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A Bloodstained Note
[This note was written with a dense liquid that you easily recognize--blood.]
Lady Noor, power shall soon be ours once more. I know that the guild has learned of my presence.
I have arranged for Soul Wail to be delivered upon your arrival. Its edge craves for the blood of the Archmage. The dead shall welcome him.
A Mysterious Missive
My most esteemed and venerable Lord Ocato,
I have, as you desired, transported the precious gift away from the treachery and deceit of our city's unsavoury friends. It shall rest undisturbed, and within reach, should we need its aid in times of turmoil. The caves northeast of the island are home to powerful creatures that shall serve as involuntary servants to your will. I do not expect that their sunken halls and buried ruins will be visited by any unexpected meddlers.
Without doubt, I shall let no mind know of our associations in the matter--despite caution, I am well aware of how far their networks extend. Most unfortunate that such magnificent legacy should have its brilliance tainted by their dishonourable hands; yet, it has found its way to better care--we can only hope to be deserving of the privilege.
With most respect, attention and eternal service to your lordship,
Lord Straightfellow
- Sitting on the bedside table in Ocato's chambers in the Imperial Palace.
A Necromancer's Child Sacrifice Note
You shall pay in dear lives for what you have done to us! When we return you will regret having crossed our path! The blood of this child is in your hands! Once I am finished gutting her tender and young body, I shall hang her entrails in your doorframes and windows. I shall smear her liver's bile over your own floors, before you, kneeled on them, beg me to kill you as quickly as she died. You shall not have such mercy. Your own intestines will hang from my neck as I conjure the arcane to bring your lifeless body into the plain of the undead, from where you shall serve me in dispatching your family and friends. I am sure that you will enjoy eating their innards. Mark my words! You earned this.
Sarlyn the Twisted.
A Necromancer's Dilemma
The brethren of the tomb lies in ruins. Our ranks are divided, dear Silvith. I ask you to not return to Cyrodiil--the danger is too great. Traven's arrival spelled doom beyond what I once believed possible. Even Lien Valeth was a marked prey for the hounds of the Archmage. Despite operating from the shadows, Master Lien's influence is already spreading far and wide.
It is well known among us that he has rallied many of our former friends under his banner. This new faction, the Putrid Hand, fills our conversations and thoughts. Perhaps this effort will return us to our proper place, and bring the cold embrace of death upon Traven! Still, considering the odds, many doubt Master Lien's ambitions.
Were I as strong and bold as you, I would not have hesitated to heed the call. You shall be not surprised at my hesitation, I am certain of that, dear Silvith. Let me assure you that, this time, it is a welcome fault of character....
Yet, to see them suffer for this humiliation brought upon us! What a reward, what fury it brings to my veins! I cannot ask you to return, but if you were here, my stride would not turn away from the path to Fort Linchal, where we could ask our former companions to accept us into their fold. Without you, even such a small journey north-west is beyond my nerve.
A Necromancer's Invitation
Brother of the Tomb,
Know these words, and know them well.
The Master is gathering strength to return unto us what rightfully belongs to the messengers of the dead. The cold of the eternal vigil is our comfort. Soon it shall spread throughout the lands like morning dew at dawn--silent, unnoticed, pervasive, unavoidable like the rise of the moons follows the descent of the suns.
We have discovered the old texts. The ancient words of Graithlan are ours to savor, to swallow whole and with them bring a new era to this world. The Master would have it at his feet, were not for the meddlings of those pathetic rangers of Valenwood. Molag Bal, treacherous as ever, thwarts our designs at every step.
They too know of the secrets of the spectral conduits to the realms of the dead. They too seek their power. We must not allow this. Make haste and inform the others of the perils ahead.
Return to Wendelbek before their leader, Eregor, that unkempt buffoon born of mother of soiled blood, discovers the location of the remaining vessels. Once we hold the advantage, we will crush his pathetic band of followers and teach a lesson even to Molag Bal itself!
Praetorius Meihappus
A Necromancer's Love Letter
My dearest love,
Don't try to find me. I am sorry I could not say this to you directly, but after Traven's pronouncement, I had no recourse but to listen to Master Lien and flee. I do not harbor the hatred of most of my companions for our exile, but I am afraid that not even you aren enough to make me risk remaining within the Guild Halls. My stance on necromancy is too well known.
