Oblivion Mod:Mod File Format/SKIL

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SKIL records hold information on a skill.

C SubRecord Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID editorId zstring Editor id
+ INDX index ulong
Flag Meaning
0x0C Armorer
0x0D Athletics
0x0E Blade
0x0F Block
0x10 Blunt
0x11 HandToHand
0x12 HeavyArmor
0x13 Alchemy
0x14 Alteration
0x15 Conjuration
0x16 Destruction
0x17 Illusion
0x18 Mysticism
0x19 Restoration
0x1A Acrobatics
0x1B LightArmor
0x1C Marksman
0x1D Mercantile
0x1E Security
0x1F Sneak
0x20 Speechcraft
+ DESC description zstring Skill Description text.
- ICON skill image zstring Based on textures\
+ DATA skilldata struct[14] Skill Data
ulong Which actions train this skill. Hardcoded, see INDX for values.
Flag Meaning
0x00 Strength
0x01 Intelligence
0x02 Willpower
0x03 Agility
0x04 Speed
0x05 Endurance
0x06 Personality
0x07 Luck
Flag Meaning
0x00 Combat
0x01 Magic
0x02 Stealth
use value
float Use value first action. Default = 0x3F80 = 1
use value
float Use value second action
+ ANAM apprentice text zstring The text shown when you reach Apprentice level.
+ JNAM journeyman text zstring The text shown when you reach Journeyman level.
+ ENAM expert text zstring The text shown when you reach Expert level.
+ MNAM master text zstring The text shown when you reach Master level.