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Oblivion Mod:Order of the Dragon/Undead

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Undead Creatures consist of spirits, reanimated skeletons, and reanimated corpses. All undead are immune to poison and resist frost. Their attacks range from spells to weapons to melee attacks. Spirits can only be harmed by Silver, Daedric, Dremora, Enchanted weapons, magic, or unarmed attacks with a Journeyman or higher Hand to Hand level.

Undead are found in many tombs; they also appear in a few caves.

Bones Undead
Creature Lvl Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Paralysis Resist Attacks Soul
Armored Skeleton
25 Dragon Order Claymore
400 70 100 100 Greater
Cursed Warrior
10 Battle Axe
280 70 100 100
  • Battle Axe (Silver, Elven, or Dwarven)
  • 12pts melee, unarmed
Sand Whip Skeleton
15 Claymore
350 70 100 100
  • Claymore (Silver-Glass, possibly enchanted)
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Skeleton Guard
15 Battle Axe
280 70 100 100
  • Battle Axe (Silver, Elven, or Dwarven)
  • 12pts melee, unarmed
Skeleton Servant
1 War Axe
20 70 100 100
  • War Axe (Iron or Steel)
  • 5pts melee, unarmed
Skeleton Warlord
30 Claymore
650 70 100 100
  • Claymore (Silver-Glass, possibly enchanted)
  • 14pts melee, unarmed

Flesh Undead
Creature Lvl Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Fire Resist Magic Resist Attacks Soul
PC+2 None (Lvl+2)x10 30 100 -60 30 (((Lvl+2)x8)/2)pts melee, unarmed Common
Foul Fairy
2 None 80 30 100 -60 30 10pts melee, unarmed Lesser
8 None 170 30 100 -60 30 4pts melee, unarmed Common
14 Mummy Bindings 320 30 100 -60 30 10pts melee, unarmed Greater
2 None 100 30 100 -60 30 10pts melee, unarmed Lesser
Skooma Converter
2 None 80 30 100 -60 30 10pts melee, unarmed Lesser

Ethereal Undead
Creature Lvl Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Normal Weapon Resist Attacks Soul
Cemetery Ghost
PC+3 Ectoplasm 24 x (lvl+3) 100 100 100
  • Gloom Wraith's Curse (Absorb Health 4pts for 30sec, Burden 50pts for 30sec, Damage Willpower 2pts; all on Touch. Immune to Silence)
  • Arctic Blow (Frost Damage 80pts on Touch)
  • Ice Bolt (Frost Damage 70pts on Target)
  • Silence of the Grave (Frost Damage 3pts for 15sec, Silence in 15ft for 15sec)
  • 17+((lvl+3)/2) pts melee, unarmed
Count Friedhelm
9 Ectoplasm 170 100 100 100
  • Ghostly Touch (Frost Damage 20pts, Damage Fatigue 19pts, both on Touch; Drain Fatigue 76pts for 1sec on Self. Immune to Silence)
  • Icy Blast (Frost Damage 20pts, Damage Fatigue 19pts; both on Target. Immune to Silence)
  • Icy Touch (Frost Damage 15pts on Target, Damage Fatigue 14pts on Self. Immune to Silence)
  • Invisibility (Invisibility for 15sec on Self. Immune to Silence)

Armored Skeleton[edit]

These undead skeletons are clad in Nordic steel armor. There are five variants; each has a different appearance and power level. The Dragon Knight Captain is a unique undead that carries the Dragon Knight's Key, which unlocks the portcullis to the Order Castle.

Creature Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Paralysis Resist Attacks Soul
Armored Skeleton A
(0105B89A )
Dragon Order Claymore
400 70 100 100 Greater
Found in the Order's Crypt.
Armored Skeleton B
Dragon Order Battleaxe
300 70 100 100 Greater
Found in the Order's Crypt.
Armored Skeleton C
Dragon Order Longsword
300 70 100 100 Greater
Found in the Order's Crypt.
Armored Skeleton D
Dragon Order Hammer
250 70 100 100 Common
Found in the Order's Crypt.
Armored Skeleton E
Nordic Warsword
Iron Shield
250 70 100 100 Common
Found in the Order's Crypt.
Dragon Knight Captain
Dragon Order Claymore
Lich's Key
250 70 100 100 Grand
Found in a storage tower in the Order Castle.

