Morrowind:Sinnammu Mirpal
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Quests: written by TheRealLurlock, checked by Salamangkero
Services: written by TheRealLurlock, checked by Salamangkero Personal Inventory: written by Salamangkero House Contents: not written Unique Dialogue: written by Legoless, Jeancey, Aegithalos, checked by Salamangkero |
Sinnammu Mirpal (sinnammu mirpal) | |||||
Home Town | Ahemmusa Camp | ||||
House | Wise Woman's Yurt | ||||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Female | ||
Level | 21 | Class | Wise Woman Service | ||
Services | |||||
Other | ![]() |
Merchant | |||||
Gold | 75 | Mercantile | Novice (7) | ||
Buys |
Other Information | |||||
Health | 114 | Magicka | 124 | ||
Alarm | 90 | Fight | 30 | ||
Essential | Yes | ||||
Follower | During Ahemmusa Nerevarine | ||||
Faction(s) | Ashlanders (Farseer) |
Sinnammu Mirpal is the Wise Woman of the Ahemmusa Tribe of Ashlanders, who can be found in her yurt at their camp in the northeast Grazelands. Since the Ahemmusa Tribe currently lacks an Ashkhan, she is the de facto leader of the tribe, which is currently seeking a new place to call home.
She is wearing an expensive shirt with a matching skirt as well as a pair of common pants. She is carrying a wooden staff and a random soul gem as well as all the potions she has for sale and up to 20 gold. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Great Burden of Sin, Crushing Burden Touch, Weary, Tinur's Hoptoad, Strong Levitate, Alad's Caliginy, Invisibility, Hide, Far Silence, Dire Noise, Reflect, Weak Spelldrinker, Absorb Personality, Absorb Speed, Absorb Willpower, Fortify Mysticism Skill, Blood Gift, Assured Unseen Wisdom, Surpassing Unseen Wisdom, Charisma, Powerwell, Iron Will, Poet's Whim, Great Resist Common Disease, Great Resist Fire, Great Resist Frost, Rapid Regenerate, Dispel and Shadow Weave. She also has an additional ability:
- Water Walking ability - Water Walking on Self
Related Quests[edit]
Main Quest[edit]
- Ahemmusa Nerevarine: Travel to the Ahemmusa camp in order for them to recognize you as the Nerevarine.
Mages Guild[edit]
- Meeting with a Wise Woman: Arrange a meeting with Skink-in-Tree's-Shade and an Ashlander Wise Woman.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Ahemmusa Nerevarine[edit]
Sinnammu will refuse to speak with you if you have not yet spoken to her gulakhans:
- Nerevarine
- "You are an outlander. It is no surprise that you do not know how to behave. But it is a surprise that you do not know how to listen. We will not speak of this until you have shown courtesy to my gulakhans."
- my gulakhans
- "The gulakhans of the Ahemmusa are Kausi, Herder and Initiate; Dutadalk, Hunter and Brother; and Yenammu, Scout and Brother."
Once you have received permission from her gulakhans, she will be a little more conversational:
- Nerevarine
- "I know the prophecies. I know an outlander, clanfriend of the Urshilaku, has done great deeds, and claims to fulfill those prophecies. Are you that outlander? And why are you here?"
- Who is the ashkhan of the Ahemmusa?
- "The Ahemmusa have no ashkhan. I am the wise woman of the Ahemmusa, and I speak for the tribe."
- I want the Ahemmusa to name me Nerevarine.
- "I will examine your proofs, and you will tell me your story. And if I am satisfied, according to custom, and with reference to the prophecies, I will name you Ahemmusa Nerevarine. But there will be a price. The Ahemmusa need a safe place, and you will provide that safe place."
- safe place
- "In seasons past, when threatened, the Ahemmusa could take shelter in the ruins of Ald Daedroth. But now the priestess Hlireni Indavel has come and restored the Daedric shrine, and worshippers of Sheogorath dwell there, protected by terrible sorceries and summonings. First, you will go to Ald Daedroth and make it safe for the Ahemmusa. Then you will return, and I will accompany you there, and if Ald Daedroth is a safe place for my people, then I will name you Nerevarine."
- make it safe
- "First you will go to Ald Daedroth. You will make it safe for the Ahemmusa. You are the hero. You decide what must be done. We are not traders, to haggle over the meaning of 'safe.' We are not a warlike people. We are not strong with warriors and witch-wizards. Make Ald Daedroth safe for us. Then, when I accompany you to Ald Daedroth, then you and I will judge whether it is safe."
You can ask her for more information about your quest:
- accompany you
- "When you are sure Ald Daedroth is safe, then you will return here to me. Then I will accompany you, and together we will cross the water to Ald Daedroth. If I may pass in safety to the old sanctuary and see the great statue in the inner shrine, then the place is safe for my people. I have not the arts of war, but I have courage. I wager my life against the safety of my people. But if Ald Daedroth is not safe... if I die on my journey... remember... if I die, you will not be named Ahemmusa Nerevarine."
- Ald Daedroth
- "The Ald Daedroth Daedric site is a shrine to Sheogorath, the Mad Lord. The surface ruins are on an island a great distance north as the racer flies."
