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This article provides an overview of all the alchemical ingredients available in the vanilla version of Oblivion. Several more ingredients are added by the Shivering Isles expansion, all of which are detailed at its ingredients page. Each of the ingredients has its own page that provides more complete information (see links in the following table).

Other information relevant to ingredients is available on the following articles:

  • Alchemy Effects provides a listing of each ingredient with a given alchemy effect.
  • Ingredient Locations provides locations with high concentrations of multiple ingredients, such as farms.
  • Ingredient Translations provides the ingredient names in German, French, Spanish, Russian, and Latin.


There are several ways to obtain ingredients:

  • Already-harvested samples
    • Ingredients that are considered as food can be found in most houses or dining areas. These samples will eventually respawn.
    • Ingredients can be bought from merchants, who will have a random selection of available ingredients. Food can be bought from food vendors or inns; other ingredients can be bought from alchemy vendors. The inventories of all merchants will eventually respawn.
    • Ingredients can sometimes be found in containers. Food cupboards and food sacks contain food, while certain loot containers contain a single random ingredient. Cupboards and containers will respawn, but sacks do not.
    • Some other individual ingredients can be found in various buildings around Cyrodiil. In particular, most Mages Guilds have a few ingredients sitting out in the open. Ingredients in the guilds will respawn, though in other buildings, they may not.
  • Harvesting from plants
    • A large number of ingredients come from plants that can be found growing in Cyrodiil or in the Planes of Oblivion. Some plants are widespread, with thousands of plants growing in various places, whereas others are much less common and therefore more difficult to find. At any one time, you can only try to collect a single sample of an ingredient from each plant, but there is a chance that you will find nothing. Your Luck level does not affect this probability. However, each plant's ingredient will respawn even if you found nothing, so you can always try again later.
    • Two load screen messages make different claims about plant regrowth. One says that they will regrow "in later months", where another says they will regrow "after a few days". While technically both are true, the latter is the more accurate statement. Plants (other than Nirnroot) normally regrow after 72 hours.
    • If you'd like to ensure that you always get a sample from a plant, make sure to Quicksave before you attempt to gather from it. This way, if you come up empty, you can simply Quickload and try your hand again until you get the sample you need. Excellent for low levels when certain ingredients are tough to come by.
  • Collecting from creatures
    • The other common source of ingredients is from creatures. Many creatures have body parts (meat, heart, skin, horn, teeth, etc) that can be used as alchemy ingredients. When you kill the creature, you can collect the ingredient from its corpse. Most creatures will respawn. However, there is no guarantee that the creature that reappears will be the same as the one that you previously killed.
    • There are also a few creatures that always carry a specific ingredient. Most notably, the Bitterfish Goblins at Miscarcand always carry Scales (if they don't somehow have a scaly skin that is identical to Slaughterfish skin). These creatures can therefore be considered to be a reliable source of certain ingredients.

Standard Ingredients[edit]

This table lists all of the standard ingredients in the game. The primary effect is the one you get if you just eat the ingredient (a practice known as Wortcraft). Using two or three ingredients that have the same magical effect will result in a potion. The higher your alchemy level, the more effects you will be able to use. Alternatively, select two or three damaging effects to manufacture a poison.

Click on an effect name to see all ingredients that share that effect. Italicized text means the effect is unique and can never appear in a potion.

