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Morrowind:Tharer Rotheloth

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Quests: written by Already written, checked by Aegithalos

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Tharer Rotheloth (tharer rotheloth)
Home Town Molag Mar
Location Molag Mar Temple
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 20 Class Monk Service
Training Acrobatics (64)
Hand-to-hand (64)
Sneak (64)
Other Information
Health 141 Magicka 110
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 8(Master)
Tharer Rotheloth

Tharer Rotheloth is a Dark Elf monk who is the Master of the Temple in Molag Mar. He has a few quests for you, and also offers medium training in Acrobatics, Hand-to-hand, and Sneak to higher level members.

He is wearing an extravagant robe, common pants, and common shoes, and he carries the Hand-to-hand skill book, Charwich-Koniinge, Volume 2. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Righteousness, Balyna's Perfect Balm, Strong Heal Companion, Veloth's Benison, and Mother's Kiss.

Related Quests[edit]

Tribunal Temple[edit]


If you try to discuss a quest-related topic with Tharer while you are expelled from the Temple, he reacts as follows:

  • "You have been expelled from the Temple."

Similarly, Tharer won't discuss any quest-related matters with you while you are being persecuted as a False Incarnate:

  • "I have heard that you claim to be the Incarnate. I do not know the truth of the matter, but for now I will not give you duties."

Finally, if you ask for more duties after you have completed all of his quests, Tharer says:

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Cure Lette[edit]

As soon as you have finished the Pilgrimage of the Seven Graces, you may receive your first duty from Tharer Rotheloth:

  • duties
    • "A villager in Tel Mora has fallen ill, but there is no Temple in Tel Mora where she can go for healing. Go to Tel Mora and cure Lette."
    • Lette
      • "The Temple does not proselytize, but we do good works for non-believers. Lette, a Redguard in Tel Mora, has swamp fever. Cure her of swamp fever and return to me."
      • Swamp Fever
        • "The symptoms include high body temperature and delirium, but there are no easily visible signs. It can be cured with a standard potion of cure disease, or you may attempt to cure it with a spell."

If you killed Lette before the quest even started, Tharer will acknowledge the fact that she is dead, and the quest will end at once:

  • Lette
    • "What did you say? Lette is dead? I see. That is indeed unfortunate."

If you kill Lette after he requests that you cure her, he will be far more upset with you:

  • "Did you cure Lette?"
  • Lette
    • [Disposition -20.] "You did what?! You killed her? By all that is sacred! This will damage our relations with the commoners greatly. Listen to me, %PCName, perhaps the %Faction is not your calling."

Under normal circumstances, you will have to return to Tharer after successfully curing Lette in order to finish the quest:

  • Lette
    • [Disposition +10. 2920, Rain's Hand has been added to your inventory.] "Has Lette been cured? You are indeed worthy of the Tribunal's praise. Perhaps you would enjoy this book. Although it is clearly heretical, it contains a gem of truth in it's [sic] lesson on healing and resistance. Are you ready for more duties?"

His reaction to your mentioning Lette after the completion of the quest depends on whether you actually cured her or not:

  • Lette
    • [If you killed Lette.] "Lette is dead."
    • [If you cured Lette.] "You have cured Lette. Well done."

Pilgrimage to Mount Kand[edit]

Once Lette has (hopefully) been cured, Tharer has another task ready for you:

  • duties
    • "To prove that you are wise and brave, you must make the Pilgrimage to Mount Kand."
    • Mount Kand
      • [ 4 Quality Potions of Night-Eye have been added to your inventory.] "I want you to make the Pilgrimage to Mount Kand, which is northwest of Molag Mar. It's on the left side of the trail. I will mark it on your map. On Mount Kand, Vivec won a contest of wits with three Daedra. There are few lights in the caverns. You may need these potions. If you are not good with riddles, you may want to find a copy of "The Yellow Book of Riddles." Several booksellers have this book."

If you speak with him again before actually completing the pilgrimage, he says:

  • "Have you made the Pilgrimage to Mount Kand?"
  • Mount Kand
    • "As I said, go to Mount Kand and answer the Daedra's riddles. If you answer correctly, you do not have to fight them."
  • Molag Mar
    • "This is the stronghold of Molag Mar. It is a garrison maintained by the Tribunal Temple and House Redoran. Many come here to rest before making the dangerous pilgrimages to Mount Kand and Mount Assarnibibi."