You know my thoughts, it is not evil. As other things, it is what is done with it that is important. Has it not been said that an evil done in the name of good is still evil? I fear the Archmagister has committed such an act. But there is little I can do to stop him, and now he has set all of the Guild upon anyone who even seems to practice this art.
Know that my thoughts rest always with you, and I shall long for the day when Traven is forced to step down and I might return to your side.
Sheesh Kebabbus
A Necromancer's Riddled Warning
My frolic friend,
When was the last moon that saw us together? Do you recall? Oh I do not, I am afraid. So much has happened since I was born and learned to speak and run and jump and play and touch and fuck. Oh, did I say that? I am sorry, my groveling worm. Nature is beyond riveting and brings me down and up like a Silt Strider's rider upon dusty mountains of red sand and dead fury, withough pause sliding towards done deeds in silver threads of I do not know what. Yes, yes, I know. There is no need to remind myself of it, or were you going to do that for me too? So kind and helpful my conscience that should advance your own words. Careful my scrumptious lizard-boy, there is little that flying words cannot but fail to pass over--and pass over they will for you are little, big lizard. Or is that a nose instead? Was there, then, once upon a time a lizard to a nose stuck? What a tragedy, that it should think and touch and even walk for you beyond being already charged with smelling those rotten vapors emanating from beneath your bed. Do you remember? When you were born and learned to speak and run and jump and play and touch and... Ha! Do you think me mad? Thrice I would do it again if I knew its memory would hurt more, but noses do not feel as they should--they are much too unclean, or so I have been told by noseless Nords nodding nightly neither now nor never not near names notwithstanding nostrils.... clever!
My poor, poor walking nose of a lizard-man. A beast now and a boy later, do not forget to do what you must with that long thrust and stick it in muck before giving yourself a good... aye, clever, clever, clever. Count your days!
Yours and mine,
Devus Nullum
A Necromancer's Threat
You shall all pay for what you have done to us! We will return, and when we do, you will rue the day you turned on us!
A Necromancer's Vengeful Letter
Your apologies are meaningless. For all your professed sorrow and regret, it was you who betrayed me. It was you who struck the first blow. But it does not matter now. Master Lien was right when he spoke of the perfidy of the Mages' Guild, I should have seen the cowardice and disloyalty in your heart long before now. He warned me against you, I should have listened.
That traitor Traven will have his day, and I will look forward to reversing our fortunes, to striking you as you have struck me. Only I will have the strength to do what you did not. The last thing you will see is the triumph in my eyes as you follow all of my slain brothers into death.
- On a table beside the bed upstairs in the Cheydinhal Mages Guild.
A Necromancer's Warning
Beware of the Putrid Hand. I had hoped that Lien Valeth would bring the wayward renegades of the Mages Guild into our fold, but it looks like he has different plans.
I have learned that he is seeking ancient artifacts of power. Vessels to the realm of the dead itself, with which he will be able to arm his followers with the very spectral essences of the un-living.
Needless to say, our already precarious situation would worsen were he to succeed. It is not possible to know how far he may go, where he may stop and who will he spare. It would be wise to infiltrate a loyal friend into their ranks. I believe that the Ayleid ruins of Hame are a good place to start. They have recently received many new additions and will not readily suspect of our agent.
Be aware, be mindful, be strong.
A Necromancer's Warning
You filthy Argonian betrayer. We do not forget you. We do not draw our sight away from you. You may sleep, but you do not know if you may awake. Your destructive magicks are nothing to us. We shall return for you with a special gift. A very gentle, sweet present. But, careful! oh, so sharp, so very sharp... perhaps your secret friend would also like one too?
- On a shelf beside the bed on the third floor of the Bravil Mages Guild.
Amylkar's Letter to Phintias
Yes, I have found it! Finally, after all these years, it is mine to behold. Such beauty, such delicacy, such depth! Ooohhh Phintias! This is indeed a great day! The fabled second volume of The Art of War Magic. The words of Master Arctus himself! And those of Marandro Sul, and Estirdar the Scholar, and Audei Quaspus! It even has a mention by Thulidden dir'Tharkun! I cannot believe our fortune, my friend. This tome is more precious than your whole stock combined.
