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Knights of the Nine

Oblivion:Carodus Oholin

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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (in-game)

Schedule: written by SerCenKing (in-game)

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House Contents: written by GK (N/A - lives in The Great Chapel of Zenithar), checked by Emoboy64 (In-Game)

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Carodus Oholin
(RefID: xx0016E1)
Added by Knights of the Nine
Home City Leyawiin
Location The Great Chapel of Zenithar
or Priory of the Nine
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level PC+1 Class Crusader
RefID xx0016E1 BaseID xx000F7B
Other Information
Health 43 + (5+2.2)x(PC+0), PC=4-18
Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC+0) (max=250)
Responsibility 80 Aggression 5
Essential Until he joins the Knights of the Nine
Faction(s) The eight original knights start in this faction; Leyawiin; Nine Divines 0K(Pilgrim Pilgrim)
Carodus Oholin

Carodus Oholin is an Imperial crusader added by the Knights of the Nine official download. He is located at first at the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin, where he is involved in the quest The Path of the Righteous. After the quest is completed, he requests to become a Knight of the Nine and then appears at the Priory of the Nine. Once he is a knight his name becomes Sir Carodus.

During Carodus's pre-knight days he wears a mixture of iron and legion armor, specifically an iron cuirass and iron greaves. His legion armor consists of legion boots, legion gauntlets, and a legion shield. He wields a steel longsword in combat. After he is knighted he will wear chainmail boots, gauntlets, greaves, and helmet, with a Knight of the Nine Cuirass and a Knights of the Nine Shield. He carries leveled restore health potions (0-4, 75% chance for each individual potion). Carodus also knows a leveled set of random crusader spells, as well as one extra minor restore health spell.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Path of the Righteous[edit]

As soon as you enter the Chapel of Zenithar Carodus will intercept you:

"It's you! I've heard of you! You're the one restoring the Knights of the Nine, aren't you?"
Yes, I am. And who are you?
"My name is Carodus Oholin. Like you, I am a servant of the Nine. Specifically, of Zenithar. I came here seeking his mace. However, I could not pass the test. I'm just... I'm no crusader. But that doesn't mean that I cannot serve Zenithar. In light of the recent attacks, I've signed on to protect the chapel. I'm a fair with a blade and by my honor, I'll serve the Nine in any way I can."
I am merely a servant of the Nine.
"Such humility -- I admire you. I am Carodus Oholin. I originally came to this chapel in search of the Mace of Zenithar. I tried, but I could not pass the test. My faith was weak. Or perhaps Zenithar decided that it was not I who should carry the mace. He has found a use for me, however. The priests have asked me to stay to protect the chapel. After what happened in Anvil, they are afraid."

Either leads to:

Tell me about your views on Zenithar.
"Of the original divines, Zenithar is thought to be the most in touch with the mortal realm. Some legends say that Zenithar has close ties to Kynareth, an idea that is supported by the manner in which the two gods' realms interact. Craftsmen devoted to Zenithar are able to create and profit from the materials provided by Kynareth's natural world. The two work in harmony -- the natural world providing for the craftsmen. One cannot revere Zenithar without acknowledging the power of Kynareth."
What about you? What's your story?
"I grew up in Cheydinhal. My father was a cobbler. My mother was an acolytle [sic] of Zenithar. She was self-taught, not part of the chapel proper. They were... they were both killed in an accident when I was young. I became a ward of the crown and was drafted into the Imperial Army. After serving two tours patrolling Stros M'Kai, I left the service for a life devoted to Zenithar, inspired by my parents."
What can you tell me about the mace?
"Legends say that when Pelinal Whitestrake was slain by the Ayleids, a messenger carried the Mace to the human settlement of Leyawiin as a message. Centuries later, the master craftsman Saint Kaladas built the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin as a tribute to the legend. When Saint Kaladas was laid to rest, those who prayed to Zenithar at his tomb began to receive visions of the Mace of the Crusader."