Ingredient Name Primary Effect Secondary Effect Tertiary Effect Quaternary Effect Value Weight H%
OB-icon-ingredient-Alkanet Flower.png Alkanet Flower
Harvested from Alkanet, a fairly common flower in the West Weald.
Restore Intelligence Restore Intelligence Resist Poison Resist Poison Light Light Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Aloe Vera Leaves.png Aloe Vera Leaves
Harvested from Aloe Vera, a plant that grows primarily in the Gold Coast.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Restore Health Restore Health Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Invisibility Invisibility 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Ambrosia.png Ambrosia
Harvested from reddish-purple colored Mana Bloom, a flower that is normally found only in Mankar Camoran's Paradise.
Restore Health Restore Health 2 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Apple.png Apple
Food, widely found in houses and dining halls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Damage Luck Damage Luck Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower Damage Health Damage Health 1 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Arrowroot.png Arrowroot
Harvested from Arrowroot Plant, a plant that is found in the Gold Coast and Nibenay Valley.
Restore Agility Restore Agility Damage Luck Damage Luck Fortify Strength Fortify Strength Burden Burden 2 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Venison Steak.png Beef
Food, found in a few houses and dining halls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Shield Shield Fortify Agility Fortify Agility Dispel Dispel 1 1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Seeds.png Bergamot Seeds
Harvested from Bergamot, a flower, particularly common along the Orange Road and near Bravil.
Resist Disease Resist Disease Dispel Dispel Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Silence Silence 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Blackberry.png Blackberry
Food, found in many houses and dining halls. It can also be harvested from Blackberry Bushes found on some farms and in the wild in the West Weald.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Resist Shock Resist Shock Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance Restore Magicka Restore Magicka 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Bloodgrass.png Bloodgrass
Harvested from Blood Grass, a common plant in the Planes of Oblivion.
Chameleon Chameleon Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis Burden Burden Fortify Health Fortify Health 1 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Venison Steak.png Boar Meat
Food, found in several houses and dining halls. Can also be collected from dead Boars, which are randomly found in many outdoors regions.
Restore Health Restore Health Damage Speed Damage Speed Fortify Health Fortify Health Burden Burden 20 2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Bog Beacon Cap.png Bog Beacon Asco Cap
Harvested from Bog Beacon, a plant found in Blackwood.
Restore Magicka Restore Magicka Shield Shield Damage Personality Damage Personality Damage Endurance Damage Endurance 1 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Bonemeal.png Bonemeal*
Collected from Bones Undead, i.e., skeletons and liches, which are commonly found in all undead dungeons. There is also a rare variant listed below.
Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Resist Fire Resist Fire Fortify Luck Fortify Luck Night-Eye Night-Eye 5 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Bread.png Bread Loaf
Food, widely found in houses and dining halls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Detect Life Detect Life Damage Agility Damage Agility Damage Strength Damage Strength 1 0.5 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Cairn Bolete Cap.png Cairn Bolete Cap
Harvested from Cairn Bolete, a mushroom found in many caves.
Restore Health Restore Health Damage Intelligence Damage Intelligence Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis Shock Damage Shock Damage 1 0.1 33
OB-icon-ingredient-Carrot.png Carrot
Food, commonly found in houses and dining halls. Can also be harvested from Carrot Plants, which are found growing on many farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Night-Eye Night-Eye Fortify Intelligence Fortify Intelligence Damage Endurance Damage Endurance 1 0.2 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Cheese.png Cheese Wedge
Food, commonly found in houses and dining halls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Resist Fire Resist Fire Fire Shield Fire Shield Damage Agility Damage Agility 1 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Cheese Wheel.png Cheese Wheel
Food, less commonly found in houses and dining halls than Cheese Wedges.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis Damage Luck Damage Luck Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 1 3 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Cinnabar Polypore Red Cap.png Cinnabar Polypore Red Cap
Harvested from red-colored Cinnabar Polypores, a mushroom that grows sparsely in the West Weald.
Restore Agility Restore Agility Shield Shield Damage Personality Damage Personality Damage Endurance Damage Endurance 3 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Cinnabar Polypore Yellow Cap.png Cinnabar Polypore Yellow Cap
Harvested from yellow-colored Cinnabar Polypores, a mushroom that grows sparsely in the West Weald.
Restore Endurance Restore Endurance Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance Damage Personality Damage Personality Reflect Spell Reflect Spell 3 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Clannfear Claws.png Clannfear Claws
Collected from dead Clannfears, a type of Daedra common in the Planes of Oblivion.
Cure Disease Cure Disease Resist Disease Resist Disease Paralyze Paralyze Damage Health Damage Health 50 2.0 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Clouded Funnel Cap.png Clouded Funnel Cap
Harvested from Clouded Funnel Cap, a mushroom common in mountainous regions (Jerall and Valus Mountains) and Blackwood.
Restore Intelligence Restore Intelligence Fortify Intelligence Fortify Intelligence Damage Endurance Damage Endurance Damage Magicka Damage Magicka 1 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Root Pulp.png Columbine Root Pulp
Harvested from Columbine, a flower that is common in the West Weald.
Restore Personality Restore Personality Resist Frost Resist Frost Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka Chameleon Chameleon 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Corn.png Corn
