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Morrowind talk:Indoril

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medium armor[edit]

it should be noted that the official guide incorrectly marks this as heavy armor — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:57 on 29 April 2010

Item IDs[edit]

The ones listed aren't right. They look like placeholders that no one bothered to change.-- 01:32, 11 February 2011 (UTC)

Nope. Those are the correct IDs in the CS. --Brf 01:57, 11 February 2011 (UTC)

Chitin v Bonemold[edit]

As per edits here and here. Personally, I wouldn't say that Indoril armor looks like any other traditional armor. Unless there is some sort of in-game description that mentions other armor, I would recommend to remove the comparisons completely. Any disagreements? --DKong27 Talk Cont 20:26, 14 April 2011 (UTC)

Agreed. It doesn't really look like either, and I can't see any reference in dialogue. rpeh •TCE 20:33, 14 April 2011 (UTC)
It would be better to remove the comparisons. But chitin armor is surely farther from Indoril than bonemold. At least for its armor class (light), price and prestige. And Indoril look more like bonemold at appearance. But this is an original research, I see. Phoenix Neko 22:54, 14 April 2011 (UTC)
What the original note was saying was that Indoril was created from chitin (insect shells). It had nothing to do with stat similarities, which is why I undid your bonemold edit. It's a shame there's no evidence of this interesting creation process, but until proof is found I agree that it should be removed from the article. Legoless 13:15, 15 April 2011 (UTC)

bad picture[edit]

the main picture is inaccurate because it is not how the original indoril armor looks like. the other pictures are more accurate — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:38 on 10 June 2012

Legal Acquisition[edit]

Does anyone know of any way to get this armor (or unique but look-alike armor) without stealing it or killing an Ordinator? Bookwyrm1357 (talk) 20:20, 16 December 2014 (GMT)

You can get it a couple places, iirc (such as off the body of a dead ordinator in a few quests), but it doesn't really matter. No matter how you acquire the armor, Ordinators will attack you on sight if you wear it in public, which makes the point of getting it legally kind of moot if you ask me. :P Jeancey (talk) 20:47, 16 December 2014 (GMT)
For example, you can get it from Feril Salmyn's body in Kogoruhn. Like Jeancey said, you will be marked for death by the Ordinators by wearing it, but I think it happens only when you speak to them with the armor equipped (but after that they attack on sight). --Vordur Steel-Hammer (TINV1K) 20:56, 16 December 2014 (GMT)
Thank you. I know about the death-mark, and was mostly thinking of how to get a disguise for the Ministry of Truth without starting a fight with the (quite powerful) Ordinators or having the armor confiscated if I ever got arrested with it. Bookwyrm1357 (talk) 21:41, 16 December 2014 (GMT)

Special variant?[edit]

Don't you get a special variant of Indoril armour by doing some quest for Almalexia? Why isn't it included here? Also, in ESO there are other variants of Indoril armour, shouldn't they be included somewhere? Or is there a lore page for Indoril armour? -- 07:53, 5 April 2022 (UTC)