Spell Name |
Form IDs |
Effect Details |
How to Obtain |
Bound Boots |
Spell : |
000A97B4 |
Tome : |
xx002289 |
Bound Boots for 20 secs on Self
24 |
Bound Dagger |
Spell : |
000A97B7 |
Tome : |
xx002291 |
Bound Dagger for 15 secs on Self
21 |
Bound Gauntlets |
Spell : |
000A97B8 |
Tome : |
xx00228B |
Bound Gauntlets for 20 secs on Self
16 |
Bound Helmet |
Spell : |
000A97BA |
Tome : |
xx00228D |
Bound Helmet for 20 secs on Self
24 |
Minor Bound Armor |
Spell : |
000C7625 |
Tome : |
xx002285 |
Bound Cuirass for 20 secs on Self
24 |
Turn Undead |
Spell : |
000AA068 |
Tome : |
xx00283D |
- Affects undead up to level 3:
Turn Undead 15 pts for 30 secs on Target
11 |
Bound Greaves |
Spell : |
000A97B9 |
Tome : |
xx00228C |
Bound Greaves for 45 secs on Self
54 |
Bound War Axe |
Spell : |
000A97B3 |
Tome : |
xx00228F |
Bound Axe for 15 secs on Self
58 |
Major Bound Armor |
Spell : |
000C7626 |
Tome : |
xx002286 |
Bound Cuirass for 30 secs on Self
Bound Gauntlets for 30 secs on Self
60 |
Reanimate |
Spell : |
0004A98B |
Tome : |
None |
Reanimate for 30 secs on Target
45 |
Repulse Undead |
Spell : |
000AA069 |
Tome : |
xx00283E |
- Affects undead up to level 7:
Turn Undead for 30 secs on Target
29 |
Summon Ghost |
Spell : |
000AA05C |
Tome : |
xx00282C |
Summon Ghost for 25 secs on Self
55 |
Summon Scamp |
Spell : |
000AA05E |
Tome : |
xx00282E |
Summon Scamp for 20 secs on Self
60 |
Summon Skeleton |
Spell : |
000AA05F |
Tome : |
xx00282F |
Summon Skeleton for 40 secs on Self
45 |
Summon Zombie |
Spell : |
000AA063 |
Tome : |
xx002837 |
Summon Zombie for 30 secs on Self
50 |
Bound Bow |
Spell : |
000A97B5 |
Tome : |
xx002290 |
Bound Bow for 15 secs on Self
142 |
Bound Cuirass |
Spell : |
000A97B6 |
Tome : |
xx00228A |
Bound Cuirass for 60 secs on Self
72 |
Bound Mace |
Spell : |
000A97BB |
Tome : |
xx002292 |
Bound Mace for 15 secs on Self
136 |
Greater Bound Armor |
Spell : |
000C7627 |
Tome : |
xx002287 |
Bound Boots for 30 secs on Self
Bound Cuirass for 30 secs on Self
Bound Gauntlets for 30 secs on Self
Bound Greaves for 30 secs on Self
132 |
Rebuke Undead |
Spell : |
000AA06A |
Tome : |
xx00283F |
- Affects undead up to level 15:
Turn Undead 60 pts for 30 secs on Target
70 |
Summon Dremora |
Spell : |
000AA059 |
Tome : |
xx00282A |
Summon Dremora Caitiff for 20 secs on Self
145 |
Summon Flame Atronach |
Spell : |
000AA05A |
Tome : |
xx002825 |
Summon Flame Atronach for 30 secs on Self
135 |
Summon Headless Zombie |
Spell : |
0003C414 |
Tome : |
xx002838 |
Summon Headless Zombie for 25 secs on Self
140 |
Summon Skeleton Guardian |
Spell : |
0003C415 |
Tome : |
xx002831 |
Summon Skeleton Guardian for 40 secs on Self
130 |
Bound Shield |
Spell : |
000A97BC |
Tome : |
xx00228E |
Bound Shield for 120 secs on Self
216 |
Bound Sword |
Spell : |
000A97BD |
Tome : |
xx002293 |
Bound Sword for 15 secs on Self
352 |
Dismiss Undead |
Spell : |
000AA06B |
Tome : |
xx002840 |
- Affects undead up to level 18:
Turn Undead 75 pts for 60 secs on Target
187 |
Summon Clannfear |
Spell : |
000AA057 |
Tome : |
xx002828 |
Summon Clannfear for 45 secs on Self
340 |
Summon Daedroth |
Spell : |
000AA058 |
Tome : |
xx002829 |
Summon Daedroth for 30 secs on Self
369 |
Summon Faded Wraith |
Spell : |
000AA062 |
Tome : |
xx002834 |
Summon Faded Wraith for 40 secs on Self
350 |
Summon Frost Atronach |
Spell : |
000AA05B |
Tome : |
xx002826 |
Summon Frost Atronach for 35 secs on Self
360 |
Summon Skeleton Champion |
Spell : |
0003C417 |
Tome : |
xx002830 |
Summon Skeleton Champion for 25 secs on Self
380 |
Summon Skeleton Hero |
Spell : |
0003C416 |
Tome : |
xx002832 |
Summon Skeleton Hero for 50 secs on Self
330 |
Summon Spider Daedra |
Spell : |
0003C418 |
Tome : |
xx002833 |
Summon Spider Daedra for 20 secs on Self
390 |
Superior Bound Armor |
Spell : |
000C7628 |
Tome : |
xx002288 |
Bound Boots for 40 secs on Self
Bound Cuirass for 40 secs on Self
Bound Gauntlets for 40 secs on Self
Bound Greaves for 40 secs on Self
Bound Helmet for 40 secs on Self
224 |
Summon Dremora Lord |
Spell : |
0003C413 |
Tome : |
xx00282B |
Summon Dremora Lord for 35 secs on Self
549 |
Summon Gloom Wraith |
Spell : |
0003C419 |
Tome : |
xx002835 |
Summon Gloom Wraith for 25 secs on Self
650 |
Summon Lich |
Spell : |
000AA05D |
Tome : |
xx00282D |
Summon Lich for 20 secs on Self
700 |
Summon Storm Atronach |
Spell : |
000AA060 |
Tome : |
xx002827 |
Summon Storm Atronach for 40 secs on Self
500 |
Summon Xivilai |
Spell : |
000AA061 |
Tome : |
xx002836 |
Summon Xivilai for 30 secs on Self
600 |