At any point during this conversation claiming that you must go will have him say farewell with the line:

I have to go.
"Very well. I wish you luck, Sir Knight."

Speaking to him again before retrieving the Mace will have him greet you by either saying;

"Have you had any luck retrieving the Mace? "
"So far things have been quiet. After the horror in Anvil, the priests here are more than a bit nervous."
Sir Carodus

Speaking to Carodus after the attack on the Chapel by the Aurorans, but before you leave Leyawiin, will have him praise the nine for the victory and request that you allow him to join your order:

"I... I can't believe it! We survived! By the grace of the Nine! We survived! In no small part to you, Sir Knight. By your will and the will of the Nine, the chapel of Zenithar has held against this blasphemer! Sir, I pledge you my sword. I wish to join you in your quest to restore the Knights of the Nine and defeat this... Umaril."
I accept. Welcome to the Order.
"I can only hope to match your bravery and valor. I am honored to serve by your side. Allow me to fetch more suitable equipment. I shall return shortly."
You are not yet worthy.
"I understand. I can only hope that one day, you will judge me to be worthy."

If you do not speak to him while in the chapel he will head over to the Priory of the Nine. Speaking to him there will have him request that you induct him into your order, offering you the same choices that you had in Leyawiin:

"After seeing your bravery first hand in Leyawiin, I'd like to join you as one of the Knights of the Nine."

If you deny his request at any point, he will follow a very simple routine, sleeping from midnight to 6am and then just wandering around the Priory House. Once you do welcome him as a knight, this will change significantly. He still wakes up at 6am and wanders around the Priory House for the first three hours of his day. At 9am however he heads upstairs for some reading time before heading downstairs to the basement for some melee training at 12pm. At 3pm he eats an early dinner until 6pm, when heads over to the Chapel. He receives a blessing from the altar and then heads back to the Priory House, where he will remain conversing with his fellow knights - will now greet him with "Hail, Sir Carodus." - until his bedtime at 10pm.

The Blessing of Talos[edit]

Once you've returned to the Priory with the Sword of the Crusader, if he's been admitted into the Order, Carodus will be found in the Chapel alongside his fellow knights. After listening to the Prophet's sermon, he will set off running to Garlas Malatar.

Umaril the Unfeathered[edit]

When you arrive at Garlas Malatar, Carodus will be stood outside ready to fight. Once you give the order or simply enter into the ruins, he will charge inside and attack any Auroran he can find. He will continue to battle until you destroy the Dark Orb in the second zone, after which you'll be separated.

Once you return to the Priory having defeated Umaril, he will listen to Sir Thedret's speech before cheering your success by clapping and exclaiming:

"Hail! Hail! Hail!"
"Behold the power of the Nine!"


With the Order restored, Carodus's routine will change slightly: he will now practice archery behind the Priory House from 6am to 9am. He can also be asked to follow you:

Come with me
"Of course, Lord Crusader."
Follow me.
"Of course, Commander."
Wait here.
"Yes, Sir Knight."
Return to your duties.
"As you wish, Lord Crusader."

Should Carodus fall in the battle at Garlas Malatar, he will be replaced by a generic Imperial Knight of the Nine. The other knights can also be heard mourning him:

"Ah, it's nothing... I was thinking of Sir Carodus, actually. He was such a fine knight... how can he be dead? How could the gods let that happen?"
"It's Sir Carodus, actually... I still think about him, sometimes. He was one of the best of us."


Pre-release screenshot
  • Carodus has an unused greeting if you'd initially refused him entrance in the Order; however it is never picked: "Sir Knight, I was wondering... have you reconsidered my offer to join the order?"
  • It is possible for Carodus to be stuck permanently following you if you trigger the KotN follower bug; see bugs for details.
  • Carodus joins the Knights of the Nine faction after completing the quest The Path of the Righteous.
  • Carodus was featured in a pre-release marketing screenshot but had a much lighter complexion.