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Morrowind:Willow Anther

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Willow Anther
Willow Anther
Value 10 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Drain Personality Drain Personality
2nd Frost Shield Frost Shield
3rd Cure Common Disease Cure Common Disease
4th Cure Paralyzation Cure Paralyzation
# Samples 10
Plant Willow Flower  % 85
# Plants 220
Willow Anther
Willow Flower

"Willow anther is the powdery residue from pollen-bearing parts of the willow flower that grows in the Ascadian Isles and on Azura's Coast."

Willow Anther is the pollen of a pink flower that can be found in most temperate regions. Two quests require you to find some - the Four Types of Flowers quest for Ajira in the Balmora Mages Guild, and Gathering Willow Anther for Synnolian Tunifus of the Imperial Cult in Ebonheart. For the first quest, you can just purchase them from Ajira herself - apparently she's too lazy to notice she already had some. For the latter quest, the island over the bridge just south of the city is an ideal location for them.


2 Effects[edit]

Desired Effect Combine with:
Drain Personality Drain Personality Cure Common Disease Cure Common Disease Muck
Drain Personality Drain Personality Cure Paralyzation Cure Paralyzation Netch Leather

1 Effect[edit]

Desired Effect Combine with:
Drain Personality Drain Personality Bonemeal, Coda Flower, Heather, Human Flesh, Scales, Shalk Resin, Sload Soap
Frost Shield Frost Shield Frost Salts, Holly Berries, Large Kwama Egg, Raw Ebony
Cure Common Disease Cure Common Disease Chokeweed, Daedra Skin, Gravedust, Green Lichen, Red Lichen
Cure Paralyzation Cure Paralyzation Corkbulb Root, Scamp Skin


The following vendors carry a restocking supply:

Largest number of plants:

  • Azura's Coast Region, [16,-4] (19 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [-3,-4] (13 plants)
  • Vivec, Temple, [3,-14] (12 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [1,-6] (9 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [2,-12] (8 plants)
  • Azura's Coast Region, [16,-3] (8 plants)
  • Vivec, [2,-10] (8 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [-1,-8] (7 plants)
  • Vivec, [3,-9] (6 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [7,-11] (5 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [2,-14] (5 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [6,-10] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [5,-5] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [5,-9] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [2,-4] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [1,-12] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [1,-14] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [0,-4] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [0,-6] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [0,-9] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [-1,-5] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [-1,-6] (4 plants)
  • Ascadian Isles Region, [-2,-5] (4 plants)
  • Azura's Coast Region, [15,-14] (4 plants)
  • Sheogorad Region, [6,16] (4 plants)
  • Vivec, [5,-10] (4 plants)

Loose samples:

Related Quests[edit]

Imperial Cult[edit]


  • In some of Ajira's dialogue, she states that "willow flowers are reddish and tall, but they do not bend to the ground like stoneflowers. The leaves are long and thin".