Return to Tharer after finishing the pilgrimage to complete the quest:

  • Mount Kand
    • "Yes, I heard you defeated the Daedra at Mount Kand in a contest of riddles and received Vivec's blessings. I celebrate your success. I have other duties for you when you are ready."

He has nothing more to say about the pilgrimage after the completion of this quest.

Necromancer in Mawia[edit]

For his third duty, Tharer wants you to slay a necromancer who has turned the Velothi tower Mawia into his lair:

  • duties
    • "One duty of the Temple is to bring justice to Necromancers wherever we may find them. We have heard of a Necromancer known as Delvam Andarys."
    • Delvam Andarys
      • "Delvam Andarys is in Mawia, which is southeast of Molag Mar. From here, follow the river to the east as it heads south. It is not far before it opens into a lake. Turn east again and look for an island just south of the coast. Go there, find Delvam Andarys, and make certain that he does not escape the justice of the Temple."

If you have already killed Delvam Andarys before Tharer asks you to do so, he will acknowledge this fact instead of giving you the quest as he would otherwise do:

  • Delvam Andarys
    • [Disposition +20.] "You already brought justice to Delvam Andarys? You have done the Temple a great service. I have more urgent duties for you."

Else, you will have to return to him after making a trip to Mawia to kill the necromancer:

  • "Is the Necromancer Delvam Andarys no longer a threat to the Temple?"
  • Delvam Andarys
    • [Disposition +20.] "Delvam Andarys is dead. You have done the Temple a great service. When you are ready, I have more urgent duties for you."

If you mention the necromancer again after the completion of the quest, Tharer reacts as follows:

  • Delvam Andarys
    • "You brought the Temple's justice to Delvam Andarys."

Slay Raxle Berne[edit]

The fourth and final duty that Tharer has to offer to you sees you taking the fight to a dangerous group of vampires:

  • duties
    • [If you are at most an Adept in the Tribunal Temple.] "Speak with me again when you have gained the rank of Curate. I will have more duties for you then. Until then, you could ask Tuls Valen at the Ald'ruhn Temple, or Endryn Llethan at the High Fane in Vivec."
    • [Else.] "Another duty of the Temple is to cleanse Vvardenfell of vampires. We have heard of a vampire lair known as Galom Daeus."
    • Galom Daeus
      • [If your present level is strictly below fifteen. Veloth's Judgement, Warden's Ring and Belt of Balyna's Soothing Balm have been added to your inventory.] "Please take the holy implements of the Temple's greatest vampire hunters. You might want to fight against some of Vvardenfell's lesser evils before you take on this challenge, but you have done well in the Temple so far. When you feel you are ready, the elder vampire Raxle Berne hides from the light in the Dwemer ruin of Galom Daeus. I will mark Uvirith's Grave on your map. From there go south until you reach a river of lava. Follow that river to the west until it ends. Galom Daeus lies ahead of you."
      • [Else. Veloth's Judgement, Warden's Ring and Belt of Balyna's Soothing Balm have been added to your inventory.] "Please take the holy implements of the Temple's greatest vampire hunters. When you are ready, the elder vampire Raxle Berne hides from the light in the Dwemer ruin of Galom Daeus. I will mark Uvirith's Grave on your map. From there go south until you reach a river of lava. Follow that river to the west until it ends. Galom Daeus lies ahead of you across another pool of lava."

If you speak with Tharer again before you kill Raxle Berne, he says:

  • "Have you cleansed the vampires from Galom Daeus?"
  • Galom Daeus
    • "I have given you the garb of one of the Temple's vampire hunters. When you are ready, slay Raxle Berne in the Dunmer stronghold [sic] of Galom Daeus."

As with his previous quests, Tharer has some unique dialogue if you killed Raxle Berne before he tells you to do so:

  • Galom Daeus
    • [Disposition +20. Veloth's Judgement, Warden's Ring and Belt of Balyna's Soothing Balm have been added to your inventory.] "Raxle Berne is already dead? By your own hands? Then you deserve the traditional garb of the Temple's vampire hunters. I salute you, %PCRank %PCName."

Otherwise, you will have to speak with Tharer after killing Raxle Berne to finish the quest:

  • Galom Daeus
    • [Disposition +20.] "Raxle Berne is dead. He shall no longer plague the lands of Vvardenfell. You have earned great honor with the Temple."

If you mention the (ernstwhile) vampire den again after the completion of the quest, Tharer reacts as follows:

  • Galom Daeus
    • "You have slain Raxle Berne. Galom Daeus is no longer a plague waiting to strike out upon the land."