We must guard it carefully and weigh our options. No doubt the Mages Guild would sell some of their apprentice's souls to necromancers in order to acquire this copy. Perhaps we should speak with conjurers, instead, as I am afraid those two groups are in a volatile state right now.
I have heard that the leader of the Guardians of Oblivion is seeking powerful magicks with which to endure the current turn of events. Indeed the situation must be grave if even the Guardians are willing to resort to other than Daedra for their own protection. After years of secluded studies and contact with the planes, this mysterious leader of the Guardians of Oblivion probably holds great hidden knowledge. If you are interested, perhaps we can arrange a meeting. I do not know where the leader is, but I do know how to get in contact with the second in command. Lord Orontes would offer us an audience in the Ayleid ruins of Varondo, which lies in the western mountainous reaches of the Imperial Reserve, should we be interested in speaking to him about our recent acquisition. It will be a long journey, friend, better get your rusty bones ready.
Oohhh, Phintias! This is a very exciting time. I cannot wait to hear what the world offers to us now. Finally, after all these years, we will achieve what we so rightfully deserve. Ha! I told you! I did not finish my studies for nothing! You were right friend. Art was my forte but the relations of commerce will make us rich!
Amylkar Reuel Phomar
An Unsigned Note
Sweet sister,
If you are reading this, then I am right, and you have not forgotten me as you promised you would. How could you not return to this sacred ground, where so many beautiful memories were made? If your heart is as faithful as I dare hope, then for you I have crafted this precious set of armor, as dark and lovely as Sithis' sweet rose. May it remind you of me eternally. If fate is so cruel that you should not find it, and some other, then let her be welcome to it and enjoy the expression of one man's unfaltering passion for his dearest love, no matter how cruel she may be.
Apria's Confession
The darkness of this fortress comforts my heart. Like the mantle of a New Moon's night, these halls cover my doubts and my questions. The dead enjoy their slavery more than I can dispose of my freedom--never did I contemplate that staring into the depths of life and death would thrust me so far from both.
Here I cannot but dwell in the state of lingering resolution. I cannot show my face to the light of the day without hiding my true nature; nor can I revel in the command of the secret arts, for the emptiness of this fortress extinguishes any flames of joy that I once derived from seeing my power shape the world around us. Now, even with greater strength, the vessels of magic coursing through my veins spill their precious essence into a wasteland of cobwebs, mold and debris.
Yet, most of my brothers and sisters seem content in their new condition. The passion that before they lacked now has awakened thanks to Traven's miopy. It is as if they needed something to thrust their spirit away from the contemplation of the dead and into the realm of the living, where vengeance, blood, honor and glory gain purpose and give us direction. I wonder if my allegiances are misplaced.
Dear Lhotun, were I to join you, my brother, perhaps you could steer some sense in my troubled mind. No doubt you will laugh when reading these lines, for well you know my penchant for verbosity and fastidious reflection. I wish that Master Valeth, with his wise counsel, could set my doubts at ease, just as he has done so with yours.
Irony--that is what now comes to my mind. These very halls, which prompt me to question my loyalties, bid me welcome thanks to Traven's betrayal. That I should be sinking in the quicksands of hate appears remarked by their ancient name: Fort Doublecross. I shall complete the crossing and join you at the ruins of Wendelbek at the earliest opportunity, if the darkness of the way does not first confound my step yet again.
Brotherhood Storage
Dear Brother or Sister,
This chest is for new followers of the Night Mother. We've left a few poison ingredients to hasten the dark, sweet death that you will bring.
You should take as few belongings as possible to aid your silence --unless you prefer to be avoided for most contracts, like the brash Gogron gro-Bolmog. Store your things here, but do not leave them lying around... M'raaj-Dar isn't very happy with you - he may try to sell you your own posessions.
May Sithis Guide You,
-Vicente Valtieri
Guild Storage Policy
We're sick of out of town loafers leaving their stuff all over the place. Use this storage and keep your kit neat! If you leave random garbage around the guild hall, we'll melt it down into something useful, or give it to some kid in town.
