Morrowind Mod:Wrye Mash:Saves Tab

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The Saves Tab of Wrye Mash lists all the Save files. It allows for syncing mod list, repairing save files, etc.

Saves List[edit]

  • Checkbox Colors
    • Checkbox colors indicate the "health" of the mod file or save files master files.
    • More specifically, and from worst to best, the meanings of master colors are:
      • Red : The master is missing. Either the mod file has been removed, or its name has been changed.
      • Orange : The master file is out of load order compared to the rest of the masters in the master list.
      • Yellow : The master file's size has changed since the game was last saved. This likely indicates a change to the mod file -- which may result in objectIndex caused mismatching.
      • Green : The master file is in order compared to the other files in the master list, but is out of order compared to the files in the current load list.
      • Blue : The master file is synced, has the right size and is in the right order.
      • Purple : It indicates that not only are all of the masters synced, but also that no extra masters are loaded. If a save is blue (not purple), then the load list contains an extra esp that the save is not yet dependent on. If you play the save, then the save will become dependent on that new master.
      • You want every master to be blue - i.e. you want the save itself to be blue.

Save Details[edit]

  • Make changes to the file in the details view.
  • File Name Change the file name.
  • Save Name Change the save name. This is the save name that appears in the in-game game load list.
  • Masters List
    • The masters list show the esm and esp files that the current save game depends on, and the load order (modIndex) of that master. Editing the masters list of a save game is probably the most common use of Mash, since it is the action that is necessary to prevent doubling.
    • Copy List: Right click on the column header of the master list and select this command to copy the list of masters to the clipboard.
      • This is useful for forum postings where you want help debugging your load list, or just want to show off how many mods you have loaded! Note that this list is more useful than the list in the morrowind.ini file, since it lists the mods in load order.
      • Copy list will also include the version number of the master if the description field of the master includes a line like "Version ####". Note that this is the same version labeling scheme that the Snapshot command uses.


  • You can now define several different savegame profiles and easily switch between them. Each profile consists of a set of savegames and a Morrowind.ini file.
  • Use the Profile menu (found on the column header context menu) to edit and switch between profiles.
  • If you wish to move savegame files between profiles:
    • Load the profile currently containing the savegames to be moved.
    • Select the files, then right click on the selected files and select File: Move To... Use the directory dialog to specify to select a destination profile (i.e., one of the subdirectories of Saves\Mash\Hidden).

File Commands[edit]

  • File Operations are accessed through right-click on a save file > File
    • Backup Create a backup of the file. Note that backups are also automatically created (see "Revert to Backup" below). If you want to be sure that you can late restore from a specific point, use Duplicate or Snapshot instead.
    • Duplicate... Creates a duplicate of the file in the saves directory.
    • Snapshot... Creates a snapshot copy of the current save in a subdirectory Mash\Snapshots.
    • Snapshots are indicated by appending to "-l.n.m" to the root of the file name. E.g., "My.ess" becomes "My-01.ess".
    • Note that Mash will automatically generate the next available snapshot number. However, you are free to chose a different number if you like.
    • Also, if there's an existing version line (e.g., "Version NN.MM-LL") in the description field of the save, then it will updated with the new version plus snapshot number when the snapshot is saved.
    • Delete Deletes the file... Permanently.
      • Also deletes all backups and temp files, but **not** snapshots.
    • Move to...
      • Move To moves the selected save files to the specified directory. Usually this will be one of the subdirectories of Saves\Mash\Hidden, since these subdirectories correspond to your Profiles (see below).
    • Revert to Backup Reverts the file to the last Backup made of it.
      • Mash will make a backup of a file the first time it is significantly changed in an application session.
      • E.g., if you make two or three changes to a file in a given application session, then only the first change will generate a backup.
    • Revert to First Backup Same as Revert to Backup, only it reverts to the very first backup that Mash made of the file.
      • The first backup is generated the first time that Mash alters a file, and is never overwritten. Hence it is guaranteed to be free of any problem that Mash might introduce.
      • Of course, this also may mean that it's badly out of date!
    • Revert to Snapshot Reverts the file to a selected snapshot.