Food, commonly found in houses and dining halls. Can also be harvested from Corn Stalks, which are found growing in many farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Restore Intelligence Restore Intelligence Damage Agility Damage Agility Shock Shield Shock Shield 1 0.2 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Crab Meat.png Crab Meat
Collected from dead Mud Crabs, a common nuisance creature found along water shores and in many dungeons.
Restore Endurance Restore Endurance Resist Shock Resist Shock Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Fire Shield Fire Shield 1 1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Daedra Heart.png Daedra Heart
Collected from dead Dremora and Xivilai, both of which are common enemies in the Planes of Oblivion.
Restore Health Restore Health Shock Shield Shock Shield Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Silence Silence 25 2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Daedra Silk.png Daedra Silk
Collected from dead Spider Daedra, a type of Daedra common in the Planes of Oblivion.
Burden Burden Night-Eye Night-Eye Chameleon Chameleon Damage Endurance Damage Endurance 75 0.5 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Daedra Venin.png Daedra Venin
Collected from dead Spider Daedra, a type of Daedra common in the Planes of Oblivion.
Paralyze Paralyze Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Damage Health Damage Health Reflect Damage Reflect Damage 75 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Daedroth Teeth.png Daedroth Teeth
Collected from dead Daedroths, a type of Daedra common in the Planes of Oblivion.
Night-Eye Night-Eye Frost Shield Frost Shield Burden Burden Light Light 65 0.5 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Dragon Tongue.png Dragon's Tongue
Harvested from Dragon's Tongue Plants, a flower found in a few clusters south of Bravil and more sparsely throughout the West Weald.
Resist Fire Resist Fire Damage Health Damage Health Restore Health Restore Health Fire Shield Fire Shield 5 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png Dreugh Wax
Collected from dead Land Dreughs, a type of monster found outdoors and in monster dungeons at high levels.
Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Resist Poison Resist Poison Water Breathing Water Breathing Damage Health Damage Health 70 1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap.png Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap
Harvested from Dryad's Saddel [sic] Polypore, a rare mushroom that only grows in a few select locations.
Restore Luck Restore Luck Resist Frost Resist Frost Damage Speed Damage Speed Frost Damage Frost Damage 10 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png Ectoplasm
Collected from dead Ethereal Undead, such as ghosts and wraiths, which are commonly found in all undead dungeons.
Shock Damage Shock Damage Dispel Dispel Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka Damage Health Damage Health 20 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Elf Cup.png Elf Cup Cap
Harvested from Elf Cups, a mushroom found growing sparsely in the West Weald.
Damage Willpower Damage Willpower Cure Disease Cure Disease Fortify Strength Fortify Strength Damage Intelligence Damage Intelligence 5 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Emetic Russula Cap.png Emetic Russula Cap
Harvested from Emetic Russula, a mushroom found growing sparsely in the West Weald.
Restore Agility Restore Agility Shield Shield Damage Personality Damage Personality Damage Endurance Damage Endurance 4 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Seeds.png Fennel Seeds
Harvested from Fennel, a plant found primarily in the northern section of the Gold Coast.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Damage Intelligence Damage Intelligence Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Paralyze Paralyze 5 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Fire Salts.png Fire Salts
Collected from dead Flame Atronachs, a type of Daedra common in the Planes of Oblivion.
Fire Damage Fire Damage Resist Frost Resist Frost Restore Magicka Restore Magicka Fire Shield Fire Shield 30 0.1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Seeds.png Flax Seeds
Harvested from Flax, a common flower found in the West Weald.
Restore Magicka Restore Magicka Feather Feather Shield Shield Damage Health Damage Health 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Flour.png Flour
Commonly found in grain sacks in kitchens and pantries, but not technically classified as food).
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Damage Personality Damage Personality Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue Reflect Damage Reflect Damage 1 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Fly Amanita Cap.png Fly Amanita Cap
Harvested from Fly Amanita, a common mushroom in cities and in the Great Forest.
Restore Agility Restore Agility Burden Burden Restore Health Restore Health Shock Damage Shock Damage 1 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png Foxglove Nectar
Harvested from Foxglove, a common flower in certain parts of the Nibenay Valley and Nibenay Basin.
Resist Poison Resist Poison Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis Restore Luck Restore Luck Resist Disease Resist Disease 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Frost Salts.png Frost Salts
Collected from dead Frost Atronachs, a type of Daedra common in the Planes of Oblivion.
Frost Damage Frost Damage Resist Fire Resist Fire Silence Silence Frost Shield Frost Shield 60 0.1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Garlic.png Garlic
Food, found in several houses and dining halls. It can also be harvested from Garlic Clusters (treated as plants), which are found in some houses' basements (especially in Skingrad).
Resist Disease Resist Disease Damage Agility Damage Agility Frost Shield Frost Shield Fortify Strength Fortify Strength 1 0 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Red Ginkgo.png Ginkgo Leaf
Cannot be harvested or collected. There are a few guaranteed samples, but otherwise it is randomly found on alchemists and in some containers.
Restore Speed Restore Speed Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka Damage Luck Damage Luck Shock Damage Shock Damage 1 0.1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Ginseng.png Ginseng
Harvested from Ginseng Plants, flowers which growly sparsely in the Gold Coast and Nibenay Valley.
Damage Luck Damage Luck Cure Poison Cure Poison Burden Burden Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka 2 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png Glow Dust
Collected from dead Will-o-the-Wisps, a type of monster found outdoors and in monster dungeons.