- cross the water
- "I have not the arts of war, but I am a wise woman, and not without power. I can walk upon the water... perhaps not so fast as a great witch-warrior, but fast enough. And while we are on our water journey, if you are hero, you will protect me from slaughterfish and other creatures. And if you are not, I shall perish, and you shall not be named Nerevarine."
- Daedric sites
- "When the Velothi first came to Morrowind, they worshipped our most terrible ancestors, the Daedra Lords. Legends say the Daedra Lords themselves built these great shrines, because mortals could not build anything grand enough to suit them. When the Tribunal claimed to have tamed the Daedra Lords, they forbid the worship of the Bad Daedra, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, and Sheogorath."
- "For thousands of years, the Temple kept these ancient shrines closed, but in recent years, as Dagoth Ur grew stronger and the Temple weaker, there were fewer and fewer priest-soldiers, and they were all sent to Ghostgate. Now the Temple can't keep the witches and warlocks of the Daedra cults from bringing the old shrines back to life."
- Hlireni Indavel
- "All I know is that she is a Dunmer, and she and her followers have defied the Temple's ban against the worship of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles, the four Daedra Lords, Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, Malacath, and Sheogorath. Since so many Ordinators are busy fighting the hosts of Dagoth Ur at Ghostgate, many of the abandoned Daedric sites are once again inhabited."
- Ordinators
- "The Ordinators, the priest-soldiers of the Temple, have the duty of keeping worshippers from restoring the old Daedric sites scattered throughout the wastelands and along the rocky coasts and islands of Vvardenfell. Now these Ordinators are busy elsewhere, and the old Daedric sites are coming back to life. Some traders reported a ship carrying a few Ordinators has sailed from Molag Maar for Ald Daedroth, but my timid scouts won't dare approach the island."
- Sheogorath
- "For those who serve Sheogorath, the Mad Lord, there is no good or evil, right or wrong, true or false, real or unreal. For them, there is only what they want, and what they see. With such carelessness, only the very strong and very lucky cultists survive, while the weak provide sport and amusement for the others. And the Spawn of Sheogorath are never twice the same, and each more terrible than the next. It is an evil cult, and dangerous."
If you ask her again, she will reiterate your quest, in detail:
- make it safe
- "Have you made Ald Daedroth safe for the Ahemmusa? Have you dealt with the priest Hlireni Indavel? Are there cultists or creatures of Sheogorath to threaten us? Are there any other dangers that may cause us harm? Remember... to make sure it is safe, I must accompany you to Ald Daedroth, and see for myself. If I die on my journey, it is not safe... and you shall not be named Ahemmusa Nerevarine."
Whether or not Ald Daedroth has been made safe, you can start your journey with her:
- accompany you
- "Have you made Ald Daedroth a safe place for the Ahemmusa? If I may pass in safety to the old sanctuary and see the great statue in the inner shrine, then the place is safe for my people. If Ald Daedroth is safe, are you ready for me to accompany you there and test with our lives whether it is indeed safe?"
- Yes, please accompany me to Ald Daedroth.
- "Very well, %PCName. Now I will accompany you to the Daedric shrine on Ald Daedroth. And when you have brought me to the old sanctuary beneath the ruins, and I may see the great statue of Sheogorath in the inner shrine, then I will surely know that you have made Ald Daedroth safe for the Ahemmusa, and I will name you Ahemmusa Nerevarine. Go ahead, and we will speak further before the great statue."
- No, you should wait here for now.
- "Very well, then. I will wait here for now. When you are ready, come to me, and I will accompany you to Ald Daedroth to see if it is safe."
When you bring her to the inner shrine of Ald Daedroth, Sinnammu will stop following you:
- Greetings
- "I said I would accompany you, %PCName, to see if you had made Ald Daedroth safe for the Ahemmusa. You have fulfilled my conditions. Thank you, %PCName. The Ahemmusa shall be saved. And if you wish, now I shall name you Nerevarine of the Ahemmusa."
- accompany you
- "I have accompanied you to the place made safe for the Ahemmusa. And so, if you wish, I shall name you Nerevarine."
- Ald Daedroth
- "This site is an ancient shrine to Sheogorath, the Mad Lord. But now it will also be a refuge for the Ahemmusa in times of trouble."
- Hlireni Indavel
- [If you have killed Hlireni] "Once she was the priestess of this shrine. Now she is dead, thanks to you."
- make it safe
- "Yes. Ald Daedroth is indeed a safe refuge for the Ahemmusa. Thank you, %PCName."
- name you Nerevarine
- "You have made this place safe for the Ahemmusa. And so I name you Ahemmusa Nerevarine, War Leader of the Ahemmusa, and Protector of the People. I also give you the Madstone of the Ahemmusa, which shall be a sign to all Dunmer, that you are the Nerevarine, and that the Ahemmusa shall follow you, in all things, even unto death, until the Enemy is defeated, or until you are dead. Now, I can stay only briefly. Soon I must return to Ahemmusa camp and make preparations to relocate here."
- safe place
- "You have made Ald Daedroth a safe refuge for the Ahemmusa. Thank you, %PCName."