  • There are several commands for removing different types of references and other data from save files.
  • Debris Cells
    • This removes all references in cells that have been visited, but are not supported by the current set of masters. Typically this is used to cleanup exterior cells that were added by mods that have since been removed.
    • Note that if you have intentionally placed objects into such cells (e.g., a traveling ship), then those objects will be lost!
  • Spawned Creatures
    • This removes all lvcr (leveled creature) references from the file.
    • In other words, it resets all spawn points.
    • Warning: Some of the major creature/NPC mods create herds of creatures and/or groups of NPCs. Typically only one of the NPCs/creatures in these groups are associated with the spawn point. So resetting the spawn point only removes that single NPC/creature. To fully clear NPC/creature groups use an object list remover (see below).
    • For a savegame, this has the effect of resetting all spawn points.
  • Removers (Object Lists)
    • Removers allow you to remove all instances of arbitrary lists of objects from the game. The only instances not removed will be those instances that reside in cells that match the list of "Safe Cells".
    • Warning! If the remover that you use includes standard containers, you should be sure that your safe cells list includes you stash cells -- e.g., your stronghold, mansion, etc.
    • Setting up Removers:
      • First, select "Edit Safe Cells..." and make sure that your stash cells, e.g., stronghold, mansion, etc. are included in it. Note that a safe cell named "Balmora" would protect all cells whose name begins in "Balmora".
      • Next, select "Edit Removers..." and select one or more of the files in Mopy\Data. This will add that(those) file(s) to the list of removers. Close the edit box when done. The new remover will now appear on the remover menu.
    • Using a remover:
      • Use the Remove: [Name of Remover] command on the savegame.
    • Remover Files
      • You can easily create your own remover file...
      • Remover files are just plain text files, with each line listing an object to be removed. Blank lines and any text after a '#' character are ignored.
      • Objects to be removed should be first on the line and surrounded by quotes. Anything after that will be ignored.
      • Hint: if you use the export feature in TESCS, the resulting file will be in the right format to use as a remover. But be sure to edit it first! There are many unique and scripted objects which should not be reset in the game.

Journal Browser[edit]

  • Shows the journal entries for the selected save.
  • Note: Journal browsing is a memory hog and will slow down switching between save files! If you're not using it, close the window.

Load Masters[edit]

  • This causes the save game's master files to be loaded.
    • Note that unlike Load Lists, this function is exclusive, not additive. I.e., only the masters of the save file will be selected.

Map Notes[edit]

  • From the saves context menu, select **Map Notes** to extract all of the notes that you have added to the map for that save game.
  • Map Note Tips:
    • Add map notes by double clicking anywhere on the map while viewing it.
    • Notes attached to a cell are visible from the map square for any door that leads to that cell. E.g., map notes placed in a cave will be visible not only while in that cave but in the landscape outside.
    • So, for caves, tombs, etc. place the note inside the cave if possible.

Repair All[edit]

Update Map[edit]

  • Updates the world map to reflect added and removed landmasses. Use this after adding or removing mods with landmasses, and using Repair All.
  • Draws the borders around the visible map area.
    • Note that lands located outside of this area will never be drawn. I.e., if you're inside, you should see the land; if you're outside, you should see nothing but blue ocean.
  • Draws a grid with spacing of 5 cells centered on the center of the 0, 0 cell.
    • Want to use a COE (Center on exterior) console command? Now you can easily figure out what the coordinates are!
    • You can disable the gridline drawing by unchecking World Map Gridlines on the column header context menu. However if you've previously drawn the map with the gridlines enabled, you may still see some gridline remnants on the land masses that you've visited. These will not disappear until you re-visit the corresponding cells.
  • Notes
    • If you see marked cells for landmasses that have been removed, try using Repair All first.


  • Displays statistics for the file's record types.