There are supplies here for you to use, but don't even think about selling it - this gear saves lives in the field. We've left some repair supplies to keep your armor free of rust and your blades sharp. Don't be lazy - our guild porter should only be using his valuable time to repair items that need special work done.
Now get back to work.
Guild Storage Policy
The Mages Guild recognizes the needs of our traveling guildmates; this storage has been provided for anyone with the minimum rank of Associate. We have stocked basic supplies to assist your needs as a scholar of the magical arts, but we must remind you that the last Associate who sold guild supplies was expelled from the guild.
This is largely to alleviate the mixups that occur when traveling guildmates place their belongings mingled in with the resident mages. Do not place any of your belongings with theirs - if you do, we hold no responsibility for the safety of such items.
House Hlaalu Plans
Great House Hlaalu Stronghold Plans
by Dondos Driler, Balmora
Our great and noble House has come to a point where it needs to expand its territory, and keep it safe from those that would attempt and intrude upon it. In my job as House Architect, I have designed a small fortress that would be ideal for this type of expansion.
The ideal location for holding our territory from the 'honorable' Redorans would be in the Southwest of Vvardenfell. Hla Oad has no practical mean of defenses, and is too far from any Hlaalu settlements should another House attempt to take our territory. Odai Plateau is the proposed location, as it is located on a hill, making an attack difficult, and it is also between the Odai and the Inner Sea, shortening the route to Balmora from Hla Oad; this would likely work to the favor of Hla Oad, as it would bolster trade with a safer, quicker route to Balmora. Should the Western border of Morrowind be attacked by the Empire trying to exploit more from our lands, or from the profane horrors on the Firemoth Archipelago, the populous of Hla Ruhn and Verarchen Hall could fall back to the Odai Plateau stronghold.
Across the Odai River from the stronghold is a blighted egg mine. This mine has gone unused, for several reasons. The people of Balmora do not need the extra eggs, and due to the abundance of mines around Morrowind, they are of little economic value. However, should a stronghold be built at Odai Plateau, the populous there could use the eggs, and any extras could be easily taken to Hla Oad and shipped out of Province. It would be inexpensive for the mine to start producing again; all that would be needed is several miners, and a priest or a cleric to cure the blight on the Kwama Queen.
The actual physical plans for the stronghold are simple. On the Plateau, it is planned that a manor would be built for the ruling official, a guard tower, where an elite House Hlaalu soldier would be assigned, houses for several merchants, and a wall constructed around the compound for defense. The House official that would be taking residence here would have to pay the customary 5000 drakes for their manor, but House Hlaalu will cover the costs for the rest. The estimated construction costs are around 100 000 drakes, and while this may seem somewhat steep, it is reasonable given how the entire Southwestern section of Vvardenfell will be opened for trade. The roads to Balmora from Pelagiad, Seyda Neen and Suran could also be taxed, providing more cash flow for Great House Hlaalu.
It would be prudent that we find a candidate for this right away, as the other Great Houses are also beginning to prepare drafts for their strongholds. House Hlaalu agents indicate that it is likely that the Telvanni and Redoran Houses will be constructing their strongholds on Vvardenfell as they have holding there, but it is completely unknown what the Dres and Indoril Houses intend to do.
This is it! After going to Fort Dirich, which proved to be an undead lair, I continued north. I spent two days scouting the area to the north-west, and I stumbled upon an all too familiar shape: a minotaur! I managed to stay out of his sight and followed him here, to Nonungalo. I fear it will be a very dangerous endeavor but I have to know if I'm right. The coincidence is just too obvious. I will start at dawn tomorrow. May the Sun be my ally!
I have found refuge in an upper ledge after a tough fight, out of their sight and reach. I have been hurt badly, despite my good armor. It feels as if I've been hit by a tree. I have at least three broken ribs. I knew I was not up to the task, but I must press forward. I still have a last potion of health and another one of invisibility. It has to be enough. I'm too close to give up... my ultimate goal lies ahead.
To whoever reads this note, it means that I failed. I hope the blade will find a worthy owner.
Orvas Meltraden.
Oportius' Letter to Antoinetta
My beautiful friend, I have a gift for you. A gift that only a queen of darkness like yourself is fit to posses. My skill and courage pale in comparison with yours. It is only proper that you carry my prize, so that I may carry the honor of having served you. I give you the bow of Hothlar, the Nord King.
