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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Morrowind Overhaul Project.
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Quests: written by UnknownG (already written), checked by MolagBallet

Services: written by UnknownG (offers none), checked by MolagBallet

Personal Inventory: written by UnknownG, checked by MolagBallet

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by MolagBallet

Unique Dialogue: written by Aegithalos

Spells: written by Aegithalos
Tsrazami (tsrazami)
Home City Vivec, Foreign Quarter
Location Foreign Quarter Plaza
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Level 14 Class Assassin
Other Information
Health 104 Magicka 136
Alarm 0 Fight 20
Faction(s) Dark Brotherhood

Tsrazami is a Khajiit Dark Brotherhood assassin wandering the Foreign Quarter Plaza in Vivec. She has ties to Miun-Gei, and Grandmaster Eno Hlaalu of the Morag Tong wants you to set up a meeting between him and her.

Tsrazami wears a common shirt with matching pants. She also carries a steel wakizashi, 2 master's probes, 2 master's lockpicks and 9 firebite stars. Like all Khajiit, she can see well in the dark and can demoralize others for short periods, but otherwise knows no spells

Related Quests[edit]

Morag Tong[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

A Contact in the Dark Brotherhood[edit]

Although this is not a necessary step to complete the quest, you can speak with Tsrazami and try to convince her to speak with Eno Hlaalu before reporting back to him:

  • Dark Brotherhood
    • "What does the %PCRace want with the Dark Brotherhood?"
    • I want someone dead.
      • [Disposition -10.] "Do you? You think you just talk with the first Khajiit you see? If you do not know how to hire the Dark Brotherhood, you do not deserve their services."
    • You will tell me of the Dark Brotherhood.
      • [If Disposition < 60.] "What makes you think %Name would do this?"
      • [If 60 ≤ Disposition < 90.] "No more games, %PCName. You are Morag Tong. %Name knows of you. %Name will not betray the Dark Brotherhood for empty threats or a little gold."
      • [If Disposition ≥ 90.] "Tell your Grandmaster that %Name will speak with him."
    • Nevermind.
      • "Fine with %Name."

Should you manage to convince her to speak with Eno Hlaalu and talk with her again before you tell Eno Hlaalu about this, she will react as follows:

  • Dark Brotherhood
    • "%Name will meet with Eno Hlaalu. But %Name promises nothing."

After the quest, she will say:

  • Dark Brotherhood
    • "That is between %Name and the Grandmaster."

And finally, if you speak with her again after you have become the new Grandmaster of the Morag Tong, she will say:

  • Dark Brotherhood
    • "%Name hears much of you. %Name is loyal to you now, not the Dark Brotherhood. Trust %Name."


  • Though it is stated in-game that she is a member of the Dark Brotherhood, she is not listed as such in the Construction Set, due to the Dark Brotherhood not being technically a faction until the Tribunal expansion.