Restore Speed Restore Speed Light Light Reflect Spell Reflect Spell Damage Health Damage Health 40 0.1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Grapes.png Grapes
Harvested from Grape Vines, which are abundant in several vineyards outside of Skingrad. Can also be found as food in several houses and dining halls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Water Walking Water Walking Dispel Dispel Damage Health Damage Health 2 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Green Stain Cup Cap.png Green Stain Cup Cap
Harvested from Green Stain Cups, a mushroom that is common in several regions, but particularly abundant in Blackwood.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Damage Speed Damage Speed Reflect Damage Reflect Damage Damage Health Damage Health 1 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Green Stain Shelf Cap.png Green Stain Shelf Cap
Harvested from Green Stain Shelf plants, a rare mushroom that is hard to distinguish from the more common Cup variety.
Restore Luck Restore Luck Fortify Luck Fortify Luck Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Restore Health Restore Health 10 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Ham.png Ham
Food, found in several houses and dining halls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Restore Health Restore Health Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Damage Luck Damage Luck 1 1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Harrada.png Harrada
Harvested from Harrada Root plants, which are common in the Planes of Oblivion, but also possibly hostile.
Damage Health Damage Health Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Silence Silence Paralyze Paralyze 2 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Daedra Venin.png Imp Gall
Collected from dead Imps, a type of monster found outdoors and in monster dungeons at low levels.
Fortify Personality Fortify Personality Cure Paralysis Cure Paralysis Damage Health Damage Health Fire Damage Fire Damage 15 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Ironwood Nut.png Ironwood Nut
Cannot be harvested, collected, or even bought from alchemists. There are 26 guaranteed samples; otherwise they are found randomly in some containers.
Restore Intelligence Restore Intelligence Resist Fire Resist Fire Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Fortify Health Fortify Health 1 0.1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Ladys Mantle Leaves.png Lady's Mantle Leaves
Harvested from Lady's Mantle, a flower found near Gottlesfont Priory and in the Gold Coast.
Restore Health Restore Health Damage Endurance Damage Endurance Night-Eye Night-Eye Feather Feather 5 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Lady Smock Leaves.png Lady's Smock Leaves
Harvested from Lady's Smock, a flower common in the West Weald.
Restore Intelligence Restore Intelligence Resist Fire Resist Fire Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Fortify Health Fortify Health 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Rice.png Lavender Sprig
Harvested from Lavender, a flower common in the Nibenay Basin.
Restore Personality Restore Personality Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower Restore Health Restore Health Damage Luck Damage Luck 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Leek.png Leek
Food, found in several houses and dining halls. It can also be harvested from Leek Plants, which are found growing in a handful of farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Fortify Agility Fortify Agility Damage Personality Damage Personality Damage Strength Damage Strength 3 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Lettuce.png Lettuce
Food, widely found in houses and dining halls. It can also be harvested from Lettuce Plants, which are found growing on several farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Restore Luck Restore Luck Fire Shield Fire Shield Damage Personality Damage Personality 1 0.5 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Lichor.png Lichor
Harvested from bluish-purple colored Mana Bloom, a flower that is normally found only in Mankar Camoran's Paradise.
Restore Magicka Restore Magicka 3 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Mandrake.png Mandrake Root
Harvested from Mandrake, a flower found growing in the Colovian Highlands and also near Bravil.
Cure Disease Cure Disease Resist Poison Resist Poison Damage Agility Damage Agility Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Seeds.png Milk Thistle Seeds
Harvested from Milk Thistle, a flower found throughout mountainous regions (Jerall and Valus Mountains) and in some clusters in the Gold Coast.
Light Light Frost Damage Frost Damage Cure Paralysis Cure Paralysis Paralyze Paralyze 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Minotaur Horn.png Minotaur Horn
Collected from dead Minotaurs and Minotaur Lords, two types of monster found outdoors and in monster dungeons.
Restore Willpower Restore Willpower Burden Burden Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis 55 5 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Root Pulp.png Monkshood Root Pulp
Harvested from Monkshood, a common flower in the Great Forest and Nibenay Basin.
Restore Strength Restore Strength Damage Intelligence Damage Intelligence Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance Burden Burden 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Root Pulp.png Morning Glory Root Pulp
Harvested from Morning Glory, a flowering vine found growing on houses and walls in the West Weald and Heartlands.
Burden Burden Damage Willpower Damage Willpower Frost Shield Frost Shield Damage Magicka Damage Magicka 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Mort Flesh.png Mort Flesh
Collected from dead zombies, which are commonly found in all undead dungeons.
Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Damage Luck Damage Luck Fortify Health Fortify Health Silence Silence 10 2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Motherwort Sprig.png Motherwort Sprig
Harvested from Motherwort, a flower common in most regions of Cyrodiil.
Resist Poison Resist Poison Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Silence Silence Invisibility Invisibility 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Seeds.png Mugwort Seeds
Cannot be harvested or collected. The only way to obtain them is by purchasing them from alchemy vendors, who may randomly have some in stock.
Restore Health Restore Health 1 0.1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Ham.png Mutton
Food, found in several houses and dining halls. Can also be collected from some (but not all) dead sheep.
