | FGC05 | "from the Bruma Chapel" | "from Bruma Chapel"[note 1] |
003998 | JanusHassildorTopic | "Hal-Luirz" | "Hal-Liurz." |
005677 | LucienLachanceTopic | "ecstacy" | "ecstasy" |
0092B7 | TG03HowToHelp | "Hieronymous" | "Hieronymus" |
009C7C | GREETING | "fullfill" | "fulfill" |
00A233 | TG05Yes | "seige" | "siege" |
00A2B8 | GREETING | "low lifes" | "low-lifes" |
00BE7D | LordRugdumphTOPIC | "embarassing" | "embarrassing" |
00C083 | contract | "from from" | "from" |
00C0A6 | contract | "poision" | "poison" (two occurrences) |
014824 | TG09AmuseiDeliverMsg | "Ancus" | "Ancrus" |
015310 | TG10GiveBoots | "hearby" | "hereby" |
0153B3 | GREETING | "mesage" | "message" |
018230 | DraconianMadstoneTopic | "retreive" | "retrieve" |
01B947 | MS14ChoiceHeard | "speciality" | "specialty" |
01C14D | TG01ThievesTest | "recuits" | "recruits" |
01CE9A | DANamiraChoice1 | "loathesome" | "loathsome" |
01CF1B | TGPayBloodPrice | "hearby" | "hereby" |
01CF1E | TGPayBloodPrice | "reassinged" | "reassigned" |
01D23F | MS23 | "those" | "these"[note 1] |
01E0B2 | SeridurTopic | "stangers" | "strangers" |
01E0E9 | GOODBYE | "forebearance" | "forbearance" |
01FB61 | TG11AmuseiDeliverMsg | "Othrelo's" | "Othrelos'" |
01FDBC | MS08AleronHunt | "decending" | "descending" |
020062 | MQ07BurdA | "vistor" | "visitor" (topic) |
020076 | MQ07SpiesResponse | "plannning" | "planning" |
022E60 | GarridansTears | "Headquaters" | "Headquarters" |
022E63 | MS37JulienneAmazing | "commemerate" | "commemorate" |
022E83 | TG11TalkToMillona07 | "it's curse" | "its curse" |
022E8C | TG11RejectCowl | "eveyone" | "everyone" |
0241DC | INFOGENERAL | "Cyrodill" | "Cyrodiil" |
024E6C | MythicDawnTopic | "curiousity" | "curiosity" |
024FEC | ChorrolTopic | "Ancus" | "Ancrus" |
025017 | CurrentEventsResponses | "moreso" | "more so" |
0253E1 | contract | "Vicenti" | "Vicente" |
026AC5 | WeebumNaTOPIC | "Weebum-Na" | "Weebam-Na" |
026B15 | UmbraTOPIC | "Irroki" | "Irroke" |
026D51 | MQ08ArtifactI | "Skeleton's" | "Skeleton" |
0275CA | Dark07FinChoice1A | "commiting" | "committing" |
02870B | DovesiDranTopic | "bufoon" | "buffoon" |
02873B | DarMaTopic | "daugher" | "daughter" |
028D67 | GlarthirTopic | "obscenties" | "obscenities" |
02AD75 | HaderusGoldwineTopic | "Haderus Goldwine" | "Ormellius Goldwine" (topic) |
02B1E7 | ReadyForAMatch | "commited" | "committed" |
02E5CE | MS27QuestStart | "whatsover" | "whatsoever" |
02FD72 | GREETING | "Cheydhinhal" | "Cheydinhal" |
02FD9C | PurificationTopic | "millenia" | "millennia" |
0319D6 | MS46NewSettlement | "daugher" | "daughter" |
031C82 | MS13 | "Indarys's" | "Indarys'"[note 1] |
031C84 | MS13KnightsWhy | "ocassional" | "occasional" |
032EBF | INFOGENERAL | "Lensi Llharam" | "Llensi Llaram" |
032EBF | INFOGENERAL | "forget" | "forgot"[note 1] |
03358C | GREETING | "Musn't" | "Mustn't" |
0335A6 | FawilTopic | "tought" | "taught" |
034E9D | TG03WhereArmand | "Cheyhindal" | "Cheydinhal" |
0352B6 | MagesStaff | "Elette" | "Eletta" |
035593 | ScarTailTopic | "inseperable" | "inseparable" |
035645 | TG03ElvenBust | "Methredel" | "Methredhel" |
03570F | advancementFG | "responsibilty" | "responsibility" |
035CA3 | MS26FileCharges | "publically" | "publicly" |
035DF3 | Dark08FinChoice1A | "occassions" | "occasions" |
036601 | MouthofthePanther | "its foggy" | "it's foggy"[note 2] |