Cemetery Ghost[edit]

These ethereal undead resemble gloom wraiths in appearance and powers. They are found outside the Ferroul Family Crypt. They have the following characteristics:

  • 100% resist frost (immune to frost)
  • 100% resist poison (immune to poison)
  • 100% resist normal weapons (immune to normal weapons; can only be damaged by enchanted, silver, gold, Dremora, or daedric weapons.)
  • Permanent Water Walking ability

Count Friedhelm[edit]

Count Friedhelm was once the lord of a castle overlooking a small village. After he ran afoul of some ancient magic, he was transformed into a ghost, and was eventually sealed deep below the castle (see Help For a Village); he appears when you activate his tombstone. He has the following characteristics:

  • 100% resist frost (immune to frost)
  • 100% resist poison (immune to poison)
  • 100% resist normal weapons (immune to normal weapons; can only be damaged by enchanted, silver, gold, Dremora, or daedric weapons.)
  • Permanent Water Walking ability

Cursed Warrior[edit]

Cursed warriors are the skeletal remains of those who have died in the salt waste of Mephala's realm. A trio can be found out in the salt waste; one is found in the Akka'an Pyramid; and two more are found in the Order's Crypt. They have the following characteristics:

  • 70% resist frost
  • 100% resist poison (immune to poison)
  • 100% resist paralysis (immune to paralysis)
  • Permanent Water Breathing ability
  • Resurrect once after being killed (killing them a second time is permanent).


These Nordic undead can be found in the Ice Caves under the Order Castle. They have the following characteristics:

  • 60% weakness to fire
  • 30% resist frost
  • 100% resist poison (immune to poison)
  • 30% resist magic
  • Permanent Water Breathing ability


Ghouls are undead that feed on corpses and carrion, though they're not averse to adding fresh meat to their diet. They can be found in the desert tombs of Mephala's realm.

Creature Lvl Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Fire Resist Magic Resist Attacks Soul
8 None 170 30 100 -60 30 4pts melee, unarmed Common
Found in the High Temple of Ash'uhn.
8 None (Lvl+8)x13 30 100 -60 30 (((Lvl+8)x4)/2)pts melee, unarmed Common
Found in the High Temple of Ash'uhn.
8 None 170 30 100 -60 30 10pts melee, unarmed Common
Found in the High Temple of Ash'uhn.
Zhoran Impulapis
PC+0 None Lvlx38 30 100 -60 30 10pts melee, unarmed Lesser
Found in Talvanus' house.


Liches are generally only encountered at high levels. They rely upon magical attacks, both from their staves and from their spells (which are generally randomly determined). They will also usually summon an undead underling. All liches have the following weaknesses, resistances, and abilities:

  • 25% weakness to fire
  • 100% resist frost (immune to frost)
  • 100% resist poison (immune to poison)
  • 25% resist magic
  • 25% spell absorption
  • 25% spell reflection
  • Permanent Water Walking ability
Creature Lvl Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Fire Resist Magic Resist Reflect Spell Spell Absorption Attacks Soul
Ghostly Lich
PC+0 Staff of Mighty Push
Lvlx15 100 100 -25 25 25 25
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Leveled Summon Undead spell
  • Leveled Absorb Health spell
  • Leveled Shield spell
  • Leveled Dispel on target spell
  • Leveled Silence spell
  • 20 pts melee, unarmed
Found in Mel Hasma.
High Lich DorfQuest
PC+10 Greater Staff of Fire
Daedric Skin potion
(Lvl+10)x50 100 100 -25 25 25 25
  • Greater Staff of Fire
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Leveled Summon Undead spell
  • Leveled Absorb Health spell
  • Leveled Shield spell
  • Leveled Dispel on target spell
  • Leveled Silence spell
  • Shock damage 100pts on target
  • ((Lvl+10)x20)/2 pts melee, unarmed
Encountered during the quest Where Are the People?
High Lich DorfQuest
PC+10 Levelled staff
Greater Staff of Fire
Daedric Skin potion
Human Teeth
Death Coin
Old Spirit Jewel
(Lvl+10)x50 100 100 -25 25 25 25
  • Greater Staff of Fire
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Leveled Summon Undead spell
  • Leveled Absorb Health spell
  • Leveled Shield spell
  • Leveled Dispel on target spell
  • Leveled Silence spell
  • Shock damage 100pts on target
  • ((Lvl+10)x20)/2 pts melee, unarmed
Found in Cursed Tomb.
High Lich Zere
PC+10 Levelled staff
Greater Staff of Fire
Large Death Coin
(Lvl+10)x50 100 100 -25 25 25 25
  • Greater Staff of Fire
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Leveled Summon Undead spell
  • Leveled Absorb Health spell
  • Leveled Shield spell
  • Leveled Dispel on target spell
  • Leveled Silence spell
  • Shock damage 100pts on target
  • ((Lvl+10)x20)/2 pts melee, unarmed
Found in four locations in Mephala's realm.
High Priest Delosi
1 Levelled staff
Delosi's Blood
550 100 100 -25 25 25 25
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Leveled Summon Undead spell
  • Leveled Absorb Health spell
  • Leveled Shield spell
  • Leveled Dispel on target spell
  • Leveled Silence spell
  • 20 pts melee, unarmed
Encountered in the High Temple of Ash'uhn during the quest The High Temple.
Lich King
PC+10 Lich King's Staff (Lvl+10)x50 100 100 -25 25 25 25
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Leveled Summon Undead spell
  • Leveled Absorb Health spell
  • Leveled Shield spell
  • Leveled Dispel on target spell
  • Leveled Silence spell
  • ((Lvl+10)x20)/2 pts melee, unarmed
Found in the Forgotten Crypt.
Shrine Guardian
PC+0 Levelled staff
Lvlx18 100 100 -25 25 25 25
  • Levelled staff
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Leveled Summon Undead spell
  • Leveled Absorb Health spell
  • Leveled Shield spell
  • Leveled Dispel on target spell
  • Leveled Silence spell
  • Lvlx10 pts melee, unarmed
Found in the Order's Crypt.
Underlich HQ16
PC-7 Levelled staff
(Lvl-7)x15 100 100 -25 25 25 25
  • Leveled enchanted staff
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Leveled Summon Undead spell
  • Leveled Absorb Health spell
  • Leveled Shield spell
  • Leveled Silence spell
  • 10+((lvl-7)/2) pts melee, unarmed
Encountered in the Elven Gardens Sewers during the quest Tear Yourself Together.
Underlich Curtis
PC-7 Levelled staff
(Lvl-7)x15 100 100 -25 25 25 25
  • Leveled enchanted staff
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Leveled Summon Undead spell
  • Leveled Absorb Health spell
  • Leveled Shield spell
  • Leveled Silence spell
  • 10+((lvl-7)/2) pts melee, unarmed
Encountered outside the entrance to the Silver Mine.
Underlich Dorf
PC-7 Levelled staff
(Lvl-7)x15 100 100 -25 25 25 25
  • Leveled enchanted staff
  • Three leveled destruction spells
  • Leveled Summon Undead spell
  • Leveled Absorb Health spell
  • Leveled Shield spell
  • Leveled Silence spell
  • 10+((lvl-7)/2) pts melee, unarmed
Found in Cursed Tomb.


Mummies are undead beings, corpses wrapped in linens and preserved with special chemicals. They can be found in various tombs in Mephala's realm.