Fortify Health Fortify Health Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Dispel Dispel Damage Magicka Damage Magicka 2 2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Nightshade.png Nightshade
Harvested from Nightshade Plants, a flower found in the West Weald.
Damage Health Damage Health Burden Burden Damage Luck Damage Luck Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Ogre Teeth.png Ogre's Teeth
Collected from dead Ogres, a type of monster found outdoors and in monster dungeons.
Damage Intelligence Damage Intelligence Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis Shock Damage Shock Damage Fortify Strength Fortify Strength 75 3 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Onion.png Onion
Food, found in many houses and dining halls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Water Breathing Water Breathing Detect Life Detect Life Damage Health Damage Health 1 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Orange.png Orange
Food, found in many houses and dining halls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Detect Life Detect Life Burden Burden Shield Shield 2 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Pear.png Pear
Food, found in many houses and dining halls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Damage Speed Damage Speed Fortify Speed Fortify Speed Damage Health Damage Health 1 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Seeds.png Peony Seeds
Harvested from Peonies, flowers common in the West Weald.
Restore Strength Restore Strength Damage Health Damage Health Damage Speed Damage Speed Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Potato.png Potato
Food, widely found in houses and dining halls. Can also be harvested from Potato Plants, which are found growing on several farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Shield Shield Burden Burden Frost Shield Frost Shield 1 0.2 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Primrose Leaves.png Primrose Leaves
Harvested from Primroses, which are flowers occasionally found growing outside various houses and inns.
Restore Willpower Restore Willpower Restore Personality Restore Personality Fortify Luck Fortify Luck Damage Strength Damage Strength 3 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Pumpkin.png Pumpkin
Food, widely found in houses and dining halls. Can also be harvested from Pumpkin Vines, which are found growing on some farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Damage Agility Damage Agility Damage Personality Damage Personality Detect Life Detect Life 2 5 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Fire Salts.png Purgeblood SaltsVL
Mined from Purgeblood Crystal Formations, which are only available as part of the Vile Lair download.
Restore Magicka Restore Magicka Damage Health Damage Health Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka Dispel Dispel 0 0.4 100
OB-icon-ingredient-Radish.png Radish
Food, found in many houses and dining halls. Can also be harvested from Radish Plants, which are found growing on several farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Damage Endurance Damage Endurance Chameleon Chameleon Burden Burden 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Ham.png Rat Meat
Collected from dead rats, a ubiquitous nuisance creature.
Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Detect Life Detect Life Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Silence Silence 1 0.5 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Redwort Flower.png Redwort Flower
Harvested from Domica Redwort, a flower found growing in several clusters in Blackwood and sparsely throughout the West Weald.
Resist Frost Resist Frost Cure Poison Cure Poison Damage Health Damage Health Invisibility Invisibility 4 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Rice.png Rice
Food, generally found in grain sacks in kitchens and pantries.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Silence Silence Shock Shield Shock Shield Damage Agility Damage Agility 1 0.2 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Root Pulp.png Root Pulp
Cannot be harvested or collected. Six guaranteed samples exist; otherwise found randomly in some containers.
Cure Disease Cure Disease Damage Willpower Damage Willpower Fortify Strength Fortify Strength Damage Intelligence Damage Intelligence 1 0.1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Seeds.png Sacred Lotus Seeds
Harvested from Sacred Lotus plants, which are flowers that grow in shallow water.
Resist Frost Resist Frost Damage Health Damage Health Feather Feather Dispel Dispel 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Fish Scales.png Scales
Collected from dead slaughterfish, an animal found in deep water, including pools in dungeons.
Damage Willpower Damage Willpower Water Breathing Water Breathing Damage Health Damage Health Water Walking Water Walking 5 0.1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Scamp Skin.png Scamp Skin
Collected from dead Scamps, a type of Daedra common in the Planes of Oblivion.
Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Resist Shock Resist Shock Reflect Damage Reflect Damage Damage Health Damage Health 10 1.5 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Servant Pie.png Shepherd's Pie
Food, found in a few houses and dining halls. Also available from Eyja in Rosethorn Hall.
Cure Disease Cure Disease Shield Shield Fortify Agility Fortify Agility Dispel Dispel 0 1 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Bread.png S'jirra's Famous Potato Bread
Only available from S'jirra in Faregyl Inn after you have completed The Potato Snatcher. You receive from one to five loaves (based on level) upon completing the quest. You can also return to S'jirra repeatedly to buy more bread, which can then be used for alchemy.
Detect Life Detect Life Restore Health Restore Health Damage Agility Damage Agility Damage Strength Damage Strength 30 0.5 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Somnalius Frond.png Somnalius Frond
Harvested from Somnalius Plants, which are found growing in the Great Forest.
Restore Speed Restore Speed Damage Endurance Damage Endurance Fortify Health Fortify Health Feather Feather 3 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Spiddal Stick.png Spiddal Stick
Harvested from Spiddal Stick plants, which are common in the Planes of Oblivion, but also tend to be hostile.
Damage Health Damage Health Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Fire Damage Fire Damage Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 2 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png St. Jahn's Wort Nectar