03842B | MS11 | "cause" | "'cause" |
038A8E | SkingradTopicMog01 | "Dione" | "Dion" |
03AAA0 | INFOGENERAL | "inkeeper" | "innkeeper" |
03AB48 | bed | "accomodations" | "accommodations" |
038AFB | BradonLirrianTopic | "ashame" | "a shame" |
03B1D8 | GREETING | "competiton" | "competition" |
03C1E7 | INFOGENERAL | "Ralas" | "Relas" |
03C1EA | INFOGENERAL | "Feren" | "Felen" |
03C1F2 | INFOGENERAL | "March" | "Marc" (also corrected audio) |
03C21D | INFOGENERAL | "Ah-Mahlz" | "Ah-Malz" |
03C247 | INFOGENERAL | "Falus" | "Fadus" |
03C9AB | BrumaTopic | "desposits" | "deposits" |
03D62B | GREETING | "competiton" | "competition" |
03D62B | GREETING | "huh?" | "eh?"[note 1] |
03DFB8 | INFOGENERAL | "Bugok" | "Bugak" |
03E0AE | AnvilTopic | "Morvay's" | "Morvayn's" |
03E8FB | MQ15KathutetC5 | "kynsman" | "kinsman" |
045F86 | Dark04DrethConvo | "Sumerset" | "Summerset" |
046587 | INFOGENERAL | "Gilgondrin" | "Gilgondorin" |
046594 | INFOGENERAL | "Gilgondrin" | "Gilgondorin" |
0475B3 | GREETING | "Leywiin" | "Leyawiin" |
0476A4 | GREETING | "Ra'jhan" | "Ra'Jhan" (two occurrences) |
0476D4 | GREETING | "with Mages Guild" | "with the Mages Guild"[note 1] |
0476A5 | ImperialCityTopic | "Ra'jhan" | "Ra'Jhan" (two occurrences) |
04767A | GREETING | "Ra'Jiradh" | "Ra'jiradh" |
04767C | GREETING | "Ra'Jiradh" | "Ra'jiradh" |
04767D | ImperialCityTopic | "Ra'Jiradh" | "Ra'jiradh" |
04767E | GREETING | "Ra'Jiradh" | "Ra'jiradh" |
0479CA | GREETING | "Ri'zakar" | "Ri'Zakar" |
0479DE | LeyawiinTopic | "Khajitt" | "Khajiit" |
0479DE | LeyawiinTopic | "Khajjit" | "Khajiit" |
0479DF | LeyawiinTopic | "Khajjit" | "Khajiit" |
0488D1 | GREETING | "marital" | "martial" |
048915 | BravilTopic | "Ayelid" | "Ayleid" |
049950 | Question | "Guilded" | "Gilded" |
049955 | Question | "Guilded" | "Gilded" |
04996F | INFOGENERAL | "Vinivia" | "Vinicia" (also corrected audio) |
04A98A | MG01 | "have good" | "have a good"[note 1] |
04D82A | HorseBuyBravil | "Antione" | "Antoine" |
04D840 | GREETING | "execellent" | "excellent" |
04D844 | HorseTooMuchChorrol | "Cyrodill" | "Cyrodiil" |
04E884 | GREETING | "Selvan" | "Selvani" (also corrected audio) |
04E945 | MS39Yes | "Nirnoot" | "Nirnroot" |
04E977 | MS39 | "the recipe" | "a recipe"[note 1] |
04F215 | HouseBuyBruma | "transfered" | "transferred" |
04F8C2 | MS43StaffTalk | "Alvis" | "Alves" |
05143D | TG01Armand4 | "the the" | "the" |
054021 | avmafrenagaia | "mafre" | "Mafre" |
05421B | HELLO | "You'r" | "Your" |
05C01F | DANamira | "walk" | "walks"[note 1] |
06145D | contract | "Mraaj" | "M'raaj" |
06145E | contract | "Sumerset" | "Summerset |
0624AD | INFOGENERAL | "irresistably" | "irresistibly" |
062BD5 | MagesGuildTopic | "youve" | "you've" |
062BEC | GREETING | "mightest" | "mightiest" |
06A877 | MageTalk5 | "You're work" | "Your work" |
07BA9E | TG11TalkToMillona15 | "it's new" | "its new" |
07BE9C | SnakGraBuraResponse | "Add some onion and... wait." | [Removed, as it wasn't present in the audio.] |
082C8C | MS48StartCombatShouts | "Menian" | "Menien" |
082C8D | MS48StartCombatShouts | "Menian" | "Menien" |
0835F8 | MG12TravenWhoInformant | "Allias" | "Alias" |
086724 | Dark19StatueTalk3 | "Sumerset" | "Summerset" |
086732 | Dark19StatueTalk3 | "Illiac" | "Iliac" |
08C221 | MQ15MankarRant | "How little you understand!" | "How little you understand! You cannot stop Lord Dagon."[note 1] |
