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Oblivion:Herminia Cinna

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Herminia Cinna
(RefID: 0002E5C7)
(lore page)
Home City Imperial City, Elven Gardens District
House Herminia Cinna's House
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level PC+2 Class Sorcerer
RefID 0002E5C7 BaseID 0002E5C6
Other Information
Health 43 + (4+1)x(PC+1), PC=3-38
Magicka 113 + 7.5x(PC+1) (max=250)
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Elven Gardens Horse; Herminia Cinna; IC Citizens; Cheydinhal Citizens
Herminia Cinna

Herminia Cinna is an Imperial sorceress living in the Imperial City's Elven Gardens District. She is a collector of Ayleids artifacts, using them to aid her research into the late Ayleid period. Her findings have lead to the publishing book The Last King of the Ayleids based on her research.

Herminia wears a middle-class outfit consisting of a burgundy linen shirt with some burgundy linens and a pair of doeskin shoes. She also wears a piece of enchanted jewelry. She also carries her house key and a decent amount of gold. In combat she will rely on her minor-leveled bound armor spells as well as a set of random leveled sorcerer spells (including the unique Atronach birthsign).

Herminia Cinna leads a standard life. Waking up at 6am, she will take a two hour breakfast before starting her day. After breakfast, she will wander her house for two hours, then proceed to Green Emperor Way where she will wander around and converse with fellow citizens from 10am until she returns home for a two hour dinner at 6pm. Afterwards, she wanders around her house until her bedtime at midnight. On Sundas, Herminia will head to the Arboretum after her breakfast, and remain there until midday before making her way to Green Emperor Way and resuming her daily schedule.

On the 21st of each month as the clock strikes midnight, Herminia will make her way to Cheydinhal. She arrives around 6pm and will head straight to the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn. She will spend most of her time in Cheydinhal in the inn itself, only venturing out to explore the city for six hours at 8pm, before returning at 4am. At 4am on the 23rd she will head back home. During the quest Secrets of the Ayleids, Herminia will skip her monthly trip to Cheydinhal, and instead will resume her daily life as usual. The only other exception to this schedule comes when the city is placed under martial law and all citizens are confined to their homes during Light the Dragonfires.


Herminia will introduce herself by saying:

"Herminia Cinna. Amateur scholar of the ancient Elves, dabbler in the arcane arts. How can I help you?"

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Once you have completed Nothing You Can Possess, Umbacano will task you to extract a certain artifact from Herminia:

"A rival collector has an item which I very much want to add to my collection. But she stubbornly refuses to consider any of my offers. She and I have had our differences over the years, I admit. Now she is taking this opportunity to get her revenge. I believe that you may be able to persuade her to part with the item, where I cannot due to her prejudice against me. Are you interested?"

If you turn him down twice, he will find someone else to do his dirty work, which results in Herminia being killed and removed from the game.

However should you agree, he will continue:

"Her name is Herminia Cinna. She lives here in the Imperial City, in the Elven Gardens district. She fancies herself a student of the Ayleids, although she sadly lacks any aesthetic instinct whatsover [sic]. Be that as it may. She has come into possession of an ancient relic known as the Crown of the Ayleids. Your job is to acquire it for me."

If you now ask her about her Ayleid crown, providing it is still in her possession, she will state:

Crown of the Ayleids
"You want to buy my Ayleid Crown? It isn't for sale, at any price. I would think Umbacano would know that by now."
I'm not working for Umbacano.
"Save your breath. He's the only one who knows I have it. He's tried to get it from me for years. I will never allow the Crown to fall into Umbacano's hands. He is far more dangerous than you realize."
Umbacano will pay well for it.
"I will never allow the Crown to fall into Umbacano's hands. He is far more dangerous than you realize."
You'd better sell it to me.
"So, Umbacano has resorted to hired thugs now? If you think me defenseless, you may be surprised. I'm more dangerous than I look. Perhaps you could overpower me and take the Crown. Perhaps. But I urge you to reconsider. In the wrong hands, the Crown of the Ayleids could be very dangerous. And Umbacano is definitely the wrong hands."

No matter how you chose to deal with the situation, you are given two more choices:

Umbacano is a harmless collector.
"Far from it. His interest in the Ayleids is not that of a mere scholar. He hopes to unlock the secrets of their magical power. And if you know anything about Ayleid-ruled Cyrodiil, that should make you very uneasy."
Umbacano's goals are not my concern.
"You may think so, in your ignorance. But I take a larger view. As a scholar of the Ayleids, I have no wish to see their evil power return."

No matter what path you chose, you can ask her to explain herself:

How is the Ayleid Crown dangerous?
"I'm afraid I don't know for sure. I wish I had a more persuasive answer, but hear me out. The Crown of the Ayleids which Umbacano wants is not simply an ancient work of art. It has certain superficial magic powers, true, but its real power is hidden. However, my studies of the ancient texts make clear that it is the key to dangerous magical powers which should be left dormant."
I promised to bring him the Crown...
"Yes. I understand. He wants an Ayleid Crown. But does it have to be my Ayleid Crown? What if you brought him... another crown?"
Umbacano will not give up.
"You're right. Even if I persuade you, he'll send someone else, someone less amenable to reason. But what if... what if you brought him another Ayleid Crown?"

If however, her crown was stolen, she will respond simply with:

Crown of the Ayleids
"It's gone. I suppose you're going to tell me you don't know anything about that. Suit yourself. I know Umbacano is the one who had it stolen. I fear for what Umbacano may unleash using that Crown. He is blind to the true nature of the Ayleids. If it isn't already too late, we would all be better off if you found a different Ayleid Crown for him."

Regardless on whether she has the crown or not, inquiring about the other crown will prompt Herminia into saying:

What do you mean, another Crown?
"My own research into the Late Ayleid Period suggests that there was not a single Ayleid ruler, but many. They were a bitterly divided people, with many warlords vying against each other for power. Their ultimate demise was wrought by their own civil strife at least as much as by the rebellion of their human slaves."
So what about this other Crown?
"My crown, the one Umbacano covets, belonged to the ruler of Nenalata. I've learned of another crown, entombed with the last ruler of the rival city of Lindai. Since Umbacano has never laid eyes on the real Crown of the Ayleids, I doubt he could tell the difference. In any case, the other is also a real Ayleid Crown... just not the right one. I think we could all sleep better if you brought him Lindai's crown instead of the Crown of Nenalata. Here. I happen to have the key you'll need to enter the royal burial chamber in Lindai. I hope you'll make the right choice."

Any attempt to ask about the Crown of the Ayleids afterwards, will merely spark the response:

"I hope you'll make the right choice. Umbacano must not have the Crown of Nenalata."

Herminia can however, give information on Lindai and the Last Ayleid King:

"The Ayleid city of Lindai was a bitter rival to Nenalata, the city of the so-called "Last King of the Ayleids." Umbacano may not be able to tell the difference between the Crown of Lindai and the Crown of Nenalata. It's at least worth a try. I know I don't want to find out what terrible power Umbacano could unleash using the Crown of Nenalata."
Last Ayleid King
"The king of Nenalata is the last Ayleid King known to history, true. He appears to have ruled for centuries past the fall of all the other Ayleid kingdoms, if the ancient chronicles are to be believed. But there never was a single King of the Ayleids. Each city-state had its king, and their power waxed and waned over the years. The king of Nenalata was the "last" simply because all the other kings had been destroyed or driven out of Cyrodiil."


  • When you speak to her after stealing the crown, she will actually say "I suppose you're going to tell me you don't know anything about it." even though the subtitles say "I suppose you're going to tell me you don't know anything about that."