Harvested from St. Jahn's Wort, a flower most commonly found in the Great Forest.
Resist Shock Resist Shock Damage Health Damage Health Cure Poison Cure Poison Chameleon Chameleon 5 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap.png Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap
Harvested from Steel-Blue Entoloma, a mushroom that is common in the Great Forest.
Restore Magicka Restore Magicka Fire Damage Fire Damage Resist Frost Resist Frost Burden Burden 1 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Stinkhorn Cap.png Stinkhorn Cap
Harvested from Stinkhorn, a mushroom that is found in Blackwood.
Damage Health Damage Health Restore Magicka Restore Magicka Water Walking Water Walking Invisibility Invisibility 3 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Strawberry.png Strawberry
Food, widely found in houses and dining halls. It can also be harvested from Strawberry Bushes found on some farms and in the wild in the West Weald.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Cure Poison Cure Poison Damage Health Damage Health Reflect Damage Reflect Damage 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Summer Bolete Cap.png Summer Bolete Cap
Harvested from Summer Bolete, a mushroom found in the Great Forest and Nibenay Valley.
Restore Agility Restore Agility Shield Shield Damage Personality Damage Personality Damage Endurance Damage Endurance 1 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Sweetcake.png Sweetcake
Food, found in a few houses and dining halls. Sweetcakes are less common than Sweetrolls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Feather Feather Restore Health Restore Health Burden Burden 1 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Sweetroll.png Sweetroll
Food, found in several houses and dining halls.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Resist Disease Resist Disease Damage Personality Damage Personality Fortify Health Fortify Health 1 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Arrowroot.png Taproot
Collected from dead Spriggans, a type of monster found outdoors and in monster dungeons.
Restore Luck Restore Luck Damage Endurance Damage Endurance Resist Poison Resist Poison Shock Shield Shock Shield 1 0.3 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png Tiger Lily Nectar
Harvested from both Tiger Lilies and Lily of the Valleys, two types of flower that are most commonly found in the Great Forest.
Restore Endurance Restore Endurance Damage Strength Damage Strength Water Walking Water Walking Damage Willpower Damage Willpower 3 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Tinder Polypore Cap.png Tinder Polypore Cap
Harvested from Tinder Polypore, a mushroom common in the Valus Mountains.
Restore Willpower Restore Willpower Resist Disease Resist Disease Invisibility Invisibility Damage Magicka Damage Magicka 1 0.1 50
OB-icon-ingredient-Tobacco.png Tobacco
Technically treated as a food and can be found in a few houses. It can also be harvested from Tobacco Plants, which are found on several farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Dispel Dispel 5 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Tomato.png Tomato
Food, widely found in houses and dining halls. It can also be harvested from Tomato Plants, which are found growing on many farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Detect Life Detect Life Burden Burden Shield Shield 2 0.2 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Troll Fat.png Troll Fat
Collected from dead Trolls, a type of monster found outdoors and in monster dungeons.
Damage Agility Damage Agility Fortify Personality Fortify Personality Damage Willpower Damage Willpower Damage Health Damage Health 25 2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Vampire Dust.png Vampire Dust*
Collected from dead Vampires, found in a range of vampire dungeons. There is also a rare variant listed below.
Silence Silence Resist Disease Resist Disease Frost Damage Frost Damage Invisibility Invisibility 50 0.2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Venison Steak.png Venison
Food, found in several houses and dining halls. It can also be collected from dead deer, which are animals found outdoors throughout Cyrodiil.
Restore Health Restore Health Feather Feather Damage Health Damage Health Chameleon Chameleon 1 2 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Viper Bugloss Leaves.png Viper's Bugloss Leaves
Harvested from Viper's Bugloss, a flower which is abundant in the Great Forest.
Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis Night-Eye Night-Eye Burden Burden Cure Paralysis Cure Paralysis 1 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Void Salts.png Void Salts
Collected from dead Storm Atronachs, a type of Daedra common in the Planes of Oblivion.
Restore Magicka Restore Magicka Damage Health Damage Health Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka Dispel Dispel 30 0.4 N/A
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png Water Hyacinth Nectar
Harvested from Water Hyacinth, a flower found growing in shallow water.
Damage Luck Damage Luck Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Restore Magicka Restore Magicka Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka 2 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Watermelon.png Watermelon
Food, found in several houses and dining halls. It can also be harvested from Watermelon Vines, which grow on a few farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Light Light Burden Burden Damage Health Damage Health 2 5 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Wheat.png Wheat Grain
Food, found in grain sacks in kitchens and pantries. It can also be harvested from Wheat Stalks, which grow on a few farms.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Fortify Health Fortify Health Damage Personality Damage Personality 1 0.2 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Black Seed Pod.png White Seed Pod
Harvested from Goldenrod, a flower found in the Gold Coast.
Restore Strength Restore Strength Water Breathing Water Breathing Silence Silence Light Light 5 0.1 80
OB-icon-ingredient-Wisp Stalk Caps.png Wisp Stalk Caps
Harvested from Wisp Stalks, a mushroom that is only found growing underground (i.e., in caves and mines).
Damage Health Damage Health Damage Willpower Damage Willpower Damage Intelligence Damage Intelligence Fortify Speed Fortify Speed 1 0.1 33
OB-icon-ingredient-Wormwood Leaves.png Wormwood Leaves
Harvested from Wormwood, a plant found growing in the Jerall Mountains.
Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue Invisibility Invisibility Damage Health Damage Health Damage Magicka Damage Magicka 2 0.1 80