08C226 | MQ15MankarRant | "Peryrite's" | "Peryite's" |
0908EB | MS09 | "I've never" | "I never"[note 1] |
09811E | GREETING | "Hai-Liurz" | "Hal-Liurz" |
098199 | FGD07Choice3 | "Ri'Zikar" | "Ri'Zakar" |
0982BB | TG07WhereSkrivva | "Skrivva" | "S'Krivva" (topic) |
0982D7 | HELLO | "cemetary" | "cemetery" |
0983AC | TG08BlindMonks | "blindess" | "blindness" |
0A6584 | MS27UmbacanoC2 | "hold hold" | "hold" |
0AEF8D | IngredientCollection | "accomodated" | "accommodated" |
0B1215 | GREETING | "Ri'bassa" | "Ri'Bassa" |
0B984E | BedYes | "accomodate" | "accommodate" |
0BB9B5 | BedYes | "accomodations" | "accommodations" |
1778D0 | MS48IlendA2 | "Menian" | "Menien" (two occurrences) |
1778E2 | AdamusPhillidaTopic | "vists" | "visits" |
189D08 | SQ03Continue | "eveything" | "everything" |
18AE76 | HELLO | "Libray" | "Library" |
18AE7B | HELLO | "if the Council" | "if Council"[note 1] |
18B5B5 | Idle | "do do" | "to do" |
18D302 | SkingradTopic | "easy" | "easily" |
1B947 | MS14 | "That's a" | "That's just a"[note 1] |
1C1C7 | MS14NoMoreBrush | "You're truly kind" | "You're kind"[note 1] |
1D24C | RolandJensericTopic | "passed" | "past" |
1D23F | (MS23) | "the vampire" | "a vampire" |
1E7FC | MS29ShadyDeal | "time" | "times" |
24DA5 | TG11Heist | "you problems" | "your problems"[note 1] |
25269 | Dark00GeneralNPC | "Ysmer's" | "Ysmir's" |
26D6E | MQ09ArmorTopic | "Talos's" | "Talos'"[note 1] |
26E9C | MQ11BrumaAllies | "you closed" | "you've closed" |
26EA7 | Greeting | "Countess's" | "Countess'"[note 1] |
2869D | HackdirtTopic | "We been" | "We've been"[note 1] |
2B744 | MS16Choice4A | "here right now" | "here now"[note 3] |
2C51A | MS22 GREETING | "let us" | "let's"[note 1] |
31526 | GatherClues | "assume" | "as soon" |
33DF3 | MQ04 GREETING | "Gods blood" | "Gods' blood" |
34E12 | MG00Join | "Mages'" | "Mages" |
35F4E | VahtecenTopic | "there" | "that there" |
362AE | UlrichLelandTopic | "that money" | "the money"[note 1] |
37825 | MQ15MartinC | "destiny. No" | "destiny... and no"[note 1] |
38ED7 | ArenaAgronakChoice4 | "regiment" | "regimen" |
3C2A7 | UlrichLelandTopic | "the plan" | "a plan"[note 1] |
3C342 | MS10 HELLO | "flys" | "flies" |
3C35C | MS10 GOODBYE | "Aldos's'" | "Aldos'" |
3C80F | MQ15ForbiddenGrotto | "those few wearing" | "those wearing"[note 1] |
3CF8E | NQDAnvil GREETING | "one. Can we rent you a bed?" | "one."[note 4] |
3D491 | MS04 | "in the evening" | "o'clock" |
3E8F4 | MQ15 | "is one" | "is but one" |
3FBE0 | MQ15EldamilC2 | "a cellar" | "the cellar" |
3FBE2 | MQ15EldamilD1 | "those bands" | "these bands"[note 1] |
4B7B1 | MS43 | "Gallenus's" | "Gallenus'" |
4E8B5 | NQDCheydinhal | "The Guild" | "This Guild" |
4764E | ImperialCityTopic | "orrery" | "Orrery" |
47748 | ImperialCityTopic | "to be not" | "not to be"[note 1] |
71D4F | Dark00General | "What, is that a" | "What is that... a" |
7C0A7 | Dark00GeneralNPC | "is upsetting" | "is very upsetting" |
98142 | MS48SalvianWhatHappened | "into the Chapel" | "to the Chapel" |
A9346 | MS27 GOODBYE | "days time" | "days' time" |
AF060 | MQ00 | "the victory" | "the great victory"[note 1] |
BC9E | MS29 | "eh?" | "hm?" |
BC9E | MS29 | "eh?" | "huh?" |
BE425 | ReadyForAMatch | "our gambling" | "the gambling" |
Unknown | Topic | "Ajum Kajin" | "Ajum-Kajin" |