Creature Lvl Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Fire Resist Magic Resist Attacks Soul
Allinia Gedbiate
14 None 400 100 100 -25 25 20pts melee, unarmed Greater
Encountered during the quest Living Love in Dead Linen.
Guardian Mummy
14 Mummy Bindings
Pyramid Key
250 100 100 -25 25 38pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in an abandoned house in Dachla.
High Mummy Bibo
41 Mummy Bindings
Micro loot (15%)
500 100 100 -25 25 10pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in the Holy Book Tombs, and in a pyramid in Dachla.
High Mummy Zere
25 Mummy Bindings
440 100 100 -25 25 43pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in a lost tomb.
High Mummy Py05
25 Mummy Bindings
Extra Large Diamond
440 100 100 -25 25 43pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in the Great Pyramid, King's Grave Chamber.
Mummified Guard
20 Mummy Bindings 640 100 100 -25 25 38pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in the Great Pyramid.
14 Mummy Bindings
Micro-loot (15%)
320 100 100 -25 25 10pts melee, unarmed Greater
Found in random tombs via undead levelled lists.
2 Mummy Bindings
Micro-loot (15%)
320 100 100 -25 25 10pts melee, unarmed Greater
Found in random tombs via undead levelled lists.
2 Mummy Bindings
Micro-loot (15%)
350 100 100 -25 25 10pts melee, unarmed Greater
Found in random tombs via undead levelled lists.
Mummy Summon
2 None 500 100 100 -25 25 10pts melee, unarmed None
Summoned via the Mummy Potion.
Mummy Py01
14 Mummy Bindings 340 100 100 -25 25 38pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in the Great Pyramid.
Mummy Py02
14 Mummy Bindings 340 100 100 -25 25 38pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in the Great Pyramid.
Mummy Py1
14 Mummy Bindings 340 100 100 -25 25 38pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in the Great Pyramid.
Mummy Py2
14 Mummy Bindings 380 100 100 -25 25 38pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in the Great Pyramid.
14 Mummy Bindings 4000 100 100 -25 25 38pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in the Great Pyramid, King's Grave Chamber.
16 Strange Chalice
Mummy Bindings
300 30 100 -60 30 16pts melee, unarmed Greater
Found in Alan's Tomb.
Creature Lvl Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Fire Resist Shock Resist Magic Resist Reflect Spell Spell Absorption Attacks Soul
Andalis' Faithful
14 Mummy Bindings 200 100 100 75 100 100 25 25 10pts melee, unarmed Grand
Found in Andalis' Tomb.


Skeletons come in many forms and power levels. All skeletons have the following characteristics:

  • 70% resist frost
  • 100% resist poison (immune to poison)
  • 100% resist paralysis (immune to paralysis)
  • Permanent Water Breathing ability
Creature Lvl Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Paralysis Resist Attacks Soul
Ghostly Skeleton Archer
15 Silver Bow
30 Dwemer Arrows
150 70 100 100
  • Silver Bow
  • Dwemer Arrows
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Ghostly Skeleton Melee
15 Claymore
150 70 100 100
  • Claymore (Silver-Glass, possibly enchanted)
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Sand Whip Skeleton1
15 Claymore
350 70 100 100
  • Claymore (Silver-Glass, possibly enchanted)
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Found in various locations in Mephala's realm.
Sand Whip Skeleton2
15 Claymore
Rusty Iron War Axe
350 70 100 100
  • Claymore (Silver-Glass, possibly enchanted)
  • Rusty Iron War Axe
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Found in various locations in Mephala's realm.
Sand Whip Skeleton3
15 Claymore
Iron Mace
350 70 100 100
  • Claymore (Silver-Glass, possibly enchanted)
  • Iron Mace
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Found in various locations in Mephala's realm.
Sand Whip Skeleton4
15 Claymore
300 70 100 100
  • Claymore (Silver-Glass, possibly enchanted)
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Found in various locations in Mephala's realm.
Sand Whip SkeletonA2
15 Silver Bow
30 Dwemer Arrows
350 70 100 100
  • Silver Bow
  • Dwemer Arrows
  • 34pts melee, unarmed
Found in various locations in Mephala's realm.
Sand Whip SkeletonA3
15 Silver Bow
30 Dwemer Arrows
400 70 100 100
  • Silver Bow
  • Dwemer Arrows
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Found in various locations in Mephala's realm.
Sand Whip SkeletonA4
15 Silver Bow
30 Dwemer Arrows
400 70 100 100
  • Silver Bow
  • Dwemer Arrows
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Found in various locations in Mephala's realm.
Skeleton Guard
10 Scimitar
280 70 100 100
  • Steel scimitar
  • 12pts melee, unarmed
Found in the Temple of the Dead.
Skeleton Servant
1 War Axe
20 70 100 100
  • War Axe (Iron or Steel)
  • 5pts melee, unarmed
Found in various locations in Mephala's realm.
Skeleton Warlord1
30 Claymore
650 70 100 100
  • Claymore (Silver-Glass, possibly enchanted)
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Found in the Silver Mine.
Skeleton Warlord2
30 Claymore
550 70 100 100
  • Claymore (Silver-Glass, possibly enchanted)
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Found in Tomb of the Unknown.
Skeleton Warlord3
15 Claymore
550 70 100 100
  • Claymore (Silver-Glass, possibly enchanted)
  • 14pts melee, unarmed
Found in the Order Manor.
Undead Mine Worker
1 Pickaxe
20 70 100 100 Petty
Found in the Old Mine.
Undead Nord WarriorA
15 Nordic Claymore
400 70 100 100 Grand
Encountered during the quest The Catacombs.
Undead Nord WarriorB
15 Nordic Warsword
400 70 100 100 Grand
Encountered during the quest The Catacombs.
Undead Nord WarriorC
15 Heavy Two-Hander
400 70 100 100 Grand
Encountered during the quest The Catacombs.
Undead Order Knight
25 Dragon Order Battle Axe
Superior Healing Potion
800 70 100 100 Grand
Summoned by placing a skull on the altar in the Order's Crypt.
Undead Mine Worker
1 Pickaxe
20 70 100 100 Petty
Found in the Dead Mine.
Undead Temple Guardian
25 Silver Claymore
Superior Healing Potion
250 70 100 100
  • Silver Claymore
  • 40pts melee, unarmed
Found in the Temple of the Dead.


Various creatures take the form of shambling corpses, also known as zombies. They all have the following characteristics:

  • 60% weakness to fire
  • 30% resist frost
  • 100% resist poison (immune to poison)
  • 30% resist magic
  • Permanent Water Breathing ability
  • Has a 25% chance of carrying one of the following diseases: Ataxia, Brown Rot, Dampworm, Droops, Greenspore, Helljoint, Rockjoint, Rust Chancre, Witbane.
Creature Lvl Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Fire Resist Magic Resist Attacks Soul
Foul Fairy
2 None 80 30 100 -60 30 10pts melee, unarmed Lesser
Found in the giant house of the skooma dream (see House of Dreams).
2 None 80 30 100 -60 30 10pts melee, unarmed Lesser
Found in the skooma dream (see House of Dreams).
Skooma Converter
2 None 80 30 100 -60 30 10pts melee, unarmed Lesser
Found in various places in the skooma dream (see House of Dreams).


These creatures are all already dead, and are mainly of interest because of the possibility of finding loot on some of their corpses.

Creature Carries Found
Argonian Skeleton
  • In 27 locations.
Dead Thief
Micro loot (15%)
  • In the desert a short distance from the Dead Mine.
Herlan Inble
Herlan's Arena Key
  • In the wilderness of Mephala's realm.
Jalatar's Corpse
Mort Flesh
Jalatar's Chest Key
Jalatar's Note
  • In a watchtower overlooking Sula.
Khajiit Skeleton
  • Found in 37 locations in Mephala's realm.
Redeemed Mauren
Perfume-Soaked Letter
Inform the Others!
Skeletal Bookseller
  • In the wilderness of Mephala's realm.
Teplar Heldur
Teplar's Key
  • On the roof of Teplar Heldur's house.