It is rumored that Hothlar, after his long reign, was buried high in the peaks south of Whiterun. His battle armor, named after the mythical Ice Dragon that powered Hothlar's blood and destiny, is one of the finest metal works in the history of Tamriel. I am honored that you now carry Hothlar's bow, even if for justice to be settled you should posses the remaining pieces and weapons forged under the spell of the Ice Dragon. Perhaps that is not a goal out of reach. I have learned that other fragments of the complete set belong to citizens of Cyrodiil!
Seek the leader of the Blackwood Company, Rizakar, and slay him with your stealthy blade. Three pieces of this mightiest of armors, no less, he posseses. And, to make matters worse, he wears the mightiest of Hothlar's armors, the fabled breastplate: The Dragon's Savior. He is unfit to don its precious metal. Rizakar's dealings will eventually put you and your guild at risk, for he will not settle in overthrowing the Fighters Guild's dominance in the trade of brute force and protection. He has contacts with smugglers from Black Marsh, from where I suspect acquired those parts of Hothlar's armor
My dear mistress of the night, call upon this humble servant of yours who would not hesitate to give every drop of my blood to please your will. Should you need assistance in recovering this gift, send a messenger to the port town of Leyawin, where I shall wait for your word enjoying some of the finest port wines ever to grace the face of our realm. Without your touch near me, without your eyes on me, the only consolation that the world can give to this old pirate is to remember your breath and taste in cups of sweet and thick liquors.
Eternally yours,
Oportius Ubiquites
Personal Letter
To the Gray Fox,
Welcome to the brand new guild hall, or should I say very old hall? It's all a matter of perspective. Feel free to move in; your things will be safe from theft in this room. Be careful about storing supplies downstairs, however, because this is also a safe haven for beggars. I'll never forget you, or maybe I already have since passing command to you... Either way, your help was capital!
With Gratitude,
-The Gray Fox
Personal Note
Welcome to Cloud Ruler Temple, Hero of Kvatch:
We are honored to have you among us. Please use this chest for your personal belongings, and use any bed that suits you.
The gifts inside are the garb and weaponry of the Order of Blades. This is your own personal set; the other armor and weaponry lying around are the possessions of other Blades.
May Talos guide you to victory,
Knight Captain of the Blades
[The envelope seems to contain a handful of old receipts, but the ink faded and is barely legible. It would seem a man named Gwydeon was responsible for the one-piece suit of armor, while another man named Noviere was responsible for both suits of leather armor. They all seem to have been enchanted by the same person, a mage under the alias of Venom. That is all you are able to decipher.]
Sentinel Noble Shield Delivery Note
Th're ye go, Viator. M'promise, m'delivers
T'sheild tis best Senti sheild th're is! Strait frem his cold ded hand, tis! Faine sheild fer ye, faine gold fer t'boys. Ye beter com ap wiz aur drakes, fast, befor we tunr yer naim to t'legion. We be at t'waterfront. Them hors gonna pay tonit too! Ha!
Warn ya, mate, donna cross t'feerless Qreepus Fellerus! M'thinks I be cleer enuf fer ye, city rat.
The Armory
This chest contains sets of armor used by previous Thieves Guild guildmasters, crafted by the most skilled of armorers. While different in appearance, their innate magical abilities were all crafted within likeness of one another.
Treat them with care.
- The Gray Fox
Unopened Letter
My dearest Alain,
I desire to hear of your welfare and good prosperity, which I pray the Gods increase to their pleasure and your heart's ease.
I write to you in good health and humor, and for the greater glory of the noble Knights of the Dragonborne!
However - isn't there always such a thing? - there is one item that brings me distress and discomfort. I recently received a shipment of the fine new Dragonborne Elite armor that the smith in the City has created for you. While I am sure this armor looks fine on hearty young knights, you must remember that I am an old man, with an old man's body. With great sadness, I had to send the armor back to the City - it chafed on parts of my body I did not even know I had. Thank you for your kind thoughts, but I will continue to wear my battle-worn Dwemer - it has served me well for many years.
Your loving father,
Sir Roderick Uruk