Once you have been named Ahemmusa Nerevarine, you can talk to her about your newfound role:
- accompany you
- "Yes. I did accompany you to Ald Daedroth, and I did name you Ahemmusa Nerevarine. Now I shall remain here and await the arrival of the tribe. It will take some time to make preparations, and there is much to be done here."
- cross the water
- "You know that I can walk on water. You have seen for yourself."
- Hlireni Indavel
- [If you have not killed Hlireni] "She is the priestess of this shrine. But now you have shown that she and her cultists are no threat to us. Now the Ahemmusa and the followers of Hlireni Indavel will learn to live in peace on this island."
- Madstone
- "The Madstone of the Ahemmusa is a protection against the spells of witch-warriors. When you use it, and touch your enemy, it causes the voices of the ancestors to cry out in his head, confusing him, and fuddling his witcheries. I warn you, though; when you use the Madstone, the ancestors also cry out in your ears, so you, too, are made mad by their wailing. It is the Madstone. Perhaps it will not please a wizard, but it may greatly please a warrior."
- name you Nerevarine
- "I have named you Ahemmusa Nerevarine, War Leader of the Ahemmusa, and Protector of the People. You have saved the Ahemmusa. Now we hope that you shall also fulfill the other Nerevarine prophecies. I can stay only briefly. Soon I must return to Ahemmusa camp and make preparations to relocate here."
- Nerevarine
- "You are the Ahemmusa Nerevarine. I have named you, and given you the Madstone, so that you may be known to all Peoples of the Wastes."
When you leave the inner shrine of Ald Daedroth, Sinnammu will return to her yurt where she reminds you of your mission:
- name you Nerevarine
- "I have named you Ahemmusa Nerevarine, War Leader of the Ahemmusa, and Protector of the People. You have saved the Ahemmusa. Now we hope that you shall also fulfill the other Nerevarine prophecies."
Meeting with a Wise Woman[edit]
Even though Sinnammu herself is unwilling to speak with Skink-in-Tree's-Shade, she may be persuaded to send her apprentice to speak with him instead:
- arrange a meeting
- "I will not meet with this Argonian. I might send my apprentice, Minabibi, for it is time she saw how you foreigners live and left her childish notions behind her. She is in the Favel Tomb."
- childish notions
- "Minabibi does not respect our ways. She is like a sister to every foreigner who visits our camp. I fear she will not make a good wise woman."
- Favel Tomb
- "It is west of our camp. Go west along the coast, past the ruins. If you reach the Ashlands, turn back. Outcasts from our tribe live nearby. They are dangerous. Avoid them if you can."
After you have helped Minabibi to resolve the situation in the tomb, Sinnammu will agree to send her apprentice:
- arrange a meeting
- "I know the spirit of Kanit Ashurnisammis is at rest. Before I send my apprentice to this Skink, I will ask a question. Did you pacify the spirit, or did Minabibi pacify the spirit?"
- I did.
- "I know you speak the truth, %PCName. I do not need such as her for an apprentice. I will send her to talk with this Argonian."
- Minabibi did.
- "So be it. I will send my apprentice to talk with this Skink, but I do so for the honor of the Ahemmusa. She will soon see the error of the foreigners' ways and return to us. She will make a fine Wise Woman when my duties are done."
If you speak with her after she has agreed to send her apprentice, she will reiterate her promise to you:
- arrange a meeting
- "I will send my apprentice, Minabibi, to speak with this Argonian."
After Minabibi has met with Skink, Sinnammu will consider the matter closed:
- arrange a meeting
- "No, I have sent my apprentice. That is all I will do for your Argonian."
- Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
- Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item | Qty |
Ingredients | |
Ash Salts | 2 |
Crab Meat | 1 |
Daedra Skin | 1 |
Green Lichen | 1 |
Marshmerrow | 3 |
Muck | 1 |
Resin | 1 |
Saltrice | 32 |
Scales | 1 |
random_de_cheapfood_01_ne | 17 |
random_ingredient | 24 |
Potions | |
Cheap Restore Fatigue | -2 |
Standard Restore Health Potion | -1 |
Quality Restore Fatigue | 2 |
Potion of Cure Common Disease | -1 |
Potion of Cure Poison | -1 |
- After Sinnammu names you Nerevarine, she is supposed to return to her yurt. In some cases, she may disappear entirely instead.
- As with many other instances of disappearing characters, the console command
) will correct this.
- As with many other instances of disappearing characters, the console command
- Morrowind-NPCs
- Morrowind-Dark Elf
- Morrowind-Dark Elf-Female
- Morrowind-Female NPCs
- Morrowind-Wise Woman Service
- Morrowind-Level 21 NPCs
- Morrowind-Merchants
- Morrowind-Spellmakers
- Morrowind-Essential NPCs
- Morrowind-Follower NPCs
- Morrowind-Ingredient Merchants
- Morrowind-Potion Merchants
- Morrowind-Merchants-Novice
- Morrowind-Factions-Ashlanders
- Morrowind-Factions-Ashlanders-Farseer
- Morrowind-Confirmed Bugs