* Bonemeal and Vampire Dust appear in two identically-named variants (two separate stacks in the inventory) so they can be combined with themselves providing a potion with all 4 effects at once.

Rare Ingredients[edit]

These ingredients are of limited value for alchemy: some of them can never be used for alchemy purposes (even though the game considers them to be ingredients); some have alchemy effects with limited value; some have a very limited number of possible samples. None of these ingredients are found randomly, either in containers or in merchants' inventories. If the notes mention that the ingredient is quest-specific, then that ingredient is tagged as a Quest Item and therefore does not appear in the alchemy menus.

Ingredient Name Primary Effect Secondary Effect Tertiary Effect Quaternary Effect Value Weight
OB-icon-ingredient-Vampire Dust.png Ashes of Hindaril
Quest-specific ingredient collected from the corpse of Hindaril in Redwater Slough. Its properties are the same as regular Vampire Dust. Needed for Vampire Cure.
Silence Silence Resist Disease Resist Disease Frost Damage Frost Damage Invisibility Invisibility 4 0.1
OB-icon-ingredient-Daedra Heart.png Beating HeartMR
Collected from the corpse of Msirae Faythung, Mehrunes' Champion, who is added by the Mehrunes' Razor official download. The script effect gives you Porphyric Hemophilia. However, the alchemical uses of script effects are limited (see Special Effects Potions).
Cannibal Consumption Cannibal Consumption (Script Effect) 25 2
OB-icon-ingredient-Bonemeal.png Bonemeal
Only found on the seven Deranged Zombies in Bleak Flats Cave.
Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue Resist Fire Resist Fire Fortify Luck Fortify Luck Night-Eye Night-Eye 5 0.2
OB-icon-ingredient-Blackberry.png ChokeberryVL
Harvested from Chokeberry Vines, which are only found in the Garden of Venomgrowth added by the Vile Lair official download. The script effect kills any non-essential characters who eat them, similar to Poisoned Apples. However, the alchemical uses of script effects are limited (see Special Effects Potions).
Poison Fruit Poison Fruit (Script Effect) 1 0.1
OB-icon-ingredient-Daedra Heart.png Human Heart*
00071F36 / 000CD51C
Cannot be collected from dead humans, and therefore there are only five available Human Hearts, two in each of Cadlew Chapel and Fort Farragut and one in the basement of Claudius Arcadia's Talos Plaza house.
Restore Health Restore Health Shock Shield Shock Shield Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Silence Silence 40 / 25 5 / 2
OB-icon-ingredient-Scamp Skin.png Human Skin
Cannot be collected from dead humans, and therefore there are only two available samples, in Claudius Arcadia's cellar in the Talos Plaza District and in the Leyawiin Mages Guild.
Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Resist Shock Resist Shock Reflect Damage Reflect Damage Damage Health Damage Health 5 1.5
OB-icon-ingredient-Potato.png Jumbo Potato
Quest-specific ingredient collected from the corpse of a unique Ogre near Faregyl Inn. Its properties are the same as regular Potatoes. Return them to S'jirra to get her famous potato bread during The Potato Snatcher. There are six Jumbo Potatoes, but S'jirra reclaims all of them.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Shield Shield Burden Burden Frost Shield Frost Shield 1 0
OB-icon-ingredient-Nirnroot.png Nirnroot
Harvested from Nirnroot Plants, which are found near water across Cyrodiil. Unlike all other plants in the game, Nirnroot Plants do not regrow. Nirnroot is needed for Seeking Your Roots. In theory, Nirnroot samples can be used for alchemy, but the number of possible poisons is very limited.
Drain Health Drain Health Drain Fatigue Drain Fatigue Drain Agility Drain Agility Drain Speed Drain Speed 0 0.2
OB-icon-ingredient-Painted Troll Fat.png Painted Troll Fat
Collected from the Painted Trolls in A Brush with Death. There are only six Painted Trolls, and therefore only six samples of Painted Troll Fat can be acquired. However, you are free to use all six for alchemy.
Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka Restore Health Restore Health Fortify Health Fortify Health Restore Magicka Restore Magicka 75 2
OB-icon-ingredient-Minotaur Horn.png Pinarus' Prize Minotaur Horn
A unique ingredient that is found in the basement of Gweden Farm during The Siren's Deception. Its properties are identical to regular Minotaur Horns. It was apparently stolen from Pinarus by the Sirens in Anvil, but there is no way to return it to him. You can use it for alchemy.
Restore Willpower Restore Willpower Burden Burden Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis 55 5
OB-icon-ingredient-Apple.png Poisoned Apple
A rare type of apple used by the Dark Brotherhood to assassinate people. There are only a few samples (including one cache in Fort Farragut). The script effect kills any non-essential characters who eat them. However, the alchemical uses of script effects are limited (see Special Effects Potions).
Deadly Poison Deadly Poison (Script Effect) 300 0
OB-icon-ingredient-Vampire Dust.png Rat Poison
Only available in two places: pickpocket one from Ri'Bassa in Border Watch, or steal one from Ri'Bassa's house. It can be used during Sheogorath's Daedric Quest to kill the town's sheep. If you keep the poison instead, it has little value. Eating it has no effect, and the alchemical uses of script effects are limited (see Special Effects Potions).
Rat Poison Rat Poison (Script Effect) 0 1
OB-icon-ingredient-Frost Salt Refined.png Refined Frost Salts
Sold by Julienne Fanis in the Arcane University during Tears of the Savior. Its alchemy effects are the same as regular Frost Salts, but in a different order. You need one to enter the Frostfire Glade; after the quest is over, the extras can be used for alchemy.
Frost Damage Frost Damage Frost Shield Frost Shield Resist Fire Resist Fire Silence Silence 40 0.1
OB-icon-ingredient-Fish Scales.png Rumare Slaughterfish Scales
A quest-specific ingredient collected from the corpses of Rumare Slaughterfish, which are found in Lake Rumare east of Weye. You need to give Aelwin Merowald in Weye twelve samples to receive your reward for Go Fish. Its attributes are the same as regular Scales.
Damage Willpower Damage Willpower Water Breathing Water Breathing Damage Health Damage Health Water Walking Water Walking 2 0
OB-icon-ingredient-Unicorn Horn.png Unicorn Horn
Quest-specific ingredient collected from the corpse of the Unicorn, a unique creature found in Harcane Grove. It is needed for Hircine's Daedric Quest.
Fortify Health Fortify Health 0 1.5
OB-icon-ingredient-Vampire Dust.png Vampire Dust
Found on the corpses of the Bloodcrust Cavern vampires during Information At A Price. Its alchemy effects are the same as regular Vampire Dust. It is needed as proof of the destruction of the vampires during this quest, but afterwards it can be used for alchemy.
Silence Silence Resist Disease Resist Disease Frost Damage Frost Damage Invisibility Invisibility 50 0.1

* There are two types of Human Heart with different value and weight but with the same alchemy effects.

Unavailable Ingredients[edit]

These ingredients exist only in the Construction Set and are not normally available in the game.

Ingredient Name Primary Effect Secondary Effect Tertiary Effect Quaternary Effect Value Weight
OB-icon-ingredient-Carrot.png Carrot of Seeing
Identical to a regular carrot. Its editor ID of DarkCarrot shows that it would've been related to the Dark Brotherhood in some way.
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue Night-Eye Night-Eye Fortify Intelligence Fortify Intelligence Damage Endurance Damage Endurance 1 0.3
OB-icon-ingredient-Vampire Dust.png Imp Fluid
Meant to be collected from the corpse of the Juicy Imp, which also only appears in the Construction Set, not in game.
Its editor ID FG0xxxImpFluid shows that it would've been related to a Fighters Guild quest, likely a very early testing quest.
Damage Health Damage Health 12 0