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Race Redguard Gender Female
Level PC+0 Class Commoner
RefID N/A BaseID 000837cf
Other Information
Health 6.8×PC + 40.7 (PC=5-28)
Magicka 3.5×PC + 71.5 (PC=1-50)
Responsibility 50 Aggression 50
Faction(s) IC Citizens

Gwendolyn is a Redguard commoner who doesn't appear in the game itself but is nevertheless present in the game's files. Her Editor ID as seen in the Construction Set, Dark09Gwendolyn, indicates that she was originally intended to play a role in the Permanent Retirement quest, and her AI packages bear that out.

All four packages are unique to her, and imply that she was to be present at the removed retirement ceremony for Adamus Phillida. Although her packages give a good indication of her role, it is impossible to say exactly what her purpose was to be. It appears she was first meant to wander around waiting for Phillida's speech, then sit on a chair to listen to the speech, "flee" once you acquired Phillida's finger and finally wander around afterwards.

She would have worn middle-class attire consisting of a quilted doublet, a pair of burgundy linens and some quilted shoes. Asides from her outfit, she would have been equipped with an iron dagger and carried around a moderate sum of gold.

Related Quests[edit]